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Atlantic Revolutions 1750-1900.

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1 Atlantic Revolutions



4 Political Spectrums

5 Crane Brinton, The Anatomy of a Revolution
Every revolution begins with the problems of the Old Regime 1st stage increasing dissatisfaction with the Old regime, spontaneous acts of protest and violence, overthrow 2nd stage honeymoon with moderate new government 3rd stage takeover of the extremists, loss of individualism, the government becomes violent and excessive 4th stage reestablishment of some sort of equilibrium, rights, etc., usually under a “strongman”

6 The Promise of the Enlightenment
Contract government (John Locke) A political theory that views government as stemming from the people, who agree to surrender some personal freedom in return for a government that guarantees protection of citizens’ rights and property. Laissez faire (Adam Smith) An economic theory that advocates freeing economies from government intervention and control.

7 The Promise of the Enlightenment
Salons were places where people discussed the ideas of the Enlightenment, published in the Encyclopedia ( )

8 authority to govern comes from the people, not from God or tradition.
Atlantic Revolutions The North American Revolution 1775–1787 The French Revolution 1789–1815 Haitian Revolution Latin American Revolutions Popular sovereignty authority to govern comes from the people, not from God or tradition.

9 Comparisons Similarities Differences
All bourgeoisie ( creole, gentlemen of color, middle class) revolutions. All inspired by enlightened (liberal)ideals All against absolute ( conservative) monarchs All in response to taxes paid to high war debts All wanted popular sovereignty All will follow a pattern of conservative to moderate to radical back to conservative rule ( crane Brinton’s anatomy of a revolution) All will lead to revolutionary wars All will lead to constitutions America retains popular sovereignty France returns to revolutionary cycle several times ( Which French Revolution?) Latin American creole’s failure to achieve full independence leads to the rise of caudillos( military strongmen/meet the new boss, same as the old boss) Haitian only slave uprising Mexico led by Catholic priests and lower classes Latin America , Haiti and France attempted to aim slavery North America inspiration for all

10 Comparative Theses From both the American and French Revolution were led by enlightened inspired bourgeoisie hoping to gain popular sovereignty against tyrannical absolutist rule, both employed moderate and radical means by which to gain independence. The American Revolution, however, was successful as it resulted in a lasting constitution providing governmental limits while the French continued the pattern of Revolution with the conservative leadership of Napoleon The Haitian and Latin American (Bolivarian) Revolutions of both were inspired by the American and French Revolutions, both took advantage of Napoleon Bonaparte’s conservative rule over much of continental Europe, however, the Latin American Revolution (aka Spanish American Revolutions) were led by bourgeoisie creole elite whilst the Haitian was led by former enslaved leaders like Toussaint L ’overture The French and Mexican Revolutions were both enlightened reactions against absolutist rule and its need for political and economic reforms, both would result in conservative rule by strong powerful rulers like Napoleon in France and Juarez in Mexico, however, Mexican independence would be led by Catholic figures like Father Miguel Hidalgo while the Catholic church was seen as the conservative( not revolutionary) faction in France. The American Revolution and Haitian Revolution were the first revolutions in the Western Hemisphere led by enlightened inspired leaders like Washington and L ’overture , however, the American Revolution would be helped by the French and the Haitian was against and suppressed by the French. The Haitian revolution was supported by freed slaves while the American Revolution wished to preserve the institution of slavery ( and dismissed the notion of an independent Haiti because of this). The French and Bolivarian Revolutions both extended certain civil rights like life, liberty and property to a certain group of people. The French , however, had some previous experience with democratic values and were slightly more successful achieving the goals of the Revolution while the South American Revolutions preserved power for the military elite(caudillos). The French Revolution also inspires countless revolutions throughout Europe ( “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe gets a cole”-Clemen Von Metternich, Austria) while military suppression of revolutions with the help of European financing would be quite common throughout Latin America ( meet the new boss, same as the old boss)

