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We Go Together Like a Wink and a Smile

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Presentation on theme: "We Go Together Like a Wink and a Smile"— Presentation transcript:

1 We Go Together Like a Wink and a Smile
Dr. Janet L. Bavonese Dr. Cynthia Connor Mrs. Lynetta Owens Mrs. Karen W. Carr

2 Session Outcomes 1.) Participants will relate to Transition University (TU) as a support for teacher candidates and high school students with ID. 2.) Participants will interpret TU roles for various stakeholders. 3.) Participants will evaluate past accomplishments and future plans for TU.

3 Jacksonville State University
Rich History in Education 1883: Normal School: Preparatory school 1930: Jacksonville State Teachers College 1957: Jacksonville State College- first graduate degree: Master’s in Elementary Education 1966: From College to University

4 Jacksonville State University The friendliest campus in the South
Jacksonville State University strives for continuous improvement as a learning centered community committed to developing the ability to think critically, solve problems creatively and collaboratively, and communicate effectively.

5 SPE: The Old Story

6 SPE: The New Story Curriculum Co-Teaching Collaboration

7 It’s our wink-and-smile...
As the Moon Pie is to Southern life, Transition University is to our TEP…. ...It’s more than something we do, it’s part of our culture. It’s our wink-and-smile...

8 JSU Special Education Collaborative Teacher
Curriculum JSU Special Education Collaborative Teacher Theory and Methods Courses are yoked together by content or theme, including clinical experiences components Professors and Instructors model and provide experiences with co-teaching strategies in methods courses and workshops TCs engage in robust clinical experiences through a co-teaching platform and in various clinical settings Transition University functions as a clinical setting with dual roles for TCs in Blocks Two & Three

9 Special Education Collaborative Teacher
Elementary Mild SPE Administrative Processes Assessment Collaboration Elementary Ed Collaborative Reading Medical Legal Practicum Mild K-6 Secondary Mild Clinical Observations Assistive Technology Collaboration Secondary Ed Collaborative Math Practicum Mild 6-12 Severe K-12 Methods for Severe Behavior, Classroom Management, Transition Augmentative and Alternative Communication Practicum Severe K-6; 6-12 Internship Reflective Practices Methods in Autism Spectrum Complete edTPA Inservice Advocate for transition needs Return to JSU/TU as Teacher in TU Cooperating Teacher for Candidates Refer to On to JSU

10 Co-Teaching JSU Co-Teaching Institute
Online Training Modules for TC, US, CT in all programs, early childhood/elementary, special education, secondary education disciplines Videos of each Co-teaching model

11 Collaboration TC’s experience how transition curriculum, co-teaching, and collaboration benefit students Junior TC’s support learning opportunities and experience the role of a paraprofessional Senior TC’s plan co-teaching opportunities to model for Junior TC’s in a continuous loop for building leadership capacity Senior TC’s plan supervision of paraprofessionals and provide feedback using a peer coaching model

12 SO…What about that Moon Pie, the wink, and a smile?
Transition University is like the marshmallow fluff that holds everything together: JSU & Local Education Agencies Curriculum Co-Teaching Collaboration

13 College Campus Same Age Peers
SPE/TU Culture College Campus Same Age Peers Transition Skills Person Centered Social Value Passion Advocacy Self-Determination Environment Beliefs Assumptions Behavior Values Dispositions


15 TU Story Map Characters: TCs, HS Students with ID, Teachers, Professors Setting: Jacksonville State University Campus & Community Plot: Design and manage an innovative transition program Conflict: Sustainability Resolution: Advocacy & Innovation

Innovation 2 JSU Special Education Professors 2 Local High School Transition Teachers 8 High School Students w/ disabilities ages 18-21 2 Instructors of SPE Teacher Education at JSU 3 Special Education Teacher Candidates _______________________________________________ TRANSITION UNIVERSITY

17 Socialization with same-age peers for students with significant disabilities 18-21
Community Based Instruction Opportunities for high School Students & Teaching Opportunities for JSU Special Ed. Teacher Candidates Interaction Opportunities for all JSU college students to with individuals with disabilities

18 TU Agenda Students with ID and Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Support Personnel arrive on campus Transition Instruction led by JSU Teacher Candidates Field Trip: Campus or Community Lunch at Jack Hopper Dining Hall Students with ID and Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Support Personnel depart campus JSU TC’s reflect and provide feedback on the TU session Planning for next session begins

19 TC’s plan and facilitate lessons
Based on AL Transition Standards Senior TC’s deliver lessons as the Lead Teacher Part of TC formal clinical experience Junior TC’s act as Paraprofessionals Sample Lessons

20 TU Field Trips Planned in cooperation with Campus Community and uses campus transportation system Connected to Transition Skill Lessons Includes campus locations Athletics Family and Consumer Science Kitchens Planetarium/Art Gallery/Walking Loop Includes community locations Grocery Store Drug Store Local Businesses Community Agencies


22 The TU Story Continues…
Professional Learning Communities High School Teachers will: Collaborate with teachers from other school districts Meet State and Local agencies to link students and parents with adult services Receive CEUs related to AQTS

23 Transition University Professional Learning Communities
Topics will include: Effective transitional goals for students Medical, legal and ethical issues for students Self-Advocacy for students Agency notification, participation, and responsibilities Student centered planning Peer-coaching

24 The On to JSU Program will provide students with intellectual disabilities (ID) stand-alone support for the opportunity to participate with nondisabled peers in: attending academic classes (audit credit), joining campus social events with nondisabled peers, residing on campus, and completing an internship of their interests and preferences.

25 We Go Together Like a Wink and a Smile

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