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Use of Short Stories for Language Teaching Purposes

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1 Use of Short Stories for Language Teaching Purposes
Lecturer Betul ALTAŞ

2 What is a short story? What are the important elements in a short story?

3 What is a short story? A brief work of fiction, centered around one incident A plotted narrative (Russel, 2009). Short stories date back to oral storytelling traditions (Homer’s Illiad and Odyssey)

4 Important elements of short stories
Plot: the series of related events in a story There are five main parts in the structure of the plot exposition rising action climax falling action resolution/ denouement

5 Exposition Setting, characters and situation
Rising action Conflict (a person against another, society or a group; a person against nature or one person against himself/herself) Climax the point of highest excitement Falling action the point in which the excitement decreases Resolution/denouement the part in which the conflict is resolved

6 The most common techniques
Suspense: Excitement Foreshadowing : Hints/clues Flashback Surprise ending: unexpected use of irony

7 Characters Protagonist (leading character such as hero or heroine)
Antagonist (opposed to protagonist) Minor characters Dynamic characters Static characters Round characters Flat characters (referring to one side) Stock characters (stereotypes)

8 Setting Setting refers to time and place.
Time (specific year, decade or century) Place (particular town, city, state, region or country)

9 Narrator Narrator of a story is the person tells the story from his/her viewpoint and with his/her knowledge (Fellag, 1993). The narrator can be: a participant in action of story an outsider reporting the actions The role of the narrator determines by whom the story is told.

10 Point of view The position from which the story is told.
First person point of view Third person point of view

11 Third person point of view: narration from a third person’s point of view.
omniscient (narration about characters) non-omniscient (narration from a limited perspective)

12 Third person point of view may be intrusive or unintrusive.
Style : word choice, the figures of speech such as metaphor, irony, symbols and to name a few) Theme : central message

13 Advantages of using short stories
Four skills Vocabulary and grammar Motivation Culture of target community through cultural concepts Critical thinking skills/ cognitive abilities

14 Some problems Comprehension (plot, characters, vocabulary, role of narrator Motivation: (lack of confidence, uninteresting content of stories, reluctance in reading) Inadequate reading strategies Making interpretations Understanding the cultural background Appreciation of the style

15 Sample activities for analysis of short stories
Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading

16 Pre-reading Bakground information Specific information
Model strategies Stimuli for student’s interest (Grabe &Stoller, 2001) Cultural background (Lazar, 1993) Pre-teaching vocabulary as well as grammar (Lazar, 1993)

17 While-reading The most common focus is on asking comprehension questions. According to Lazar (1993),there can be activities to help students: to understand the plot and characters with style and language with challenging vocabulary words

18 Post-reading The focus of the activities is on :
students’ interpretations of the text understanding narrative point of view follow-up writing activities follow-up fluency practice

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