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2007 NAU Presentation to campus entities:
Answers and Questions-- Newly Adopted Legislation Overview--Division I Jared Bruggeman/Jim Fallis Associate AD/Director of Athletics July 13th, 2007 Modified from NCAA presentation June 2007
Administrative Regulations
Foreign tour may not occur: Beginning 30 days before first permissible practice date until first permissible date for a contest or date of competition in the championship segment. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: To specify that an institutional foreign tour may not occur during the period beginning 30 days before the first permissible practice date until the first permissible date for a contest or date of competition in the championship segment of the institution's playing and practice season in the applicable sport.
For sports that have the same first permissible date for practice and competition: No tour for a period of 30 days prior to the first day of the institution's declared playing and practice season (first permissible date of practice or competition) for the championship segment in the applicable sport. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: To clarify that in sports in which separate dates are specified for the first permissible date of practice and the first permissible date of competition for the championship segment, an institution may not engage in a foreign tour during the period beginning 30 days prior to the first permissible practice date until the first permissible date for a contest or date of competition in the championship segment of the institution's playing and practice season in the applicable sport; further to clarify that in sports in which the same date is specified for the first permissible date of practice and the first permissible date of competition, an institution may not engage in a foreign tour for a period of 30 days prior to the first day of the institution's declared playing and practice season (first permissible date of practice or competition) for the championship segment in the applicable sport.
Proposal No ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS -- CONTEST EXEMPTIONS/CERTIFICATION -- SPORTS OTHER THAN BASKETBALL AND FOOTBALL -- ELIMINATION OF CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Eliminates the event certification program. Sports other than football and basketball. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: In sports other than basketball and football, to eliminate the event certification program.
Proposal No AMATEURISM -- INVOLVEMENT WITH PROFESSIONAL TEAMS -- TRYOUT AFTER ENROLLMENT -- RECEIPT OF EXPENSES -- ANY TIME Student-athlete may tryout with professional team: At any time. May not miss class. May receive actual and necessary expenses in conjunction with 48-hour tryout per professional team. Self-financed tryout may be for any length of time. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To specify that, after initial full-time collegiate enrollment, an individual who has eligibility remaining may try out with a professional athletics team (or participate in a combine including that team) at any time, provided the individual does not miss class; further, to specify that an individual may receive actual and necessary expenses in conjunction with one 48-hour tryout per professional team (or a combine including that team) and that a self-financed tryout may be for any length of time.
Proposal No AMATEURISM -- INVOLVEMENT WITH PROFESSIONAL TEAMS -- DRAFT AND INQUIRY -- DRAFT LIST -- SPORTS OTHER THAN BASKETBALL AND FOOTBALL Student-athlete may enter professional league’s draft: Sports other than football and basketball. One time during collegiate career. May not be drafted. Within 72-hours following draft declares his or her intention to resume participation. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: In sports other than basketball and football, to specify that an enrolled student-athlete may enter a professional league's draft one time during his or her collegiate career without jeopardizing eligibility in that sport, provided the student-athlete is not drafted and within 72 hours following the draft he or she declares his or her intention to resume participation in intercollegiate athletics.
Proposal No AMATEURISM -- PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES -- INSTITUTIONAL, CHARITABLE, EDUCATIONAL OR NONPROFIT PROMOTIONS -- DE MINIMIS VIOLATIONS -- WRITTEN APPROVAL Violation of the promotional activities legislation in which the only condition of the legislation not satisfied is the failure to obtain written approval from the director of athletics (or his or her designee who may not be a coaching staff member) shall not affect the student-athlete's eligibility. Provided the approval would have been granted if requested. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: To specify that a violation of the promotional activities legislation in which the only condition of the legislation not satisfied is the failure to obtain written approval from the director of athletics (or his or her designee who may not be a coaching staff member) shall not affect the student-athlete's eligibility, provided the approval would have been granted if requested.
Athletics Certification
Clarifies standards in governance and commitment to rules compliance. Effective Date: August 1, 2008, beginning with the third athletics certification cycle. Intent: To clarify the athletics certification program standards in the area of governance and commitment to rules compliance, as specified.
Clarifies standards in academic integrity. Effective Date: August 1, 2008, beginning with the third athletics certification cycle. Intent: To clarify the athletics certification program standards in the area of academic integrity, as specified.
Clarifies standards in gender, diversity and student-athlete well-being. Effective Date: August 1, 2008, beginning with the third athletics certification cycle. Intent: To clarify the athletics certification program standards in the area of gender, diversity and student-athlete well-being, as specified.
