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Geographic Understandings of Latin America and the Caribbean

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1 Geographic Understandings of Latin America and the Caribbean

2 Copy and Answer Which physical feature would be found between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains? Which country would you find the Amazon River in? Mexico Panama Brazil Bosnia

3 Practice: Label these physical features on your paper.
Amazon River Pacific Ocean Gulf of Mexico Caribbean Sea Sierra Madre Mountains Andes Mountains Atacama Desert 3 2 4 1 6 5 7-mountains Practice: Label these physical features on your paper.

4 Today’s Standard SS6G4 The student will locate selected features of Latin America and the Caribbean. a. Explain the major environmental concerns of Latin America regarding the issues of air pollution in Mexico City, Mexico, the deforestation of the rain forest in Brazil, and oil-related pollution in Venezuela

5 Our Focus Essential Question: Key Question:
How do the major environmental concerns such as air pollution, deforestation, and oil pollution affect countries of Latin America? Key Question: What are the major environmental concerns of Latin America in regards to Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil?

6 Create the HUGE table on your paper!
Air Pollution in Mexico City Deforestation in Brazil Oil Pollution in Venezuela

7 Mexico City, Mexico Smog: smoke + fog

8 Air Pollution in Mexico City, Mexico
19 million people = 2 times the # of people in GA. Health concerns- Children may develop lung disease breathing difficulty. Elderly should stay inside. Causes: Exhaust from older cars and factories. Type of Pollution: Lead, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide.

9 Air Pollution in Mexico City, Mexico
Location of city traps air pollution. The city is built in the bowl of an extinct volcano. The high elevation means thinner air. Carbon dioxide traps the pollution in the valley. Smog = smoke + fog Drivers must leave car home once a week, are encouraged to carpool or use public transportation. Cars are inspected more often and factories close on days of high pollution

10 Deforestation in Brazil

11 Destruction of rainforest in Brazil
Brazil - 5th largest Rainforest- About 40,000 types of plants and thousands of types of animals. Produces about 20 percent of world’s air Natives who maintain their traditional way of life live in the rainforest.

12 Destruction of rainforest in Brazil
Deforestation- When humans use saws and bulldozers to clear large areas of the forest. It provides valuable resources such as timber from the wood, and land for cattle ranching and crop cultivation. How much rainforest has been lost? Nearly 200,000 sq. miles in the last decade.

13 Destruction of rainforest in Brazil
Solution: The government has created laws to help limit deforestation and protect the rainforest. No money is spent on enforcing laws. Environmental groups and governments around the world are getting involved.

14 Oil pollution in Venezuela

15 Oil pollution in Venezuela
5th largest oil producer in the world. Government receives half of all oil profits. Oil spills and tanker leaks damage environment – no fishing Burnt oil produces carbon dioxide.

16 Oil pollution in Venezuela
Burning fossil fuels can cause breathing problems for children and older adults. Lake Maracaibo is sinking on the eastern shore, threatening to flood local towns, homes, and farms. An oil spill in Lake Maracaibo has prevented fishermen from doing their jobs.

17 Copy and Answer What are the main sources of air pollution in Mexico City? Intense sunlight The high altitude Factories and cars Cars that produce little or no air pollution 2. What is the main crop grown in areas of deforestation? Cocoa Rubber Soybeans Brazil nuts

18 1) How does Mexico City’s geography affect the environment as impacted by air pollution?
2) What is smog? 3) What is the environmental problem experienced within Brazil’s tropical rainforest? 4) Create a picture that explains air pollution in Mexico City, Mexico. Write at least 1 sentence describing your picture. 5)Deforestation is a major concern in Brazil. Currently, laws have been created to protect the rainforest, but funding has not been given by the government to enforce the laws. Should the United Nations play a role in the preservation of the rainforest? Explain your answer. Wrap-Up:

19 Lesson 4

20 Today’s Standard SS6G3 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution on Latin America and the Caribbean. a. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of Mexico and Venezuela affect where people live and how they trade.

21 Copy and Fill-In 1. _____________ __________ pollution is caused by emissions from ________________ and automobiles that build up over the city. ________________ surrounding the city are like walls that trap the pollutants in a brown haze called __________. 2. Brazil’s major environmental issue is ________________.

22 Our Focus: Essential Question:
How has the impact of location, climate, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution on Latin America and the Caribbean? Key Question: How do the location, climate, and natural resources of Mexico and Venezuela affect where people live and how they trade?

23 Geographic Understandings of Latin America and the Caribbean
What does arable mean?

24 Venezuela

25 Mexico

26 Wrap-Up 1) Where do most citizens in Mexico and Venezuela live and work? 2) How are Mexico and Venezuela’s climates similar? 3) How do the populations of Mexico and Venezuela compare?

