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Study Guide for the Geography of L:atin America

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1 Study Guide for the Geography of L:atin America

2 (1.) Know the location of following Physical Features: Amazon River, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, Panama Canal, Andes Mountains, Sierra Madre Mountains, Atacama Desert, and the Pacific Ocean. Be able to locate the following Countries: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dom. Republic, El Salvador, Ecuador, Fr. Guiana, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela.

3 (2.) Why is Mexico City so polluted?
Overcrowding Vehicle emissions The city is at the base of bowl-shaped valley which trap emissions and industry pollution, causing a heavy overlay of smog.

4 (3.) What Environmental Problems associated with large populations in Latin American cities.
- Poor waste disposal Lack of effective water treatment centers Factory and car pollution from exhaust

5 (4.) What environmental problem has been caused by oil production in Venezuela?
The coast along the Caribbean Sea and waterways has been polluted with oil. This harms their fishing industries and wildlife.

6 (5.) Why is the rainforest in Brazil valuable (important)?
The Amazon contains a variety of plants and animals (BIODIVERSITY); more variety than all of the other biomes combined!!! The rainforest is valuable because there may be many plants that could one day be used as medicines to cure illnesses and diseases.

7 (6.) Where is deforestation happening? WHY is this a problem?
In Brazil’s Amazon Rainforest  People who live there rely on the resources in the forest for income (Farming, Cattle ranches, logging) The forest is massive in size and has many undiscovered resources which could potententially be destroyed.

8 (7.) What effect does acid rain have on ancient ruins and statues?
The acid breaks down the stone material causes them to crumble or even break and fall down

9 (8.) What is the trade advantage of Venezuela’s location?
Venezuela has a long coastline with many ports on the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean

10 (9.)Do most people living in Mexico and Venezuela live in urban or rural areas? Why?
Most live in urban (city) areas Cities allow more opportunities for jobs, education, and accessible healthcare

11 (10.) Compare the land area and location of Brazil and Cuba
Cuba is significantly smaller than Brazil and has far fewer natural resources

12 (11.) Since Cuba has few natural resources, how do Cubans get what products they need?
Cuba must import goods from other countries to compensate for not having natural resources

13 (12.) Latin America is ethnically diverse because of a blending of which three groups?
Europeans Indigenous Americans Africans

14 (13.) Define the terms “mestizo” and “mulatto”
Mestizo: child of an indigenous American and a European Mulatto: child of a European and an African

15 14. Why does the term Latin America fit as a description for the regions of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean? The people in these countries share similar history and culture. Also, the Spanish and Portuguese languages have Latin background.

16 (15.) Why are the primary (main) languages of Latin America Spanish and Portuguese?
Brazilians speak Portuguese because Brazil was once colonized by Portugal. Most other countries of Latin America speak Spanish because they were settled by Spain.

17 (16.) Define Literacy rate
The percentage of people in a country who are literate. Reading and writing is needed to get a job and make an income.

18 (17.)What is the relationship between literacy rate and standard of living in Latin America?
high lit. rates = wealthier standard of living low lit. rates = poor standard of living So, the better the literacy rate (able to read and write) the higher the standard of living (ability to work and purchase what you want)

19 (18.) Why are most people in Central and South America Roman Catholics?
The settlers from Spain and Portugal were Roman Catholic. They brought their beliefs and religion to Latin America when they built colonies.

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