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Kanjanaporn Mahatthanaphak

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Presentation on theme: "Kanjanaporn Mahatthanaphak"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kanjanaporn Mahatthanaphak
Ultrasound breast Kanjanaporn Mahatthanaphak

2 Objectives Indication of breast ultrasound
Technique of breast ultrasound Ultrasound interpretation

3 Diagnosis of breast diseases
History Physical examination Breast imaging Biopsy

4 Breast Imaging Mammography Ultrasonography (US)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Nuclear medicine Sentinel node (Tc99m-sulfur colloid) Breast specific gamma imaging (Tc99m-sestamibi) PET (positron emission tomogram)

5 Ultrasonography Advantage Disadvantage Cheap No radiation Non invasive
Widely available Need high resolution US for breast Operator dependent

6 Indications for US Differentiate cyst from solid mass
Palpable mass in women < 30 yrs, pregnant and lactation Evaluate dense breast with palpable mass Evaluation for breast abscess Evaluation problem with breast implants Interventional procedure Evaluation for multicentric or multifocal CA, bilateral CA, axillary lymph node involvement Evaluate focal asymmetry seen on mammogram Breast cancer screening

7 1.Differentiate cyst from solid mass seen on mammogram
Fibroadenoma Cyst

8 2.Palpable mass in women <30 yrs, pregnant and lactation
Most common masses in women <35 yr are fibroadenoma and cyst

9 3. Palpable mass in dense mammogram
41 yr, palpable mass RUOQ Spiculated margin, irregular shaped, hypoechoic mass

10 4.Evaluation for breast abscess

11 5. Evaluation problems with breast implants
Questionable implants leak or rupture MRI is the best imaging modality US can be used in substituition

12 6.Interventional procedure
Cyst aspiration Drainage Guided fine needle aspiration Guided core biopsy Mark skin for excisional biopsy

13 Drainage pus

14 US Guided fine needle aspiration

15 7. Evaluation for multifocality, multicentricity

16 8. Evaluation for focal asymmetrical density
Focal asymmetrical density could be from Normal variation Breast mass (benign, malignant) Check if there is associated palpable mass

17 9. Breast cancer screening
Decrease sensitivity of dense breast on screening mammogram US can be used in addition to find underlying mass

18 Ultrasound technique lighting
patient positioning: support elbow, flat, supine ergonomics probe: linear array 7-13 MHz scanning: radial/antiradial clock face with distance from nipple only caliper things that are REAL correct depth (skin to pectoral fascia) and correct focal zone (up to 2 is OK) dynamic range: some settings can make a cystic lesion look solid and vice versa






24 Ultrasound interpretation
Breast Composition Mass Calcifications Associated features

25 Breast composition composition of breast tissue
Glandular tissue (soft tissue density) Connective tissue (soft tissue density) Fat (fat density) Young women : glandular tissue > fat Older women : fat > glandular tissue More glandular tissue  dense breast on mammogram

26 Breast Composition: Homogeneous echotexture - fat
Homogeneous echotexture - fibroglandular Heterogeneous echotexture





31 Mass Shape Margin Orientation Echo pattern Posterior features

32 Breast mass Shape

33 Breast mass Margin

34 Orientation: unique to US-imaging, and defined as parallel (benign) or not parallel (suspicious finding) to the skin.

35 Echo pattern Anechoic Hypoechoic, Complex cystic
Solid: isoechoic, hyperechoic, heterogeneous.

36 Posterior features: Enhancement Shadowing.

37 Calcifications: On US poorly characterized compared with mammography, but can be recognized as echogenic foci, particularly when in a mass.

38 Associated features: Architectural distortion Duct changes
Skin changes Edema Vascularity Elasticity assessment

39 Findings suggestive of malignancy
Duct extension or branch pattern Acoustic shadowing Microcalcifications Hypoechogenicity Spiculation or thick echogenic halo Angular margin Microlobulation Shape taller than wide

40 Findings suggestive of benign
No suggestive findings of malignancy Hyperechogenicity (compare to fat) Wider than tall Well circumscribed, less than 3 lobulations Thin echogenic pseudocapsule

41 Ultrasound Features Suggestive of Benign and Malignant Nodules.
Shape Round, wider than tall Taller than wide Margins Smooth Irregular, angular, spicular Lobulations None or up to 3 Multiple Capsule Encapsulated No capsule Halo Absent Echogenic halo Fixity None Fixed to surrounding issue and/or underlying muscles Shadowing or enhancement Enhancement, edge shadowing Shadowing behind lesion Substance echogenicity Anechoic (cystic), Hyperechoic Hypoechoic, calcification

42 Special cases  cases with a unique diagnosis or pathognomonic ultrasound appearance: Simple cyst Complicated cyst Clustered microcysts Mass in or on skin Foreign body including implants Lympnodes- intramammary Lymph nodes- axillary Vascular abnormalities Postsurgical fluid collection Fat necrosis

43 Simple cyst

44 Complicated cyst

45 Clustered microcysts

46 Breast abscess

47 Lymph nodes

48 Breast Imaging Reporting And Data System (BI-RADS)
BIRADS category Conditions that fall into the category Management 1 Normal tissue, focal thickening causing “lump” Routine screening 2 Simple cysts, ductal ectasia, intramammary nodes, lipomas Early follow-up to document stability unless clinical indications suggest a more aggressive evaluation 3 Complex cysts, small intraductal papillomas, fibroadenomas Short interval follow-up or biopsy 4 One feature of malignancy Biopsy 5 More than one feature of malignancy

49 Breast Imaging Reporting And Data System (BI-RADS) Mammography
Help clinicians for management Category 0 ...incomplete assessment  additional imaging is needed Category I ...negative  routine follow up (1 year) Category II … benign finding  routine follow up (1 year) Category III … probably benign finding  follow up 6 months Category IV … suspicious abnormality  biopsy Category V… highly suggestive of malignancy  biopsy Category VI …known biopsy proven malignancy appropriate treatment


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