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SPCD 460/560 Intro to Bilingual Special Education

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1 SPCD 460/560 Intro to Bilingual Special Education
Spring 2017


3 Please check

4 Today’s Topics: Introduction: Participant introductions, expectations and classroom norms, assignments & grading criteria, and web site orientation An overview of cultural differences: Defining accent and culture

5 Who are you? Name? Why are you taking this class?
One thing you’d like people to know about you?

6 Julia: Appointments available:
Tuesdays, 4:00-6:00 (Hokona Hall 254) Fridays, 10:30-11:30 (HH 254) Fridays, 5:00-6:00 (Satellite coffee shop). Please schedule appointments in advance via e- mail.

7 Syllabus? Assignments? UNM Learn Julia’s UNM website
There is an assignment due next week (reading reviews) – see syllabus and template online.

8 Need accommodations or instructional modifications?
Contact Accessibility Services ASAP: , Mesa Vista Hall, Room 2021. They will inform me what accommodations would be appropriate and helpful.

9 Class attendance is mandatory.
Consistent with policy in the Concentration in Intellectual Disability and Severe Disabilities: Second absence: Five points (or half a letter grade) will be deducted from your final grade. Third absence: Ten points (or a full letter grade) will be deducted from your final grade. Fourth absence: You will be dropped from the course, regardless of the reason. Missing more than 50 minutes of any class session will be considered an absence.

10 Late Papers Due on date listed on class schedule at start of class. Major assignments (not reading reviews) can be turned in up to one week late, with 1 point deduction per day. I will not accept assignments that are more than 1 week late, except for major emergencies or significant illness (doctor note required).

11 Re-Writes Sorry. No do-overs.
I encourage you to bring in questions, ideas, and drafts ahead of time to my office hours.

12 Academic Honesty The syllabus contains a very explicit policy regarding academic honesty. All students are expected to read and follow this policy. Resources are available on the course website to help students learn to follow academic guidelines for citations. Note: The Indiana University plagiarism tutorial assignment will help with this. You must turn this in no later than the 3rd week of class.

13 Class Participation I expect students to participate in the class in a manner that is non-disruptive. I will ask students whose behavior is disruptive to the learning environment or whose behavior is disturbing to other members of the class (students or instructors) to modify their behavior. If the student is unable to do so, I will drop him/her from the course.

14 Assigned readings on UNM Learn
Course Textbook No! Assigned readings on UNM Learn

15 UNM Web Site Class outlines for class sessions.
Links from each outline to the overheads and handouts. Links to relevant web sites. Copies of the syllabus and assignment templates.

16 Web Address

17 NOTE: Read the assignment descriptions in the syllabus FIRST!
Assignments NOTE: Read the assignment descriptions in the syllabus FIRST! Reading reviews Plagiarism tutorial – due in 2 weeks! Essays (grads only) Key informant interview Diverse Communities Project

18 Quick Write What cultural/ethnic group do you primarily affiliate with or consider yourself a part of? How does that play out in your daily life? In other words, what sort of things do you do or do in a particular way because of your cultural/ethnic membership?

19 Amy’s Answering Machine
Listen to answering machine messages that the instructor plays. Take notes on what you hear that seems different from how you might expect a “mainstream” mother to speak with her daughter on an answering machine?

20 Small group: Get into 3 small groups. Talk about what you observed when listening to Amy’s mom’s answering machine messages. What was different about how she talked?

21 Cultural and linguistic diversity – What important?
Going beyond: Heroes Holidays Foods Fiestas

22 Looking ahead… Introduction to Bilingual Special Education

23 Please take a minute for the minute paper.

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