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Theme Map for Year 4: Summer 2016

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1 Theme Map for Year 4: Summer 2016
Please encourage your child to read each day Theme Map for Year 4: Summer 2016 Theme – In My Shoes Stories which raise issues and dilemmas -Exploring The Balaclava Story through drama -Planning and writing a story which raises issues and dilemmas Swimming - Digital Literacy and ICT Select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs Cricket and Athletics Letters -Writing a persuasive letter to local MP in order to improve environment Homework: Alternative maths and English plus free choice. Set on a Tuesday. Collected on Monday. PE English Our Local Area -Using atlases to locate -Exploring weather, climate and local landmarks -Creating own map of locality -Comparing London to Chessington ICT Science Class 4 In My Shoes Living things and their habitats Recognise that living things can be grouped in different ways Use classification to group, identify and name living things Recognise that environments can change ‘Unwrapping music’ discovering the elements of music Developing our School Grounds -Looking after our part of the planet Geography Our Local Area -Finding out all about homes, jobs and people’s lives Music PSHE The Four Number Operations -Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Maths Art/ DT RE History Reading Roman Numerals to 100 Banksy -Exploring graffiti in the local area -Creating own graffiti inspired art Fractions -Recognising fractions of numbers and shapes -Adding fractions Money fraction challenges Sikhism To know that Sikhism is one of the main religions of the world To recognise the Khanda, and the Mool Mantra Recognising and drawing symmetry History of Chessington and London -Discovering how people and places have changed over time The Art of the Poster Exploring the history of poster production Designing and making posters for TFL Trip – London Eye and the National Gallery

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