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Whales By Rylee.

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1 Whales By Rylee

2 Whale facts Every kind of whale has a blowhole.
Whales are the mammlas that live there entire lives in water. Whales are large intellingent aquatic mamals. Whales have a steamlined shape and almost no hair as aulduts.

3 Blue Whales The Blue Whales is the loudest animal on earth.
The Blue Whales are the largest animal on earth they are larger then any giant dinsour were. Blue Whales are endagered animals. Blue Whale’s call decibels.

4 Orca Orca grow to be about 27\33 feet( 8\10(.
Weighing more than 8,000\12,000. They have a tall falcate ( sickle\shaped(. Orcas live in small pods of 6\40 they are very social animals.

5 Sperm Whales Sperm Whale have the largest teeth.
Ault males go to be about 50\60 feet (17m( long. They weigh 40\50 tons. Females are smaller about 33\40 feet (11\13( weigh 14\18 tons.

6 Humpback Whale Humpback Whales grow to be about 52 feet (16m( .
Weigh 30\50 tons (27\45)tones. Humpbacks can dive up to 30 mintunes. Humpback can dive to a death of 500\700 (150\210m).

7 Diagram of an Ocra Whale
flukes Dorals fin ear ear blowhole mammary genital teeth aunstal flipper

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