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A PP presentation from Center Stage Summer Intensive 2010

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1 A PP presentation from Center Stage Summer Intensive 2010
The Art of Play A PP presentation from Center Stage Summer Intensive 2010

2 Improvisation!

3 What is Improvisation? To make something up or invent it as one goes on; to proceed by guess rather than by a careful plan. To invent or create something quickly or without a plan; to wing it.

4 What can you Improvise? Music! Food! Theatre!
Jazz musicians use improvisation in their songs and solos. Food! Lots of great foods and recipes were improvised by their creators, like chocolate chip cookies. Theatre!

5 Improvised Theatre Improvised theatre, also known as improv, is when a group of performers create original scenes and characters on the spot. The actors use new information or suggestions as the basis of their sketches, which is provided by the audience or another member of the group. There are two main types of improv, shortform or longform.

6 Shortform and Longform Improv
Shortform improv is made of short scenes around a predetermined structure or game that are driven by audience involvement. Longform improv is a whole show of short scenes with related characters, stories, or themes.

7 Examples of Improv Whose Line is it Anyway? is a great example of shortform improv. Some of their best know skits include: Irish Drinking Song Party Quirks

8 Where did Improv come from?
Improv draws from the theatrical traditions of commedia dell’arte and clowning, and the ideal of ‘living in the moment’ was a large part of Stanislavski’s system of acting. However, improv as we know it today mainly comes from teachers Viola Spolin and Keith Johnstone, who transferred their theatre games from the classroom to the public stage.

9 What are the rules? There are no real formal rules to improv, but here are some good tips to make sure that your sketch will be great! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

10 Guidelines for Improv Never say ‘no’.
When you say ‘no,’ you shut down the whole scene by denying the world you’re trying to create. If your partner says “It certainly is a nice day to build a sandcastle on the beach!” and you follow with “No, we certainly picked the wrong day to fight aliens in space,” the scene has no where to go. Instead, you should say “Yes, and…” to continue the scene and add more details.

11 Guidelines for Improv Don’t try to ‘be funny’.
If you try to play funny to the audience, they will know that you’re only looking for laughs and are not invested in your scene. If you concentrate on your scene, trust your instincts, and listen to your partners the funny will come!

12 Guidelines for Improv 3. Always establish a location and include lots of specific details! By adding lots of concrete details to your scene, you become invested in the scenarios and create interesting characters and situations. If you’re walking an out-of-control dog in the city park, the situation will be a lot different if you are in charge of a hot pink Chihuahua versus a lime green Great Dane!

13 Where can I do Improv? Improv can be done anywhere if there is an open space and willing people! But there are also numerous theatres which specialize in improv throughout the nation.

14 The Second City The Second City is an improv theatre located in Chicago, Illinois. The theatre was founded in December 1959 by a group of actors. The Second City training center began in the 1980s, as the demand for classes in all forms of comedy increased.

15 The Second City Besides the Chicago location, the Second City has outposts in Hollywood and Toronto, as well as a touring group. Here are some great examples of Second City Sketches: Dr. Know-It-All Ricardo Montalban School of Fine Acting

16 The Groundlings The Groundlings are an improv troupe based out of Los Angeles, CA. The group has been active since it was founded in 1974. The Groundlings School of Improvisation was founded in 1979, teaching improv, sketch comedy, and comedy writing.

17 Now that you have the tools…

18 Ready? Set? Go Improvise!

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