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Socialist countries Soviet Union.

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1 Socialist countries Soviet Union

2 Soviet Union Its population in the late 80s was of near 300 million
It is mainly agricultural Urbanization increased after 1917´s revolution

3 Way of life The aim was a society without classes
Lack of freedom during Stalinism Hard living conditions Social services assured: health, education, social security benefits

4 ECONOMY: Planning Nationalisation of enterprises Government planning
The model was not worth for a complex economy Although the problems, the USSR was the second economy in the world.

5 ECONOMY: Labour A majority of the population worked in public sector or in cooperatives Unions checked on worker grievances, helped determine wage rates, and monitored social insurance and pension schemes

6 ECONOMY: Agriculture The USSR was an agricultural country
Mechanization and use of chemical products Collective exploitations: Collective farms: Kolkhoz State farms: Sovkhoz

7 ECONOMY: Forestry and fishing
Forestry produced the raw materials for many industries such as paper, Fishing fleet was one of the most important of the world

8 ECONOMY: Mining and manufacturing
The USSR was one of the biggest producers of iron, aluminium and cooper, among other mineral resources Manufacturing became the main activity of the country.

9 ECONOMY: Energy There were abundant energy resources
Concentration of resources in Siberia Increase of investment in energy production Lack of security of some sectors such as nuclear

10 ECONOMY: Transportation
Due to dispersion of production centres transportation is highly used The main transport is train Travel restrictions have been released

11 ECONOMY: Communications
Mass communication was an instructive tool Media under state control Censorship

12 ECONOMY: Currency and trade
The ruble stabilised during the NEP The value of the currency was artificial Consumers cooperatives were essential for consumption.

13 GORBACHEV ERA After the sucession of several presidents, Gorbachev became the general secretary of the USSR He started a revolution that put an end to the socialist government in the Soviet Union

14 Glasnost and Perestroika
The main points of his policy were: Glasnost: Openness in the media and culture Perestroika: Restructuring of the country and its political system Other points were: Uskorenie: Acceleration Demokratizatsiia: democratization

15 Glasnost and Perestroika
In economy he failed a deep reform Individual entrepreneurship and small cooperatives were allowed but the state was the most important sector Planned economy was altered and the growth slowed down Shortages and protests became frequent

16 Glasnost and Perestroika
In politics: He organised democratic elections He re-established freedoms He amended the constitution He had difficulties: He provoked discontent of the old leaders He did not satisfy the most progressive

17 Foreing policy initiatives
Gorbachev had a leading paper in the end of Cold War: Arms reduction Programme to investigate antibalistic tools End production and stock of chemical weapons Other areas: Withdrawal from Afghanistan Reduction of armed forces in Eastern Europe and Chinese border Religious freedom Improvement of relations with Israel Pressure on Iraq to leave Kuwait

18 Communism in crisis The USSR decided to withdraw from Eastern Europe and dissolve COMECOM and Warsaw Pact Gorbachev did not use military force in his country and republics started their claim for independence The following crisis discredited Gorbachev and Yeltsin appeared as the new hero

19 Republics secede In 1991 the USSR was destroyed
A Commonwealth of Independent States was created Gorbachev resigned

20 Soviet legacy The new republics have followed independent trajectories
The Baltic republics have a more normal situation while in Central Asia the influence of the old USSR is bigger Some unsolved problems: Trade problems Environmental degradation Territorial disputes

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