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SCALE Starter – Can you match these phrases? DISTANCE KILOMETRE

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Presentation on theme: "SCALE Starter – Can you match these phrases? DISTANCE KILOMETRE"— Presentation transcript:

1 SCALE Starter – Can you match these phrases? DISTANCE KILOMETRE
Discuss with your partner SCALE A metric unit of length equal to 1000 metres. DISTANCE The ratio of a distance on the map to the distance in real life. KILOMETRE The amount of space between one point and another. It is measured using miles or kilometres.

2 Scale and Distance Learning Intention:
To understand how scale is represented on a map. To understand how distance is represented on a map. Success Criteria: You will be able to use scale to determine real distance on a map.

3 Who uses maps?








11 What Is Scale? For maps to be useful they need to be smaller than real life and ideally fit in a bag! Scale is about how ‘zoomed out’ a map is Look at the maps and identify the main differences between them 1:250,000 1:50,000 1:25,000

12 Different Scales for Different Purposes
Which map would you use for walking/hiking? Why? Which map would you use if you were flying a plane? Why? 1:250,000 1:50,000 1:25,000

13 How can we measure distance on a map?

14 To measure the straight line distance is easy
Get a ruler or piece of paper and simply measure the distance between the two points Then compare it to the scale at the bottom of the map page to find out how far it is in real life

15 To measure the distance it would actually be if you travelled by road or footpath is a little more complicated. To do this we have to measure around the curvy bits and corners that roads and paths have, because roads and pathways hardly ever go in a straight line. Move the paper and mark it all around the curves until you finally reach the point to wanted to measure to. Basically you are turning the curvy line into lots of little straight lines.

16 You can also use string to measure distance.
Use the scale bar on a map to help you to mark kilometre intervals on your string. Use the string to follow your route. Count up how many kilometre marks you use and then use the scale bar to measure the final distance on the string. Remember to always include the measurement when you are writing down distance.

17 Eevee Snorlax Lickitung Blastoise Bulbasaur Pikachu Starmie Seadra
Eastwood High School Eevee Snorlax Lickitung Blastoise Bulbasaur Pikachu Starmie Seadra Pinsir

18 Using the roads, take the shortest route between them.
Use the map and the scale (with the string) to work out how far you would need to walk between the named Pokemon. Using the roads, take the shortest route between them. What is the distance from: Eastwood High School to Eevee: Eevee to Pikachu: Pikachu to Snorlax: Snorlax to Starmie: Starmie to Lickitung: Lickitung to Seadra: Seadra to Blastoise: Blastoise to Pinsir: Pinsir to Bulbasaur: Bulbasaur to Eastwood High School: How many 2km eggs could you hatch on this walk? Do you walk far enough to hatch a 5km egg? What is the total distance that you walk? 400m 550m 4 1100m 650m 500m 700m Yes 600m 900m 2200m 600m 8250m

19 Starter – Name the Map Glasgow City Centre Disneyland Isla Nublar
Jurassic World The Marauder’s Map Harry Potter Britain and Ireland 1467 Middle Earth The Hobbit/ The Lord of the Rings

20 Scale and Distance Learning Intention:
To understand how scale is represented on a map. To understand how distance is represented on a map. Success Criteria: You will be able to use scale to determine real distance on a map.

21 Eevee Snorlax Lickitung Blastoise Bulbasaur Pikachu Starmie Seadra
School Eevee Snorlax Lickitung Blastoise Bulbasaur Pikachu Starmie Seadra Pinsir

22 Using the roads, take the shortest route between them.
Use the map and the scale (with the string) to work out how far you would need to walk between the named Pokemon. Using the roads, take the shortest route between them. What is the distance from: School to Eevee: Eevee to Pikachu: Pikachu to Snorlax: Snorlax to Starmie: Starmie to Lickitung: Lickitung to Seadra: Seadra to Blastoise: Blastoise to Pinsir: Pinsir to Bulbasaur: Bulbasaur to School: How many 2km eggs could you hatch on this walk? Do you walk far enough to hatch a 5km egg? What is the total distance that you walk? 400m 550m 4 1100m 650m 500m 700m Yes 600m 900m 2200m 600m 8250m

23 Write a tweet to help others learn how to measure distance.
Remember that you only have 140 characters to use. Use key words where possible.

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