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Origins of Christianity

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2 Origins of Christianity
Began as a sect of Judaism Encounters with Greek + Roman culture Jesus was a Jew but taught in his own way Paul the apostle was a major force

3 Jesus Latin for Joshua Left no writings 4 Gospels Matthew Mark Luke

4 Who was Jesus? Son of God? Son of Man? Inspired Teacher
Religious Reformer Humanitarian Idealist


6 Jesus' teachings An ideal-we will all fall short
Saved by repentance and God’s mercy He often challenged the Temple Priests Was betrayed by Judas

7 Jesus Gets In Trouble Accused of posing as the King of the Jews
His disciples betray him Judas

8 Pontius Pilate Roman Governor Ordered the Crucifixion

9 The Last Supper

10 Christian Doctrine There would be a 2nd Coming World would end
Judgment Day

11 Early Church + Expansion
Paul was 1st an opponent Blinded by Jesus Epistles-letters Said all individuals were =in the eyes of Christ Also allowed slavery Said women were subject to their husbands Faith=salvation Good works come form faith

12 Spread of Christianity
Took time Many Christians refused to: Associate with non Christians Condemned arena combat Avoided cemeteries Spoke against the emperor Said the God’s + Goddesses' were false Persecuted by Diocletian

13 Growth of Christian Doctrine
Baptism Bread + Wine Mass or Eucharist Incense, Bells, Holy Water, Gowns, Fasts, Feasts, Candles

14 The Rise of Priests + Bishops
Services grew larger Priests gained authority in the Community Bishop-the Chief Priest-elected by other Priests Considered the successors to the original apostles Dioceses-divided into parishes

15 Bishops + Cardinals

16 The Pope

17 The Pope The head of the church The Bishop of Rome
Originally there were five major Bishops Rome Constantinople Antioch Alexandria Jerusalem

18 Bishop of Rome becomes Pope
Peter was the 1st disciple (Roman) Alexandria, Antioch + Jerusalem were sacked by the Muslims Constantinople also claimed to have a Pope (Patriarch)

19 4th Century Canon List of scriptures Old + New testament
Bishops censored the writings Eliminated anything that contradicted their vision (even writings by the Apostles)

20 Council of Nicaea The Trinity Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Reversed by Council of Tyre Re-Reversed by Council of Constance

21 Theodosius I Made Christianity Official 381
By 600 Christians became the majority

22 St. Augustine Christian Mother, Pagan Father
Dualism-struggle between worldly things & God Earthly-Devil; Heavenly-God

23 Anthony: The Hermit Monk
Son of Aristocrats Sold Possessions Went to the desert- Made himself weak Resisted Temptation Never washed Prayed all day Lived to 100

24 Benedict Son of Nobles Sick of Rome Salvation thru disc
7 daily prayers Silence at meals Meditation Manual Labor

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