Awards, Benefits and Expenses
Proposal No AWARDS, BENEFITS AND EXPENSES -- CONFERENCE AWARDS -- ATHLETE OF THE YEAR TROPHY A conference may provide a trophy in conjunction with “athlete of the year” award. Maximum value of trophy is $1,500. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To specify that a conference may provide a trophy in conjunction with its "athlete of the year" award and that the maximum value of the trophy is $1,500.
Proposal No AWARDS, BENEFITS AND EXPENSES -- COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSIONS AND TICKET BENEFITS -- COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSIONS TO AN INSTITUTION'S HOME CONTEST HONORING A STUDENT-ATHLETE Increases from three to four the complimentary admissions an institution may provide to a student-athlete for an institution’s game or event. When student-athlete is being honored but not participating. Must be used by student-athlete’s parents, legal guardians and/or spouse. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To increase, from three to four, the number of complimentary admissions that an institution may provide to a student-athlete for an institution's game or event during which a student-athlete is being honored but not participating, provided such complimentary admissions are used by the student-athlete's parents, legal guardians and/or spouse.
Proposal No AWARDS, BENEFITS AND EXPENSES – TRAINING TABLE MEALS -- COST TO STUDENT-ATHLETE NOT RECEIVING BOARD SCHOLARSHIP Student-athlete who does not receive institutional athletics financial aid covering board may purchase one training table meal per day. At same rate that the institution deducts from the board allowance of student-athletes. Includes walk-ons or partial scholarship recipients. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: To specify that a student-athlete who does not receive institutional athletically related financial aid covering the full cost of board, including a walk-on or partial scholarship recipient, may purchase one training table meal per day at the same rate that the institution deducts from the board allowance of student-athletes who receive athletically related financial aid covering board costs.
Proposal No B AWARDS, BENEFITS AND EXPENSES -- PERMISSIBLE HOUSING AND MEALS -- VACATION PERIOD MEALS -- OUTSIDE THE ACADEMIC YEAR Institution may provide an additional meal to student-athletes during each day of any vacation period. Student-athlete must be required to remain on campus for practice or competition. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To permit an institution to provide an additional meal, at its discretion, to student-athletes during each day of any vacation period, including outside the academic year, provided the student-athlete is required to remain on campus to be involved in practice or competition.
Proposal No. M AWARDS, BENEFITS AND EXPENSES -- PERMISSIBLE HOUSING AND MEALS -- VACATION PERIOD MEALS -- NO CASH IN LIEU OF ADDITIONAL MEAL Institution may not provide the cash equivalent of the permissible additional meal during any vacation period. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: To clarify that an institution may not provide the cash equivalent of the permissible additional meal that may be provided to student-athletes during vacation periods in which they are required to remain on campus to be involved in practice or competition.
Proposal No AWARDS, BENEFITS AND EXPENSES -- EXPENSES PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTION FOR PRACTICE AND COMPETITION -- OTHER COMPETITION -- NATIONAL TEAM TRYOUT COMPETITION Institution may provide actual and necessary expenses related to a student-athlete’s participation in: One national team tryout event per academic year (or in the following summer). Participants are selected for the team that will participate in the Olympic Games, Pan American Games, World Championships, World Cup and World University Games. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To permit an institution to provide actual and necessary expenses related to a student-athlete's participation in one national team tryout competition event per academic year (or in the following summer) from which participants are selected for the team that will participate in the Olympic Games, Pan American Games, World Championships, World Cup and World University Games.
Proposal No ELIGIBILITY AND FINANCIAL AID -- COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER NCAA AND CONFERENCE LEGISLATION Student-athlete eligibility not affected for competing while ineligible due to violation of conference rule or a violation of NCAA financial aid legislation related to conference rule. Still considered institutional violation. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: To specify that an NCAA violation for competition while ineligible due to a conference rule violation or a violation of NCAA financial aid legislation that relates only to a violation of a conference rule shall be considered an institutional violation, but shall not affect the student-athlete's eligibility.
Proposal No ELIGIBILITY -- GENERAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS -- CHANGE IN ELIGIBILITY STATUS -- ELIGIBILITY FOR POSTSEASON COMPETITION BETWEEN TERMS Institution must certify that all student-athletes have satisfactorily completed at least six semester hours or six quarter hours of academic credit. To be eligible to compete in postseason competition occurring between terms. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To specify that, in order for any student-athlete to be eligible to compete in postseason competition occurring between regular terms, an institution shall certify that he or she has satisfactorily completed six semester hours or six quarter hours of academic credit during the preceding regular academic term.