11 Crane Briton’s Anatomy of a Revolution
1. People from all social classes are discontented.   2.  People feel restless and held down by unacceptable restrictions in society, religion, the economy or        the government.   3.  People are hopeful about the future, but they are being forced to accept less than they had hoped        for.   4.  People are beginning to think of themselves as belonging to a social class, and there is a growing        bitterness between social classes.   5.  The social classes closest to one another are the most hostile.   6.  The scholars and thinkers give up on the way their society operates.   7.  The government does not respond to the needs of its society.   8.  The leaders of the government and the ruling class begin to doubt themselves.   Some join with the        opposition groups.   9.  The government is unable to get enough support from any group to save itself. 10.  The government cannot organize its finances correctly and is either going bankrupt or trying to tax        heavily and unjustly.

12 Revolutions take their course
1. Impossible demands made of government which, if granted, would mean its end. 2. Unsuccessful government attempts to suppress revolutionaries. 3. Revolutionaries gain power and seem united. 4. Once in power, revolutionaries begin to quarrel among themselves, and unity begins to dissolve. 5. The moderates gain the leadership but fail to satisfy those who insist on further changes. 6. Power is gained by progressively more radical groups until finally a lunatic fringe gains almost complete control. 7. A strong man emerges and assumes great power. 8. The extremists try to create a "heaven on earth" by introducing their whole program and by punishing all their opponents. 9. A period of terror occurs. 10. Moderate groups regain power. The revolution is over

13 7 Years War: First Global War

14 North American Revolution 1775-1787
A conservative political movement aimed to preserve colonial liberties, rather than gain new ones. Colonists regarded autonomy as their birthright. Colonial society was more egalitarian than Europe or Latin America. Revolted against “taxation without representation.”


16 North American Revolution 1775-1787
U.S. Constitution was one of the first documents that put the ideas of the Enlightenment into practice.

17 French Revolution 1789-1815 French government was bankrupt
Unlike the American Revolution, it was driven by social conflicts based on the unfairness of the Old Regime Effort to create a new society during the Reign of Terror. Napoleon Bonaparte spread the ideals of the revolution through conquest.


19 Legacy of the French Revolution: Birth of -isms
Nationalism Create a nation-state unified under the rule of law. Liberalism Create centralized nation-states ruled under a constitution Conservatism Maintain the status-quo, tradition, continuity and monarchies. Romanticism Glorified nature, emotion, and the imagination in art and philosophy.

20 Nationalism

21 Liberalism and Romanticism

22 II. Comparing Atlantic Revolutions in a Global Context
B. The French Revolution, 1789–1815 1. The American connection: ideas, war debt, and taxes 2. Resentment of privilege and increasing radicalism 3. Inventing a new, rational world II. Comparing Atlantic Revolutions in a Global Context B. The French Revolution, 1789–1815 1. The American connection: ideas and war debt: There was a direct impact of the American Revolution on the French Revolution. As thousands of French soldiers had served in the American war, many of them encountered the radical example of republicanism and wanted to reform feudal France along those lines. As France was home to many Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire, the American example spurred the imagination of many French thinkers. In a more concrete way, the French monarchy’s support for the American rebels created a massive war debt. To pay off the debt, King Louis XVI called the Estates General to raise taxes, thus providing the political opening for the French to start raising their grievances with the taxes but also the entire socio-political French system. 2. Resentment of privilege and increasing radicalism: There was widespread resentment of not just the absolute power of the monarch but of the social divisions of France. The country was divided into three estates: the clergy, the nobility, and everyone else (the vast majority of the population). The first two estates enjoyed various social and economic privileges that ranged from dress to hunting rights to exemption from certain taxes. Resentment of this institutionalized social inequality first exploded in 1789 with mob violence in Paris and peasant unrest in the countryside. Over the next few years, the revolution became increasingly radical with the 1793 regicide and the ensuing mass executions run by Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety during the Terror. Eventually, the revolutionaries turned on themselves and Robespierre himself was sent to the guillotine. 3. Inventing a new, rational world: The French Revolution was a much more complete revolutionary movement than the American example. The French revolutionaries sought to create an entirely new world based on a rational ordering of things, seen in the new calendar and a new, more uniform administrative system for the country. In many ways this was a complete application of the ideas of the Enlightenment.

