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Foreign Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Foreign Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foreign Policy

2 Conducting Foreign Relations
Section-1 Conducting Foreign Relations The Main Idea The United States has relationships with many foreign countries. Both the president and Congress play roles in conducting foreign policy. Reading Focus What are the goals of U.S. foreign policy? What are the president's military and diplomatic powers? What other governmental agencies help the president and Congress conduct foreign policy? How do the powers of Congress balance the president's powers?

3 Conducting Foreign Relations
Section-1 Conducting Foreign Relations The purposes of foreign policy: Maintain national security Support democracy Promote world peace Provide aid to people in need

4 Conducting Foreign Relations
Section-1 Conducting Foreign Relations The president's military and diplomatic powers: Military powers—commander in chief: recommends military operations to Congress Diplomatic powers—makes treaties: peace treaties- agreements to end war alliance treaties- agreement stating countries will help one another(friends) commercial treaties- economic agreement approving trading between countries Executive agreements- Mutual understanding between President and leader of foreign government. Diplomatic Powers diplomatic recognition- Presidents may recognize official relations with foreign govt. appoints and receives ambassadors

5 Section-1 Foreign Policy Bureaucracy(important decisions are made by state officials) Department of State- Main organization that carries out U.S. foreign policy Presidents “eyes and ears” for foreign relations President appoints who heads dept. with a Senate approval Department of Defense- Important source of military information Headed by Secretary of Defense Includes Joint Chiefs of Staff(includes highest ranking official for Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines) Peace Corps Volunteer program used to promote international peace

6 Conducting Foreign Relations
Section-1 Conducting Foreign Relations Congress balances the president's authority: The Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Committee on International Relations make policy recommendations to the president. Senate must approve treaties by a two-thirds vote. Only Congress can declare war. 1973—War Powers Act limited the president's power to send troops abroad. Congress must approve all spending of public funds such as defense spending.

7 Conducting Foreign Relations
Section-1 Conducting Foreign Relations Question: How do the powers of Congress balance the president's authority in foreign relations?

8 Conducting Foreign Relations
Section-1 Conducting Foreign Relations Question: How do the powers of Congress balance the president's authority in foreign relations? Congress's Foreign-Policy Powers approves treaties and appointments declares war can invoke the War Powers Act controls finances

9 Working for Peace The Main Idea Reading Focus
Section-2 Working for Peace The Main Idea To promote peace and stability, the United States engages in diplomacy with other nations. These alliances with other countries serve mutual defense, economic, and other needs. Reading Focus Why is diplomacy important; and what alliances has the United States made with other countries to promote mutual defense? What forms can U.S. foreign aid take? What organizations exist to promote international trade and economic stability, and what does each one do?

10 Working for Peace NATO and its purpose today:
Section-2 Working for Peace NATO and its purpose today: North Atlantic Treaty Organization—a united front against aggression by the Soviet Union and its communist allies; established 1949 Pledges an attack against one member is an attack against all NATO's Partnership for Peace Program—countries participate in preparation for NATO membership

11 Working for Peace The purpose and forms of foreign aid:
Section-2 Working for Peace The purpose and forms of foreign aid: Provides military or economic assistance to another country Provides food, clothing, and housing to war-torn countries. Rebuilds factories, farms, and transportation systems Helps countries maintain their independence and become self-sufficient Provides humanitarian aid — Peace Corps volunteers provide teaching, engineering, agriculture, and health care assistance.

12 Section-2 Working for Peace Alliances and organizations promoting international trade and economic stability: European Union (EU)—seeks free movement of goods, workers, and capital North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)—allows free trade between Canada, United States, and Mexico Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group (APEC)— promotes cooperation among Asia-Pacific countries

13 Section-2 Working for Peace Alliances and organizations promoting international trade and economic stability: World Trade Organization (WTO)—sets rules for international trade International Monetary Fund (IMF)—lends funds to countries in need United Nations World Bank—offers another way for countries to cooperate

14 Section-2 Working for Peace

15 Section-2 Working for Peace

16 Section-2 Working for Peace

17 Section-2 Working for Peace Question: What are the various forms of U.S. foreign aid?

18 Section-2 Working for Peace Question: What are the various forms of U.S. foreign aid? Humanitarian food clothes shelter workers money

19 Section-2 Working for Peace Question: What are the various forms of U.S. foreign aid? Security soldiers arms money Information The purpose of foreign aid is to provide economic or military assistance to other countries.

20 The United Nations The Main Idea Reading Focus
Section-3 The United Nations The Main Idea The United Nations provides a forum in which countries may discuss serious problems and work toward solutions. Reading Focus What is the United Nations and how is it organized? What is the role of the United Nations in the modern world?

21 The United Nations The United Nations
Section-3 The United Nations The United Nations 1945—United Nations formed to promote peaceful coexistence and Worldwide cooperation; countries pledged to save future generations from war.

22 The United Nations Six Divisions
Section-3 The United Nations Six Divisions General Assembly—discusses, debates, and recommends solutions to global issues Security Council—mainly responsible for peace-keeping International Court of Justice—handles international legal disputes

23 Section-3 The United Nations

24 The United Nations Six Divisions {continued}
Section-3 The United Nations Six Divisions {continued} Economic and Social Council—dedicated to improving lives; conducts studies on world populations Trusteeship Council—helped non-self-governing colonies; suspended in 1994 Secretariat—manages day-to-day activities and provides services

25 The United Nations The Economic and Social Council
Section-3 The United Nations The Economic and Social Council Improves the lives of the world's people Studies health, human rights, education, narcotics, and world population Ensures the UN works together with specialized agencies

26 The United Nations Functions of the specialized agencies:
Section-3 The United Nations Functions of the specialized agencies: Work to improve the lives of the world's people Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)—helps countries grow better food and increase production United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)—extends educational opportunities World Meteorological Organization (WMO)—promotes exchange of weather reports World Bank—makes loans and gives economic and technical advice International Telecommunications Union (ITU)—promotes electronic communication

27 Section-3 The United Nations Question: Why was the United Nations formed, and what are its six divisions?

28 Section-3 The United Nations Question: Why was the United Nations formed, and what are its six divisions? The United Nations was formed to promote peaceful coexistence and cooperation among nations, maintain peace, and support human rights. Six Divisions: Security Council Secretariat Economic and Social Council International Court of Justice Trusteeship Council General Assembly

29 Chapter 22 Wrap-Up Wrap-Up What is the purpose of foreign policy?
What foreign-policy powers does Congress have? Why was NATO created, and what is the Partnership for Peace program? Why does the United States give foreign aid to other countries, and what forms does it take? What is the purpose of the United Nations, and what are its six divisions? What are the arguments for and against a permanent UN army?

30 Print Slide Show On the File menu, select Print
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