Proposal No ELIGIBILITY -- GENERAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS -- CHANGE IN ELIGIBILITY STATUS -- ELIGIBILITY FOR POSTSEASON COMPETITION BETWEEN TERMS -- LESS THAN FULL-TIME ENROLLMENT Institution must certify student-athlete in final season is eligible: When enrolled in at least six hours. When enrolled in less than six. Postseason competition. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To specify that a student-athlete who is in his or her final season of competition in the applicable sport and is enrolled in less than a minimum full-time program of studies, but is enrolled in at least six hours, shall have satisfactorily completed six semester or six quarter hours of academic credit during the preceding regular term in order to be eligible to participate in postseason competition occurring between terms; and to specify that a student-athlete who is in his or her final season of competition in the applicable sport and is enrolled in less than six hours, shall have satisfactorily completed the number of semester or quarter hours of academic credit in which he or she was enrolled during the preceding regular academic term in order to be eligible to participate in postseason competition occurring between terms.
Proposal No A ELIGIBILITY -- CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING SEASON OF ELIGIBILITY -- TENNIS AND SWIMMING AND DIVING -- PARTICIPATION IN ELITE EVENTS Student-athlete’s participation in: Olympic Games, Pan American Games, World Championships, World Cup and World University Games is exempt from seasons of competition and residency regulations. Tennis and swimming and diving. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: In tennis and swimming and diving, to specify that a student-athlete's participation in the Olympic Games, Pan American Games, World Championships, World Cup and World University Games is exempt from application of the legislation governing seasons of competition and residency in those sports.
Proposal No ELIGIBILITY -- SEASONS OF COMPETITION -- HARDSHIP WAIVER -- MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONTESTS OR DATES OF COMPETITION Increases maximum number of contests or dates of competition for hardship waiver criteria. Three or 30 percent of scheduled or completed contests or dates of competition. Effective Date: Immediate; applicable to student-athletes who initially enrolled full time in a collegiate institution on or after August 1, 2003. Intent: To increase the maximum permissible number of contests or dates of competition in which a student-athlete may participate in a season and remain eligible for a hardship waiver to three scheduled or completed contests or dates of competition or 30 percent of the institution's scheduled or completed contests or dates of competition.
Proposal No A ELIGIBILITY -- FRESHMAN ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS -- CORE-CURRICULUM TIME LIMITATION Prospective student-athlete must complete core-curriculum requirements: Not later than high school graduation date of prospective student-athletes class. If prospective student-athlete graduates from high school within this timeframe, he or she may use one core course completed in year after graduation. Effective Date: August 1, 2007 (applicable to individuals who initially enroll full time at a collegiate institution on or after August 1, 2007). Intent: To specify that a prospective student-athlete must complete his or her core-curriculum requirements not later than the high school graduation date of the prospective student-athlete's class [as determined by the first year of enrollment in high school (ninth grade) or the international equivalent as specified in the NCAA Guide to International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility]; however, if the prospective student-athlete graduates from high school within the described timeframe, he or she may use one core course completed in the year after graduation (summer or academic year), but not later than the end of the academic year immediately after the high school graduation date of the prospective student-athlete's class.
Proposal No ELIGIBILITY -- FOUR-YEAR COLLEGE TRANSFERS -- ELIGIBILITY FOR INSTITUTIONAL ATHLETICALLY RELATED FINANCIAL AID COLLEGE TRANSFER 4-2-4 transfer must complete at least one regular academic term of enrollment at two-year school in order to be eligible for athletically related financial aid at the certifying institution. Previously this was a loophole now closed. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To specify that a student-athlete who transfers from a four-year institution to a two-year institution and then to the certifying institution shall complete at least one regular academic term of enrollment at the two-year institution in order to be eligible for athletically related financial aid at the certifying institution.
Ethical Conduct
Specifies and clarifies prohibited sports wagering activities and individuals to whom the prohibitions apply. This redefines the people not allowed to gamble as: Athletic department staff League officials including administration, etc. Student-athletes Nonathletics staff with responsibilities within or over the athletic dept. (President, VP, FAR, Fin. Aid, Housing, etc.) Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To specify and clarify prohibited sports wagering activities and the individuals to whom the prohibitions apply. NCAA Proposal No B, tabled by NCAA Division I Board of Directors.
