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Equitable Participation

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1 Equitable Participation
55 Miller Street Enola, PA Tel Fax Consultation Meeting For Parents: Equitable Participation

2 Equitable Participation
Special Education Equitable Participation

3 Agenda Capital Area Intermediate Unit
Public school vs. non-public school Special Education Special Education Options Equitable Participation EP vs. ANPS Evaluation process Child Find Funding Requesting services once identified Service Menu Yearly time line Questions and answers related to special education and equitable participation

4 CAIU Our Mission: The Capital Area Intermediate Unit will achieve educational excellence with families, schools and communities through leadership, partnership and innovation. Our Vision: Educational Excellence through Leadership, Partnership and Innovation. The CAIU is one of 29 regional educational service agencies in Pennsylvania. We serve Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry, and Northern York Counties in south central PA. We focus our efforts on our 24 member school districts, 2 area vocational technical schools, over 50 non-public schools, several charter schools and cyber charter schools. In addition, we operate Capital Area Online Learning Association (CAOLA), and the Capital Area Adventures (CAA). We also work very closely with our partners in higher education.

5 CAIU continued Several statewide projects are administered by the CAIU, including PA Initiative for Instructional Coaching and Comprehensive Planning. We currently employ about 490 persons who work on one of our five teams: Administrative Services, Curriculum Services, Business/Human Resources and Communications Services, Student Services and Technology Services.

6 Private/Non-Public Schools
Act 89 Auxiliary Services to Non-Public Schools The state of Pennsylvania established Act 89 through legislative action in The purpose of Act 89 is to provide auxiliary educational services to Pennsylvania students who are enrolled in nonprofit, non-public schools. Regulations, guidelines, and procedures are issued and updated by the state Department of Education. All related information is summarized in the Public School Code of Pennsylvania. The Capital Area Intermediate Unit (CAIU) administers the fiscal, educational, and programmatic services to the non-public schools located within Dauphin, Cumberland, and Perry Counties. Approximately 10,000 students attend these schools.

7 ANPS continued CAIU Act 89 Program Plan: Academic Remediation
School Counseling Speech and Language Support Psychological Evaluation and Consultative Services

8 What is Special Education?

9 Special Education: acronyms you may see
PTE- permission to evaluate PTRE-permission to reevaluate ER-evaluation report RR- reevaluation report IEP-individual education plan (public school document) NOREP-Notice of recommended educational placement Invite-invitation to attend a meeting related to ER/RR/IEP

10 Special Education Options
Full time enrollment in public school where the school evaluates the child, writes the IEP, and the student receives FAPE Dual Enrollment where the student enrolls part-time in the public school and services are provided through a service plan Child remains in private school and services are requested through EP, service plans are developed from services provided from the limited service menu

11 Equitable Participation
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that the CAIU, as a sub grantee, make provisions for children with disabilities enrolled by their parents in private schools to benefit from special education services. However, there is no individual entitlement to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for these students. The CAIU is required to consult with representatives of private schools to determine which children will receive services, what services will be provided, how and where the services will be provided, and how the services will be evaluated.

12 EP continued The procedures for a private school student to access services from the CAIU are as follows: First, the student must have been identified as eligible under IDEA and offered FAPE by a school district, that is, an offer of special education via an Individualized Education Program (IEP) which would be available if the parent wishes to take advantage of a public school education. Second, if the parent refuses the offer of FAPE, but wishes to enroll, or maintain enrollment of their child at a private school, the student may access services from the CAIU if those services have been determined available through the consultation described above. The list of available services may vary from year to year depending on the results of the annual consultation with representatives of private schools.

13 EP continued Next, if a parent who refuses the offer of FAPE wishes to access services under the IDEA from the CAIU, the private school must submit a Referral Request Form to Central Referral indicating a request for “Equitable Participation” with a copy of the child’s Evaluation Report, IEP and Notice of Recommended Educational Placement (NOREP). The “Reason for Referral” should be indicated in the space provided. The CAIU will follow up on the referral, which may result in the development of a Service Plan if the needed services are on the list of available services.

14 The Evaluation Process
From public school: From CAIU: Parent writes a letter to public school asking for their child to be tested School sends out PTE 60 day process/test + present report An IEP could follow Parent writes a letter to the IU requesting testing School psychologist will gather If an evaluation is warranted a PTE will be sent out 60 days process/test + present the report

15 EP vs. ANPS Equitable Participation Aide to Non-Public Schools
The child is identified as having a disability and in need of specially designed instruction. The child has been parentally placed in a non-public school Aide to Non-Public Schools Act 89 provides auxiliary educational services to children parentally placed in the non-public schools. For example, remedial reading to child that does not have a diagnosis but does have a need.

16 The Evaluation Process
Explanation of Child find Funding Requesting a service

17 Child Find The IU, acting as the LEA for the non-public schools, is required by law to find and identify any students residing in its footprint who are parentally placed in a non-public school. In August a letter is sent to non-public school principals asking them to list students who have been identified with a disability and who are in need of specially designed instruction. In addition, they send the IU a copy of the child’s current evaluation report that documents the disability.

18 Funding Letters are sent to principals in August asking principals to identify any students identified with a disability and in need of specially designed instruction Letters are returned to the IU by November 1st with a list of identified students An ER or RR that states their disability and need for special education is included with any newly enrolled students Calculation/number of eligible students in non-public schools in CAIU footprint THEN number of eligible students residing in CAIU footprint THEN a multiplier=estimated funding allocation The budgeted amount for the academic school year=$214,

19 Requesting a service The non-public school, in conjunction with parents with eligible students, submits a referral request to the IU EP coordinator The request for services is limited to the services on the current menu Requests for services under EP should mirror the specified needs identified in the most recent evaluation The IU supervisor will review request, accept or deny it, and follow up with school personnel Services will be outlined in a Service Plan NOT an IEP

20 Services continued The CAIU is responsible to act as the LEA and provide the approved services IU staff will be assigned to provide the services Services can be provided at the non-public school, at the public school of residency, or at the IU. Up until this point all services have been provided and accessed at the non-public school.

21 Service Menu 2014-2015 Occupational Therapy-direct therapy sessions
Speech/Language-direct therapy sessions Reading- direct services for 3rd grade through 5th Positive Behavior Support-consultation Autistic Support-consultation DHH- consultation VI-consultation Staff training-consultation

22 Yearly time line-parents
In July of each year a letter is generated and sent to parents of children who received services in a non-public school the year prior The letter asks for the parents to decide if services will continue and to sign/return the letter to the CAIU Notification to school administrators will then occur following the return of the ‘continuation’ letters. New service plans are developed at the start of every academic year

23 Yearly timeline If a child is due for a reevaluation the process can move along if parents return paperwork in a timely manner. The PTE or PTRE The parent survey The invite The NOREP-if needed

24 Questions and Answers:
Special Education/Equitable Participation

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