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Latin America Ch. 9-11.

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1 Latin America Ch. 9-11



4 Mexico is part of a land-bridge that connects the two continents of
North America and South America

5 Mexico = combo of… Mountains Deserts Rainforests

6 Mountains: Sierra Madre Occidental, Sierra Madre Oriental and the Sierra Madre del Sur

7 Two peninsulas in Mexico are
Baja California and Yucatan Peninsula

8 Yucatan Peninsula Famous for tourism (Cancun & Cozumel)

9 Baja California – another peninsula under California

10 MEXICO: HISTORY 1st : Native Americans
2nd : Spain’s rule (in 1492, ~400 yrs) 3rd : Mexican-American War ( ): America acquires some Mexican territory CA NV UT CO AZ NM

11 One of the cultures that lived in ancient Mexico were the Mayans.

12 The capital city of Mexico is
Mexico City

13 Mexico City is on the site of the ancient Aztec capital.

14 Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the ancient Aztecs.


16 a person of mixed Spanish and Native American heritage
A “mestizo” is a person of mixed Spanish and Native American heritage

17 The main major problem in Mexico’s capital city is

18 Urbanization is when Populations move from the country to live in cities and the suburbs of cities.

19 Better jobs, better schools, pushing people to resources
Some factors that have caused a high level of urbanization within Latin America are Better jobs, better schools, pushing people to resources

20 Credit: Milagros Salazar/IPS
In the south of Mexico, many people survive through subsistence farming. Farming for your family in order to survive Might sell/trade your goods at a local market Peruvian peasant women working in the potato fields Credit: Milagros Salazar/IPS

21 NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement Increases trade between Mexico, U.S., and Canada by reduced tariffs and quotas between the three countries

22 Protectionism vs. Free Trade
Protectionist – favors tariffs and quotas. Free Trader – favors free trade and is against tariffs and quotas.

23 Four Arguments for Protectionism
Unfair Treatment of Workers in other Countries Protect Small American businesses Protecting Domestic Jobs Keep the Money at Home

24 Four Arguments for Free Trade
Lower Prices Increase Living Standards Increase Cultural Awareness Increase Production

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