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ERA 9 – The Emerging Modern Society

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Presentation on theme: "ERA 9 – The Emerging Modern Society"— Presentation transcript:

1 ERA 9 – The Emerging Modern Society

2 ERA 9 Exam – Jeopardy Review Game
Personal Financial Literacy The Post WWII World 21st Century Issues World Organizations The Cold War $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 $100 – The Post World War II World
These two countries rose up as the world’s super powers after World War II and dominated the world’s politics for the next 50 years.

4 $100 – The Post World War II World
The United States and the Soviet Union

5 $200 – The Post World War II World
Nazi officials and leaders were put on trial for murder and destruction of the peace. These trials were known as the _______________ trials.

6 $200 – The Post World War II World
The Nuremberg Trials

7 $300 – The Post World War II World
The United States’ plan to provide machinery and rebuild Western Europe, in an attempt to protect these countries from Soviet control.

8 $300 – The Post World War II World
The Marshall Plan

9 $400 – The Post World War II World
This world peace-keeping organization was formed after World War II to settle disputes between member countries.

10 $400 – The Post World War II World
The United Nations

11 $500 – The Post World War II World
The 2 powerful world alliances that formed after World War II.

12 $500 – The Post World War II World
NATO and the Warsaw Pact

13 $100 – The Cold War This man-made structure divided East and West Berlin into 2 different political sections.

14 $100 – The Cold War The Berlin Wall

15 $200 – The Cold War The competition between the United States and the Soviet Union for technological superiority and to reach the moon before the other.

16 $200 – The Cold War The Space Race

17 $300 – The Cold War The United States’ policy of keeping the Soviet Union from influencing/taking over other countries in the world.

18 $300 – The Cold War containment

19 This event was the closest the world ever came to a nuclear war.
$400 – The Cold War This event was the closest the world ever came to a nuclear war.

20 The Cuban Missile Crisis
$400 – The Cold War The Cuban Missile Crisis

21 $500 – The Cold War This Chinese communist leader led a revolution in China with support from peasants and workers.

22 $500 – The Cold War Mao Zedong

23 $100 – 21st Century Issues This negative effect of economic progress occurs when trees are cut down and enviormental habitats are lost.

24 $100 – 21st Century Issues deforestation

25 $200 – 21st Century Issues This negative effect of economic progress refers to the rising temperature of the globe due to the lose of the ozone layer.

26 $200 – 21st Century Issues global warming

27 $300 – 21st Century Issues This is defined as violent acts attempted to create fear in pursuit of religious, political, or economic goals.

28 $300 – 21st Century Issues terrorism

29 $400 – 21st Century Issues The process of bringing the world together through the use of technology and communication. This has led to economic progress for much of the world.

30 $400 – 21st Century Issues globalization

31 $500 – 21st Century Issues This is the minimum amount of money an employee can earn from a company.

32 $500 – 21st Century Issues minimum wage

33 $100 – World Organizations
This world peace-keeping organization settles disputes between member nations and provides assistance to 3rd world countries.

34 $100 – World Organizations
The United Nations

35 $200 – World Organizations
This organization consists of 8 countries that owns 80% of the world’s oil reserves and controls the prices of oil in the world.

36 $200 – World Organizations

37 $300 – World Organizations
This organization monitors trade throughout the world and settles trade disputes among member nations.

38 $300 – World Organizations
World Trade Organization (WTO)

39 $400 – World Organizations
This trade organization includes the countries of North America and allows free trade to boost economic progress for these 3 nations.

40 $400 – World Organizations
North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA)

41 $500 – World Organizations
This trade organization is specific to Europe where member nations benefit from free trade from each other.

42 $500 – World Organizations
European Union (EU)

43 $100 – Personal Financial Literacy
A _________________ account allows you to easily access your money from a bank account that is linked to a debit card and a check book

44 $100 – Personal Financial Literacy

45 $200 – Personal Financial Literacy
A ___________ ___________ allows you to pay for a good/service later, but you are chared interest for the purchase.

46 $200 – Personal Financial Literacy
credit card

47 $300 – Personal Financial Literacy
_________ _________ allows students to pay for educational expenses such as college tuition, textbooks, and housing.

48 $300 – Personal Financial Literacy
student loans

49 $400 – Personal Financial Literacy
When putting together a budget, you must look at both ___________ & _____________.

50 $400 – Personal Financial Literacy
income & expenses

51 $500 – Personal Financial Literacy
The 2 types of expenses included in budgeting are ___________ & ________________.

52 $500 – Personal Financial Literacy
fixed & variable

53 Final Jeopardy/Tie Breaker
The head of the United Nations is called the ______________ ___________. Where is the current leader from today?

54 Secretary General & South Korea
Final Jeopardy Answer Secretary General & South Korea

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