Proposal No ETHICAL CONDUCT AND AMATEURISM -- UNETHICAL CONDUCT AND VALIDITY OF AMATEUR STATUS -- INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY Must provide complete and accurate information to the NCAA, the NCAA Eligibility Center or the institution’s athletics department regarding amateur status. Institution responsible for promptly reporting all discrepancies in information. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: To specify that unethical conduct shall include the failure to provide complete and accurate information to the NCAA, the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse or the institution's athletics department regarding an individual's amateur status; further, to specify that an institution is responsible for promptly reporting all discrepancies in information related to a student-athlete's amateurism certification to the clearinghouse.
Financial Aid
Proposal No FINANCIAL AID -- ELIGIBILITY OF STUDENT-ATHLETES FOR INSTITUTIONAL FINANCIAL AID -- NCAA DEGREE-COMPLETION AWARD Institution may provide athletically related financial aid to student-athlete who is selected for NCAA Degree-Completion Award. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To permit an institution to provide athletically related financial aid to a student-athlete who is selected for an NCAA Degree-Completion Award.
Proposal No FINANCIAL AID -- MIDYEAR GRADUATE REPLACEMENT -- WOMEN'S GYMNASTICS AND WOMEN'S TENNIS Aid of a student-athlete (counter) who graduates at midyear and who does not return to the institution for the following academic term may be provided to another student-athlete. Replacement of counter. Women’s gymnastics and women’s tennis. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: In women's gymnastics and women's tennis, to specify that the financial aid of a counter who graduates at midyear with eligibility remaining and who does not return to the institution for the following academic term may be provided to another student-athlete without making the second student-athlete a counter for the remainder of the academic year.
Proposal No FINANCIAL AID -- STUDENT-ATHLETE OPPORTUNITY FUND -- ATHLETIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES NCAA Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund may not be used to fund: Outside athletics development opportunities for student-athletes. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: To specify that the NCAA Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund may not be used to fund outside athletics development opportunities for student-athletes (e.g., participation in a sports camp or clinic, private sports-related instruction, greens fees, batting cage rental, outside foreign tour expenses).
Proposal No PERSONNEL -- LIMITATION ON NUMBER OF OFF-CAMPUS RECRUITERS -- FENCING, GOLF, MEN'S GYMNASTICS, RIFLE, MEN'S TENNIS AND MEN'S WATER POLO Increases from one to two the number of coaches who may contact or evaluate prospects off campus at any one time. Fencing, golf, men’s gymnastics, rifle, men’s tennis and men’s water polo. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: In fencing, golf, men's gymnastics, rifle, men's tennis and men's water polo, to increase, from one to two, the number of coaches who may contact or evaluate prospects off campus at any time one time.
Playing and Practice Seasons
Prospective student-athletes and student-athletes must undergo medical examination: Prior to initial participation in any practice, competition or out of season conditioning. Prior to safety exception. Prior to permissible voluntary summer conditioning. Requires updated medical history each year. Effective Date: May 1, 2007. Intent: In all sports, to require prospective student-athletes and student-athletes to undergo a medical examination administered or supervised by a physician prior to initial participation in any practice, competition or out of season conditioning and to require an updated medical history each year. In the applicable sports, to require prospective student-athletes to undergo a medical examination administered or supervised by a physician prior to participation in any voluntary individual workouts pursuant to the safety exception. In football and basketball, to require prospective student-athletes to undergo a medical examination administered or supervised by a physician prior to voluntary summer conditioning activities.
Proposal No PLAYING AND PRACTICE SEASONS -- LOCATION OF QUALIFYING REGULAR-SEASON MULTIPLE-TEAM EVENT -- BASKETBALL Qualifying, regular-season multiple-team event may occur in Canada or Mexico. Basketball. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: In basketball, to specify that a qualifying regular-season multiple-team event may occur in Canada or Mexico.
Proposal No PLAYING AND PRACTICE SEASONS -- NUMBER OF DATES OF COMPETITION -- MAXIMUM LIMITATIONS -- GOLF Golf --Total of nine three-day tournaments. 54 holes per tournament. Or 24 dates of competition. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: In golf, to permit an institution to participate in a total of nine three-day tournaments (with a maximum of 54 holes per tournament) or 24 dates of competition.
Institutional note cards may not exceed 8 ½ by 11 inches when opened in full. May only contain institution’s name and athletics logo on the outside. May not include any preprinted information on the inside. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To specify that institutional note cards may not exceed 8 1/2 by 11 inches when opened in full and may only contain the institution's name and logo or an athletics logo on the outside and may not include any preprinted information on the inside.