27 Lesson 5

28 Today’s Standard SS6G3 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution on Latin America and the Caribbean. b. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of Brazil and Cuba affect where people live and how they trade.

29 Copy and Answer Mexicans have flocked to the _______________ in central Mexico to find jobs in __________________. Venezuela’s economy is supported by the sale of _____, its most important natural resource.

30 Our Focus: Essential Question:
How has the impact of location, climate, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution on Latin America and the Caribbean? Key Question: How do the location, climate, and natural resources of Cuba and Brazil affect where people live and how they trade?

31 Brazil


33 Wrap-Up 1) Where do most citizens in Brazil and Cuba live and work?
2) How are Brazil and Cuba climates similar? 3) How do the populations of Brazil and Cuba compare?

34 Lesson 6

35 Number 1-7 and label the countries.

36 Standard: SS6G4 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of people who live in Latin America and the Caribbean. a. Describe the results of blending of ethnic groups in Latin America and the Caribbean. b. Explain why Latin America is a region based on the languages of Portuguese and Spanish. c. Evaluate how the literacy rate affects the standard of living.

37 Essential Question(s):
How has a blending of ethnic groups affect language and culture of Latin America and the Caribbean? Key Question(s): What are major ethnic groups of Latin America? How does the literacy rate of a country affect the standard of living?

38 Cultural Blending! What are mulattoes? What do you think this term means? Write it down! Mulattoes are the descendents of Europeans and the Africans that they forced to work as slaves. Where do these people live today? Brazil, Panama, and the West Indies Write a sentence about the word to help you better understand it’s meaning.

39 Cultural Blending! What are mestizos? What do you think this term means? Write it down! Mestizos are the descendents of Europeans and the Native Americans. Where do these people live today? Venezuela Write a sentence about the word to help you better understand it’s meaning.

40 The Encomienda System criollos

41 Languages: Christopher Columbus – discovered ‘New World’ 1492
Spain explored, conquered and settled parts of Central and South America over next 200 years Portugal claimed Brazil Both Spanish and Portuguese conquered natives and tried to use them as slaves before importing Africans to work in mines and in plantations Central and South American countries fought for independence from Portugal and Spain like Americans did against Great Britain.

42 Spain loses Mexico – early 1800s
Spain loses last colony in ‘New World’ (Puerto Rico) – 1898 Latin America refers to those countries whose inhabitants speak mostly languages based on Latin: Spanish and Portuguese. US is not because English is Germanic. French, English, Dutch and hundreds of native languages are also spoken in Central and South America and the Caribbean.

43 Literacy Rate and Standard of Living
A literate person is one who can read and write. Literacy is a major factor in whether a person is able to get a job and be successful in the workplace. The countries of Latin America have improved the literacy rate of their people. On average, 89 percent of the people are literate. That leaves an illiteracy rate of 11 percent. The standard of living (the economic level achieved by a person, family, or country) is often lower in countries where the illiteracy rate is high.

44 Some cultures believed it more important for boys to have an education than girls. This is shown in the fact that 12 percent of girls are illiterate while only 9 percent of boys are illiterate. The goal of most governments is 100 percent. Many communities cannot afford to pay for teachers and schools. Without the basic skills, workers are stuck in low paying jobs. The standard of living remains low for these families because their education level remains low. If you can’t read, you can’t learn. If you can learn you can improve your skills and get a better job that pays a better salary. Low literacy rate = low standard of living

45 Wrap-Up What are the major groups of people called that have descended from the European explorers? What groups have these peoples descended from? Who was the first person to reach the ‘New World’ and what country did he sail from?

46 Geographic Understandings of Latin America and the Caribbean
Review and Human Culture of Latin America

47 Warm-Up As a result of blending of cultures, descendents of Africans and Europeans are known as what nationality throughout Latin America and the Caribbean? 2. What blended culture today descended from Europeans and Native Americans? 3. What empire was the first to claim the ‘New World’ thus resulting in a heavily influenced culture today?

48 Today’s Standard SS6G4 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of people who live in Latin America and the Caribbean. a. Describe the results of blending of ethnic groups in Latin America and the Caribbean. b. Explain why Latin America is a region based on the languages of Portuguese and Spanish. c. Evaluate how the literacy rate affects the standard of living.

49 Warm-Up! Answer Only! In what country is oil pollution an environmental concern and why? Which country that we have discussed is communist and why do they have difficulty supporting the well being of their citizens? What are the two major ethnic groups we have discussed present in Latin America and the Caribbean today?

50 Human Culture of Latin America Video
Write at least 10 sentences describing the human geography of Latin America. Think about Language Religion Food Living conditions School Beliefs

51 Review What two languages have provided the foundations for language in Latin America and the Caribbean? Who is Mexico’s biggest trading partner? What religion is most practiced in this region and how has it evolved?

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