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Resource Asset Registration Form – Business Rule updates

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1 Resource Asset Registration Form – Business Rule updates
Site Information Tab CMZ now a required field If Generation load Split is 'Y', then Fixed Load Splitting % (for each ESIID's) must total 100 Unit Information Tab ALL: Unit Commercial date must be >= Site-In-Service Date WIND: Latitude of Farm & Tower must be >=25 and <=37 decimal degrees WIND: Longitude of Farm & Tower must be >=92 and <= 107 decimal degrees Parameters Tab ALL: HRL should be <= Real Power Rating (WARNING only) ALL: LRL must be zero for Private Use Network Sites Reactive Capability Tab ALL: Lagging MVAR must be >= MVAR

2 Resource Asset Registration Form – Business Rule updates
Operational Parameters Tab ALL: Minimum On Line Time (Warning! If decimal value is submitted then Downstream System may round it UP) ALL: Minimum Off Line Time (Warning! If decimal value is submitted then Downstream System may round it UP) ALL: Hot Start Time - (Warning! If decimal value is submitted then Downstream System may round it DOWN) ALL: Intermediate Start Time - (Warning! If decimal value is submitted then Downstream System may round it DOWN) ALL: Cold Start Time - (Warning! If decimal value is submitted then Downstream System may round it DOWN) ALL: Max Weekly Starts - Min value 1, Max value is 85 (WARNING) ALL: Max Daily Starts - Min value 1, Max value 13 (WARNING) ALL: Hot-to-Intermediate Time - (Warning! If decimal value is submitted then Downstream System may round it DOWN) ALL: Intermediate-to-Cold Time - (Warning! If decimal value is submitted then Downstream System may round it DOWN)

3 Resource Asset Registration Form – Business Rule updates
CC Transitions Tabs CC: Transitions From Offline required CC: Transitions To Offline required CC: Transitions must not skip configurations (eg: Offline to CC1_2) CC: Should have a Transition for each Configuration (WARNING) Line Data Tab Zero impedance lines within same substation must be modeled on the breaker/switch tab Line Ratings for zero impedance lines must be valid (eg: 9999 not allowed) Capacitor and Reactor Data Tab Connected Device must also be defined either in the Breaker/Switch or in the Transformer Tab This field should be unique (No two capacitors should have the same controlling breaker or switch) Warning if Desired, Minimum, and Maximum voltage fields values have a range not within 10% of the Voltage level of the Bus Bar being Regulated

4 Resource Asset Registration Form – Business Rule updates
Transformer Data Tab Transformer High Side Manufactured Nominal Voltage must equal Voltage at Highest Tap - Step Size voltage to reach Nominal Tap voltage Error if the Transformer Resistance is less than 3 decimals, Warning if the Transformer Resistance is greater than 2 but less than 5 decimals Load Tap Changer must be 'Y' when AVR is ‘Y’ Error if Transformer Resistance to Reactance ratio >1, Warning if R/X >3 Load Data Tab Connected Device must also be defined either in the Breaker/Switch or in the Transformer Tab

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