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Fundraising for Smiles a Sr. Proj.

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1 Fundraising for Smiles a Sr. Proj.
By: Jordan Jones P.3 Do you know what these two birth defects are called? Cleft Lip. Digital image. New Mexico Cleft Palate Center. N.p., n.d. Web. Cleft palate. Digital image. Udent. N.p., 24 Oct Web.

2 Why Cleft Palates and Cleft Lips?
Born with a soft cleft palate Dentist found it when I was three Repaired in Sept. 2001 Wanted to do something with Smile Train This was my chance Salomonson, Janet, MD. Cleft Palate Team Summary Report of June 11, Summary Report. Santa Monica: n.p., Print.

3 Facts about Cleft Lips Most common birth defect (
“1 in every 1,500 newborns” (Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate) Lip doesn’t form properly Alone: twice as many boys than girls (Laberge) Can be seen on a 3D ultrasound Hanson, Shannon. Baby Ellie. Digital image. Gofundme. N.p., 14 Oct Web. 3 Apr Cuillier, Fabrice, MD. 3D Images. Digital image. SonoWorld, 21 Mar Web. 3 Apr

4 Facts about Cleft Palates
Roof of mouth doesn’t form properly Hard and/or soft palate Alone: twice as many girls than boys (Laberge) “1 in every 2,000 newborns” (Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate) Can have both lip and palate Can be bilateral or unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate. Digital image. Kids Health Info. The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Jan Web. 3 Apr Filho, Omar Gabriel Da Silva. Influence of palatoplasty on occlusion of patients with isolated cleft palate. Digital image. SciFlo Brazil. N.p., Mar.-Apr Web. 3 Apr

5 Problems Caused by Cleft Lips and Palates
Feeding- can’t suck, needs special bottles (WebMD) Hearing- Fluid build up, prone to ear infections, risk of hearing loss (WebMD) Sinus/Nose- prone to sinus infections, nose doesn’t form properly, deviated septum (WebMD) Teeth- jawline, gum line, and teeth don’t form correctly (WebMD) Sabharwal, Gagan. Types of Cleft Lip Feeder. Digital image. N.p., 8 June Web. 3 Apr Otitis Media. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr

6 Immediate Treatment Options
Surgery Repair the lip/palate Surgery to repair other problems associated Surgery Ein Karem. Digital image. Hadassah Medical Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr Sample Team Care Timeline. Santa Monica: Saint John's Cleft Palate Team, n.d. Print.

7 Postoperative Treatments
Therapy- speech, orthodontic, and hearing Not treated properly- hearing loss, speech impediments, poor dental development, starvation, and even death "Articulation." LinguiSystems, Inc. N.p.: n.p., Print

8 Smile Train Non-profit 72nd largest charity in America (Forbes)
Helped children in over 80 countries (Smile Train) Over one million repairs (Smile Train) Sends volunteers Works with the community Sends better resources Teaches the local doctors how to perform the surgery Smile Train. Digital image. Shannon's RCL Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr

9 What I Had Hoped to Find More statistics from other countries
Pictures of my cleft palate ed St. Johns if they did Received a response from Ann Masson Masson, Ann, RN. "Looking For Info." Message to the author. 27 July Jordan Jones' scar, Gilbert, AZ. Personal photograph by author

10 What Did I Do? GoFundMe page linked with Smile Train
Created a twitter page ed multiple dental/orthodontic offices in the area Asked them to donate Asked if they wanted to pass out flyers "Fundraising for Smile Train a Sr. Proj." 18 Feb Jones, Jordan. Fundraising for Smiles a Sr. Proj. Gilbert: n.p., Print.

11 Family Involvement Donated Shared it on Facebook and LinkedIn
Friends have donated Welch, Abingdon Chelsea. Web log comment. Facebook. N.p., 16 Nov Web. 3 Apr

12 The Results Raised $550 1 child=$250 Help 2.2 kids
Jones, Jordan. "Click Here to Support Fundraising for Smiles a Sr Proj. by Jordan Jones." N.p., 2 Nov Web. 04 Apr. 2016

13 BHS Mission Statement Benevolence- Donating to charity
Honor- Helping those less fortunate Scholarship: Learned a lot about what I was born with Basha High School Misson Statement. Digital image. Slideplayer. N.p., Web. 4 Apr

14 How Did This Affect Me? Learned a lot
Helped two children smile and be happy Would do more with Smile Train Smile Train Before and After. Digital image. Smile Train. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr

15 Works Cited "Articulation." LinguiSystems, Inc. N.p.: n.p., Print. Basha High School Misson Statement. Digital image. Slideplayer. N.p., Web. 4 Apr Cleft Lip. Digital image. New Mexico Cleft Palate Center. N.p., n.d. Web. Cleft Lip and Palate. Digital image. Kids Health Info. The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Jan Web. 3 Apr "Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate." Seattle Children's. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr "Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate: Causes and Treatments." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 04 Apr "Cleft Lip and Palate." KidsHealth. The Nemours Foundation, n.d. Web. 04 Apr Cleft palate. Digital image. Udent. N.p., 24 Oct Web. Cuillier, Fabrice, MD. 3D Images. Digital image. SonoWorld, 21 Mar Web. 3 Apr Filho, Omar Gabriel Da Silva. Influence of palatoplasty on occlusion of patients with isolated cleft palate. Digital image. SciFlo Brazil. N.p., Mar.-Apr Web. 3 Apr

16 Works Cited Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.
"Fundraising for Smile Train a Sr. Proj." 18 Feb Hanson, Shannon. Baby Ellie. Digital image. Gofundme. N.p., 14 Oct Web. 3 Apr Jones, Jordan. "Click Here to Support Fundraising for Smiles a Sr Proj. by Jordan Jones." N.p., 2 Nov Web. 04 Apr. 2016 Jones, Jordan. Fundraising for Smiles a Sr. Proj. Gilbert: n.p., Print. Jordan Jones' scar, Gilbert, AZ. Personal photograph by author Laberge, Monique. "Cleft Lip and Palate." HighBeam Research, 01 Jan Web Apr Masson, Ann, RN. "Looking For Info." Message to the author. 27 July Otitis Media. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr "Our Model | Smile Train." Smile Train. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr

17 Works Cited Sabharwal, Gagan. Types of Cleft Lip Feeder. Digital image. N.p., 8 June Web. 3 Apr Salomonson, Janet, MD. Cleft Palate Team Summary Report of June 11, Summary Report. Santa Monica: n.p., Print. Sample Team Care Timeline. Santa Monica: Saint John's Cleft Palate Team, n.d. Print. Smile Train Before and After. Digital image. Smile Train. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Apr Smile Train. Digital image. Shannon's RCL Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr Surgery Ein Karem. Digital image. Hadassah Medical Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Apr Welch, Abingdon Chelsea. Web log comment. Facebook. N.p., 16 Nov Web. 3 Apr

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