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Sprains and Strains of the Foot/Ankle and Lower Leg

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1 Sprains and Strains of the Foot/Ankle and Lower Leg
Injuries, Part 1 Sprains and Strains of the Foot/Ankle and Lower Leg 2/19/2018

2 “Before & After” BELLWORK
Using a piece of notebook paper, answer the following questions, leaving a line between each answer. Put the paper aside until the end of class. 1. How do you get a strain? 2. How do you get a sprain? 3. What does a strain look like? 4. What does a sprain look like? 2/19/2018

3 Objectives Differentiate between common injuries and their mechanisms, signs, symptoms and treatments. Property of CTE Joint Venture 2/19/2018

4 Switch roles and repeat the process.
3 PART INTERVIEW Find a partner. One person assumes the role of the interviewer and one is the interviewee. The interviewer asks the assigned questions and notes the answers on paper. Switch roles and repeat the process. When time is called, be prepared to share the results of your interview with the class. 2/19/2018

5 Questions Have you ever had a foot/ankle or lower leg injury or was someone you know injured? What was the injury? 2. What was the etiology/mechanism? What was the pathology? 4. What was the treatment? 2/19/2018

6 Lateral Ankle Sprains MOI:
Anterior Talofibular- plantarflexion and inversion Calcaneofibular- inversion Posterior Talofibular- severe inversion or dislocation (rare) Property of CTE Joint Venture 2/19/2018

7 Medial Ankle Sprains MOI: Deltoid- eversion and dorsiflexion 2/19/2018

8 Anterior Inferior Tib/fib- excessive dorsiflexion or plantarflexion
High Ankle Anterior Inferior Tib/fib- excessive dorsiflexion or plantarflexion Property of CTE Joint Venture 2/19/2018

9 General Ankle Sprain Signs/Symptoms
Swelling Pain with WB (weight bearing) Instability Ecchymosis (bruising/discoloration) Anterior Drawer Test- ATF ligament Talar Tilt Test- CF and Deltoid ligaments Kleiger’s Test- Tib/fib ligament 2/19/2018

10 General Ankle Sprain Acute Care
RICE with horseshoe NSAIDs Crutches? Referral 2/19/2018

11 Acute Muscle Strains MOI: Due to violent contraction/twisting of foot
Awkward landing S/S: Pain with ROM or RROM Possible pain with WB Swelling or crepitus Rx: RICE Taping/bracing Monitor for acute compartment syndrome 2/19/2018

12 Achilles Tendon Strain/Rupture
S/S: Pain/inability to plantarflex Feels like they were “kicked in calf” Positive Thompson Test Deformity Rx: RICE Referral is rupture is suspected 2/19/2018

13 “What’s My Injury?” With a partner, choose an injury from today’s lesson Write a creative scenario about that injury including the etiology, pathology, and treatment for the injury Be prepared to share with the class Property of CTE Joint Venture 2/19/2018

14 “Before & After” BELLWORK
Answer the following questions on the blank lines below your Bellwork answers to assess new learning. 1. How do you get a strain? 2. How do you get a sprain? 3. What does a strain look like? 4. What does a sprain look like? Turn in for credit. 2/19/2018

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