Proposal No RECRUITING -- ADVERTISEMENTS AND PROMOTIONS -- CONFERENCE-SPONSORED SPORTSMANSHIP INITIATIVES Conference office may coordinate sportsmanship initiatives that may involve prospective student-athletes and their educational institutions. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To permit a conference office to coordinate sportsmanship initiatives that may involve prospective student-athletes and their educational institutions, as specified.
Electronically transmitted correspondence sent to a prospective student-athlete is limited to electronic mail and facsimiles. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To specify that electronically transmitted correspondence that may be sent to a prospective student-athlete is limited to electronic mail and facsimiles.
Proposal No RECRUITING -- RECRUITING MATERIALS -- VIDEO/AUDIO MATERIALS -- COMPUTER RECRUITING PRESENTATIONS Institution may produce a computer recruiting presentation to show to a prospective student-athlete during an in-home visit or an official or unofficial visit. May not: Include video/audio component (except highlight videos). Be personalized to include prospective student-athlete’s name, picture or likeness. Be created by an entity outside the institution. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: To permit an institution to produce a computer recruiting presentation to show to a prospective student-athlete during an in-home visit or an official or unofficial visit.
Proposal No RECRUITING -- RECRUITING MATERIALS -- ADVERTISEMENTS AND PROMOTIONS -- INTERVIEW TO RECRUITING PUBLICATION Coaching staff member may provide an interview for an article that will appear in a recruiting publication or newsletter. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: To eliminate the restriction that precludes an institutional coaching staff member from providing an interview for an article that will appear in a recruiting publication or newsletter.
Proposal No A RECRUITING -- OFFICIAL VISIT REQUIREMENTS AND WRITTEN OFFERS OF ATHLETICALLY RELATED FINANCIAL AID -- REGISTRATION WITH INITIAL-ELIGIBILITY CLEARINGHOUSE AND INSTITUTIONAL REQUEST LIST No official visit or written offer of athletically related financial aid to high school or prep school prospective student-athlete until: He or she registers with the NCAA Eligibility Center and Is placed on institutional request list. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To specify that an institution shall not provide an official visit to a high school or preparatory school prospective student-athlete until he or she registers with the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse and is placed on the institutional request list; further, to specify that an institution shall not provide a high school or preparatory school prospective student-athlete a written offer of athletically related financial aid until he or she has registered with the clearinghouse and the institution places the prospective student-athlete on the institutional request list with the clearinghouse.
Proposal No RECRUITING -- OFFICIAL VISIT -- LENGTH OF OFFICIAL VISIT -- EXCEPTION FOR EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES Establishes exception to 48-hour official visit for reasons beyond the control of the prospective student-athlete and the institution. Institution must submit report to conference office noting details of the circumstances. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To establish an exception to the 48-hour official visit for reasons beyond the control of the prospective student-athlete and the institution and to specify that in such instances, the institution shall submit a report to the conference office noting the details of the circumstances.
Proposal No RECRUITING -- UNOFFICIAL OR OFFICIAL VISITS -- PROFESSIONAL TRYOUT OR WORKOUT ACTIVITIES During an official or unofficial visit a prospective student-athlete may not attend events in which professional tryout or workout activities occur. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: To specify that during any official or unofficial visit a prospective student-athlete may not attend events in which professional tryout or workout activities occur.
Proposal No ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS -- RECRUITING CALENDARS -- MEN'S BASKETBALL -- MARCH CONTACT PERIOD Men’s Basketball Recruiting Calendar. Contact period March 16 through 22. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: In men's basketball, to establish a contact period March 16 through 22.
Proposal No ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS -- RECRUITING CALENDARS -- MEN'S BASKETBALL -- CHAMPIONSHIP DEAD PERIOD Men’s Basketball Recruiting Calendar. Dead period surrounding NCAA Men’s Final Four. Thursday prior to championship game until noon on Thursday following championship game. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: In men's basketball, to specify that the dead period surrounding the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship shall be from Thursday prior to the championship game until noon on Thursday following the championship game.
Proposal No A ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS -- SUMMER BASKETBALL EVENT CERTIFICATION -- MEN'S AND WOMEN'S BASKETBALL -- ADDITIONAL CRITERIA Additional criteria for basketball event certification: Qualified medical personnel must be present at summer events; Athletically related activities are precluded from beginning prior to 8 a.m. and the last athletically related activity may not begin later than 10 p.m.; Prospective student-athletes may participate in no more than five games over a rolling two-day period and in no more than three games on any one day; and Intent: To specify that the following additional criteria be satisfied in order for a men's or women's basketball event to be certified for coaches to attend: (1) Qualified medical personnel must be present at summer events; (2) Athletically related activities are precluded from beginning prior to 8 a.m. and the last athletically related activity may not begin later than 10 p.m.; (3) Prospective student-athletes may participate in no more than five games over a rolling two-day period and in no more than three games on any one day; and (4) The price of event packets must be listed on the event certification application and the price must made available to coaches prior to their arrival at the event.
