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Humanistic Pedagogy: Applied Andragogy for eLearning

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1 Humanistic Pedagogy: Applied Andragogy for eLearning
Luann Drolc Fortune, PhD Saybrook University October 25, 2016

2 Humanistically Based Pedagogy: Andragogy
Based on assumptions that effective adult learning has specialized needs (Knowles) Needs further differentiated At the graduate and professional level For scholar/researcher-practitioners For newly emerging & changing fields Knowles, M. S. (1950). Informal adult education: A guide for administrators, leaders, and teachers. New York, NY: Association Press. Knowles, M. S. (1973). The adult learner: A neglected species (Revised Edition ed.). Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Company. Humanistically Based Pedagogy: Andragogy

3 Andragogy Assumptions
Self-concept: Maturing adults become self-directed human beings Learner Experience: Adults approach new learning with a reservoir of knowledge & experience 
 Readiness to Learn: With maturation, readiness to learn becomes increasingly oriented to the developmental tasks of social roles & responsibilities Orientation to Learning: shifts from one of subject- centeredness to one of problem centeredness. Motivation to Learn: Becomes internalized

4 Andragogy Principles: Adult Learners
Need to be involved in the planning of instruction Learn best when engaged in their learning Experience and knowledge-base provide best foundation for learning activities Most interested in relevant content Effective learning is problem-solving centered

5 Adult learner centeredness
Construct their program plan around individual choices Need clear learning objectives Engage with content relevant to their individual needs Learn better experientially and with immediate applied learning Pursue multiple opportunities to integrate scholarship to practice Applied Andragogy For these participants it was tied to their mid-life stage of generativity (Erickson) Imperative to create lasting contribution: “Making a difference” Demonstrated initiative, autonomy, self-reliance, self-knowledge Embedded in a higher level of standards and cultural accountability as a result of the doctoral process

6 Online Learning Evolution
1. Unidirectional 2. Spiral bidirectional Online Learning Evolution 3. Dynamic system

7 Full Implications All adult learning environments could implement some elements of andragogy Engaged scholar-practitioners elevate fields Actualizing human potential through education has transformational potential for individuals, society, and the planet Acquired scholarly sensibilities and skills can benefit outside practice applications Universities could promote strong mentoring within and beyond PhD programs Universities could promote mentoring: Prepare doctoral students for beyond Offer support for publishing & ongoing networking for professional contributions Expectations can be proactively managed: Set expectations about job market and opportunities before graduation Assist in making meaning for new PhDs

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