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Little Flower Men’s Night Science and Faith, the Myth of Conflict

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1 Little Flower Men’s Night Science and Faith, the Myth of Conflict
February 11, 2017 Science and Faith, the Myth of Conflict Dr. Stephen Barr

2 Little Flower Men’s Night
Opening Song God of Wonders Third Day

3 Little Flower Men’s Night
Opening Prayer Introductions

4 Little Flower Men’s Night Nappa Institute 2014 Conference
Science and Faith, the Myth of Conflict Dr. Stephen Barr Nappa Institute 2014 Conference

5 Reflection . . . Scientific materialism: ideology that seeks to “free the human mind from irrationality and superstition”. Worldview sees faith as an enemy. Genesis creation story: oppose paganism (worships nature instead of author of nature). Shows natural world order, rationality and power of the creator. Chinese scholars abandoned idea of a supreme being -- never produced a Newton or Descartes Catholic view: God is creator of natural world, with evidence in nature. He is not a cause within nature, but the cause of nature. God is author who does not interfere with natural order, but works through it Many Catholic priests/laymen have led to our scientific understanding.

6 “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth – in a word, to know himself – so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves”. -- Saint John Paul II

7 Other opportunities to
deepen our faith . . .

8 Catholic Radio in Toledo
Catholic Media . . . Catholic Radio in Toledo Annunciation Radio 89.7 FM

9 Upcoming . . .

10 Next Men’s Night Saturday, March pm Tolkien, Chesterton and Lent Fr. John Hollowell St. Francis Room Bring a friend!

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