Proposal No A(Continued) ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS -- SUMMER BASKETBALL EVENT CERTIFICATION -- MEN'S AND WOMEN'S BASKETBALL -- ADDITIONAL CRITERIA The price of event packets must be listed on the event certification application and the price must made available to coaches prior to their arrival at the event. Effective Date: Immediate.
Women’s Basketball Recruiting Calendar. Revises the number of recruiting person days from 85 to 100. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: In women's basketball, to revise the number of recruiting-person days from 85 to 100.
Proposal No RECRUITING -- LIMITATIONS ON NUMBER OF EVALUATIONS -- FALL CONTACT PERIOD AND SPRING EVALUATION WEEKEND -- WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Women’s Basketball. Evaluations at nonscholastic events may occur: During the last full weekend (including Friday, Saturday and Sunday) of fall contact period. During Friday, Saturday and Sunday of spring evaluation period. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: In women's basketball, to specify that evaluations at nonscholastic events may occur during the last full weekend (including Friday, Saturday and Sunday) of the fall contact period and the Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the spring evaluation period.
NCAA Proposal No RECRUITING -- TELEPHONE CALLS TO PROSPECTIVE STUDENT-ATHLETES -- TIME PERIOD FOR TELEPHONE CALLS -- WOMEN'S BASKETBALL -- APRIL CALL TO JUNIORS Women’s Basketball. One permissible telephone call in April of a prospective student-athlete’s junior year may not be made until the Thursday after the conclusion of the NCAA Women’s Final Four. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: In women's basketball, to specify that the one permissible telephone call in April of a prospective student-athlete's junior year in high school may not be made until the Thursday after the conclusion of the NCAA Women's Final Four.
Proposal No ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS -- RECRUITING CALENDARS -- CROSS COUNTRY AND TRACK AND FIELD Cross Country and Track and Field. Establishes recruiting calendar. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: To establish a recruiting calendar for cross country and track and field, as specified.
Proposal No RECRUITING -- TELEPHONE CALLS TO PROSPECTIVE STUDENT-ATHLETES -- EXCEPTION -- FOOTBALL -- ONE TELEPHONE CALL APRIL 15 THROUGH MAY 31 Football. One telephone call to a prospective student-athlete or a prospective student-athlete’s relatives or legal guardians from April 15 through May 31 of the prospective student-athlete’s junior year in high school. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: In football, to specify that an institution may make one telephone call to a prospective student-athlete or a prospective student-athlete's relatives or legal guardians from April 15 through May 31 of the prospective student-athlete's junior year in high school.
Proposal No RECRUITING -- SPORTS CAMPS AND CLINICS -- INSTITUTION'S SPORTS CAMPS AND CLINICS – LOCATION -- FOOTBALL Football. Institution’s camp or clinic shall be conducted: On institution’s campus; Within the state the institution is located; or If outside the state, within a 50-mile radius of the institution’s campus. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: In football, to specify that an institution's camp or clinic shall be conducted on the institution's campus, within the state in which the institution is located or, if outside the state, within a 50-mile radius of the institution's campus.
Proposal No RECRUITING -- LIMITATIONS ON NUMBER OF EVALUATIONS -- EVALUATION DAYS -- WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL Women’s Volleyball. Observation of prospective student-athletes participating in high school volleyball competition shall be included in the permissible 80 evaluation days. Effective Date: August 1, 2007. Intent: In women's volleyball, to specify that the observation of prospective student-athletes participating in high school volleyball competition shall be included in the permissible 80 evaluation days.
Proposal No RECRUITING -- ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS -- RECRUITING CALENDARS -- WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL -- EVALUATION PERIOD IN CONJUNCTION WITH CHAMPIONSHIP Women’s Volleyball Recruiting Calendar. Evaluations may occur at one event conducted on the Sunday immediately following the NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball Championship. Event occurs within a 100-mile radius of the site of the championship. Effective Date: Immediate. Intent: In women's volleyball, to specify that evaluations may occur at one event conducted on the Sunday immediately following the NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball Championship, provided the event occurs within a 100-mile radius of the site of the championship.
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