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“A Christmas Carol”.

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1 “A Christmas Carol”

2 Transform Definition: To change the form or appearance of Sentence: In the movie Transformers, cars transform into robots. Synonym: change Antonym: remain

3 Solitude Definition: The state of being alone Sentence: I like to be in solitude when I am angry. Synonym: isolation Antonym: togetherness

4 Provision Definition: A supplying of needs Sentence: The I.T. food drive was a way to make a provision to people less fortunate. Synonym: providing Antonym: removal

5 Destitute Definition: People lacking the necessities of life Sentence: People who are homeless are destitute because they do not have shelter or food. Synonym: impoverished Antonym: wealthy

6 Endeavor Definition: To try Sentence: Everyone should endeavor to go to college. Synonym: attempt Antonym: inactivity

7 Abundance Definition: Wealth Sentence: The richest man in the world, Bill Gates has an abundance of money. Synonym: plenty Antonym: little

8 Anonymous Definition: Not having one’s name known Sentence: The nameless paper belongs to an anonymous student. Synonym: secret Antonym: identified

9 Surplus Definition: Extra; more than is needed Sentence: I have a surplus of pencils because students always leave them in the classroom. Synonym: extra Antonym: needing

10 Emerge Definition: To come into sight Sentence: The shark emerged from the water. Synonym: appeared Antonym: disappeared

11 Reassurance Definition: A restoring of confidence Sentence: My brother gave me reassurance that I would play well before my first basketball game. Synonym: encouragement Antonym: doubt

12 Incoherent Definition: Without connection or harmony Sentence: When I woke up, I could not make sense of my incoherent dream. Synonym: confused Antonym: understandable

13 Summon Definition: To call for or send for with authority or urgency; to order to Sentence: Mr. Tucker summoned the misbehaving students to his office. Synonym: call Antonym: dismiss

14 Welfare Definition: Well-being Sentence: It is a parent’s job to worry about their child’s welfare. Synonym: happiness Antonym: misery

15 Mortal Definition: Of the earth; not a spirit Sentence: Humans are mortal because they are living. Synonym: human Antonym: non-living

16 macabre Definition: Suggesting the horror of death and decay Sentence: The macabre costumes frightened the kids on Halloween. Synonym: gruesome Antonym: cheerful

17 Currency Definition: Money Sentence: Countries all have their own form of currency. Synonym: exchange Antonym: counterfeit

18 Pledge Definition: Something given to guarantee fulfillment of a promise Sentence: I pledged money to the 5K race for cancer research. Synonym: agreement Antonym: break

19 Odious Definition: Causing or deserving strong dislike Sentence: The odious girls are always spreading rumors about their classmates. Synonym: hateful Antonym: likeable

20 Charitable Definition: Generous in giving Sentence: The charitable man donated a lot of money to the children’s hospital. Synonym: giving Antonym: unkind

21 Finale Definition: The concluding part Sentence: The finale of the fireworks show was the best part of the 4th of July. Synonym: ending Antonym: beginning

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