23 Conservatism: Prince Klemens von Metternich
Conservatism is a political philosophy which embodies a desire to prevent change. 19th Century conservatives believed in the power behind absolute monarchy, the aristocracy and the Church. The conservatives of Europe succeeded in creating an era between 1815 and 1914 without war. They did so through repression of dissension and thought.

24 Haitian Revolution, Santo Domingue was a French Caribbean colony. Regarded as the richest colony in the world. Majority of the population were slaves. Solidarity and suffering made it ripe for revolution.

25 Haitian Revolution, French Revolution inspired revolts and demand for political equality. In1793, a proclamation granted slaves freedom. In 1794, the French revolutionary government declared blacks had rights equal to whites. This created wide-spread rebellions across the Caribbean and Latin America.

26 Haitian Revolution, Toussaint L’Overture possessed strong military skills and became the leader in the Haitian Revolution. Although he modeled French ideals of freedom and citizenship, he re-enslaved many Haitians.

27 Latin American Revolutions 1810–1825

28 Mexican Revolution Father Miguel Hidalgo opened a campaign against colonial rule in 1810 with the help from the popular classes, natives and creoles. Augustin de Iturbide created a constitutional monarchy in 1821.

29 Simon Bolivar “Liberator”
Took up arms, leading military campaigns , which along with popular uprisings, ousted Spain from much of Latin America. 1830 created the Gran Colombia in northern South America.

30 III. Echoes of Revolution
A. The Abolition of Slavery 1. Protestant and Quaker moralism 2. New economic structures 3. Haiti and other slave revolts 4. British leadership III. Echoes of Revolution A. The Abolition of Slavery 1. Protestant and Quaker moralism: Protestant and Quaker activists began the abolitionist movement out of a pious moral opposition to slavery. They publicized the evils of slavery and published memoirs by former slaves. 2. New economic structures: Industrialization and the new capitalist systems of production increasingly emphasized the use of free labor for wages set in a labor market, making the unfree labor of slavery look backwards and inefficient. 3. Haiti and other slave revolts: The example of Haiti’s successful revolution inspired other rebellions in the Atlantic Basin, making the continued maintenance of plantations more difficult. 4. British leadership: Thanks to moral, religious, economic, and political opposition to slavery, the British led the way in dismantling the institution by abolishing the slave trade in 1807 and emancipating the slaves in 1834.

31 Brazilian Independence
Pedro I, son of Portugal’s king, declared Brazil independent in 1822 and made himself king. More peaceful transition than the rest of Latin America with little change to the social structure.

32 Latin American Revolutions
Creoles were offended by the Spanish monarchy’s efforts to control them in the eighteenth century. Latin American independence movements were limited at first because there was little tradition of local self-government. Society was authoritarian, with class divisions.


34 Latin American Revolutions
Many leaders were liberals and their message appealed to the lower classes. In reality, the indigenous people and slaves got little benefit from independence. It was very difficult to unite various Spanish colonies, unlike the United States. The United States grew more democratic and wealthy while Latin American countries grew more impoverished, undemocratic, and unstable.



37 Global Impact Inspired efforts to abolish slavery, give women greater rights, and extend franchise in many countries Nationalism was shaped by revolutions Principles of equality eventually gave rise to socialism and communism

38 Did the revolutions achieve their goals?
Yes no Popular sovereignty was achieved New constitutions enshrined with enlightened ideals were formed Some economic freedoms were achieved by elite (Bourgeoisie, Creoles, freed men of color) Nationalism increased with new national identity Limits were placed on conservative forces (church, nobility) Still slavery although abolition movement would increase (but why?) Women still not provided rights Economic ties to European monarchs still exist (economic imperialism) War debts tied new nations to debtors Freedoms don’t apply equally to all Racism only increases (now a burgeoning scientific theory known as social Darwinism is perpetuated)

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