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SHS Science Course Offerings

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1 SHS Science Course Offerings
SHS Science Course Offerings * Information for current 9th-11th grade students as you register for the School Year IB Biology (HL) IB Physics (HL) IB Chemistry (SL/HL) IB Environmental Systems and Society (SL) IB Exercise Science (SL) Chemistry Lab Methods Physics Lab Methods Concepts in Advanced Science Environmental Systems General Biology General Chemistry General Physics Astronomy (semester)


3 Math Level Recommendations
If you will be in Geometry or Algebra 1 next year, we recommend that you consider one of the following choices: Biology Lab Methods: Chemistry Lab Methods: Physics Environmental Systems If you will be in Geometry or higher, we recommend that you consider any of the above, plus: Astronomy General Chemistry If you will be in Algebra 2 or higher, we recommend that you consider one of the following choices: Next year’s 10th-12th grade: Concepts in Adv. Science (next year’s 10th) General Chemistry General Physics Environmental Systems Astronomy Next year’s 11th and 12th grade only: IB Chemistry 1 IB Physics 1 IB Biology 1 IB Environmental Systems and Society IB Exercise Science We recommend a well-rounded selection of sciences throughout your career at Skyline. We also encourage you to consider a 2nd year of an IB science, possibly taking more than 1 science in either your junior or senior year.

4 Lab Methods: (Chemistry or Physics )
Who should consider taking these courses? - Students who have already taken Biology AND who got less than a B in Algebra 1 OR will be enrolled in Algebra 1. - Incoming freshmen who would like more support before taking upper level chemistry or physics courses. Each course is a one semester, 0.5 credit course. However, it is recommended that they be taken together in the same year to fulfill one full credit of a laboratory based science course.

What will I learn in this course? CONTENT: Fundamental concepts of chemistry, such as… …relationship between atomic structure and periodic trends …chemical bonding …chemical and nuclear reactions SKILLS: Fundamental laboratory techniques and lab safety Increased use of metric units and conversion techniques Use of laboratory equipment for data collection and manipulation Scientific communication through technical writing

What will I learn in this course? Content: Fundamental concepts of physics, such as… …kinematics …dimensional analysis …applications of Newton’s Laws and energy transformation Skills: Fundamental laboratory techniques and lab safety Increased use of metric units and conversion techniques Graphical analysis and interpretation fundamentals Use of electronic tools for data collection and manipulation Scientific communication through technical writing

7 Concepts in Advanced Sciences
Preparation for IB Sciences This intensive course will cover the contents and skills that will help a student to be more successful in IB Sciences. 1 Semester Course (0.5 cr) NOT needed for IB Science, but can be good preparation for an IB Science. Can be taken to offset an elective class (Lab Methods, etc.) NCAA approved Math & Lab based class Learning Recommendations: Algebra 2 or higher

8 General Environmental Systems
What do you learn? Biodiversity Earth Native Ecology Soil Studies Ethnobotany Earthquakes Ecosystems Volcanoes Biomes Plate Tectonics Ecological Succession Climate Weather Populations Climate Change Water Energy Water Quality Sustainability Ocean Currents Tides

9 General Environmental Systems
What do you do? Lab Based; no Algebra requirement Lots of hands-on data collection experience in Skyline’s outdoor forest and pond lab Project-based learning and real-world applications. Soil / Plant Growth Manipulations Plant Identification Real world / Current information and topics

10 Astronomy (0.5 cr) Why Take It?
Great preparation for upper level sciences OR a great class to take if you love science! Immediately observable science Get to know how the universe works! Great exploration into what its like to be an astronomer, astrophysicist, etc. Intermediate science course with emphasis in: Upper level science lab skills Inquiry investigations Mathematics applications in science Team based projects Critical thinking and problem solving Communication through scientific reading and writing Student lead research projects

11 Astronomy You will learn: You are ready for Astronomy if…
What’s in our Solar System History of Astronomy Space Exploration and Rocketry Formation of the Solar System and its Bodies Characteristics of Stars Main Sequence Evolution Post MS Results  Galaxy Morphology The History of the Universe and its Evidence As time allows: special topics and current events in astronomy and astrophysics You are ready for Astronomy if… You will be enrolled in geometry or higher You have successfully completed biology You have successfully completed physical science/lab methods course

12 General Chemistry General Chemistry Topics Covered Fun Experiments
Atomic Structure and Compounds Chemical Reactions. Stoichiometry—quantitative relationships in chemical reactions. Energy Relationships Chemical Equilibrium Solution Chemistry Gas Laws Fun Experiments Make a GOLD PENNY. Hot Air Balloons Chemical Change Lab Heating Curve for Water Unknown Puzzle Lab

13 General Chemistry General Chemistry General Description
Emphasis on lab skills and scientific inquiry. Emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving. Chemistry is a quantitative science and students do a significant amount of math. This is a lab-based and algebra based science course. Chemistry gives the “WHY” of what happens in our world. Learning Recommendations Chemistry Lab Methods. General Biology. A grade of B or better in Algebra 1 and concurrent enrollment in Geometry or Algebra 2. Proficient in the use of computer software for word processing and spreadsheets. Proficient in lab technique, problem solving and critical thinking.

14 General Physics WHY TAKE IT? Learn about how physical world works.
Improve critical thinking skills. Counts as algebra based science credit required by most 4 year colleges. Research shows that taking high school physics increases success in college. Students interested in STEM and technical careers benefit greatly from understanding physics (Engineering, Medicine, Science, Construction, Mathematics, Automotive, Architecture, Programming, and More)

15 General Physics Topics Covered You are ready for Physics if you…
Have completed Algebra 2 OR are concurrently enrolled in Algebra 2 AND have strong math skills Are ready to work hard, think hard and interact positively with your fellow classmates. Have the ability to solve problems and create projects as part of a team Like learning about how things work and why. Topics Covered Mechanics Linear Motion Forces and Interactions 2D Projectile Motion Momentum, Impulse and Collisions Work, Energy, and Power Wave Behavior and Mechanics Sound and Music Light and Color Geophysics Real World Applications

16 IB Physics (HL) What topics will we study? Year 1: Year 2:
Mechanics Thermal Physics/Thermodynamics Fluid Mechanics Circular Motion and gravitation Year 2: Waves and light Electricity and Magnetism AC electricity and energy production Quantum/Nuclear/Particle Physics “From sub-atomic to astronomical, I guarantee you, every step of the way, your mind will be blown!” “You will finally understand how our world works. Plus, it’s crazy interesting.” “I really wish I had taken Physics in high school! It would have made it SO much easier in college!” ~A Physical Therapist, Olympic PT

17 IB Physics (HL) Learning Recommendations:
Concurrent enrollment, or successful completion of, at least Algebra 2 Successful completion of Physics Lab Methods and Chemistry Lab Methods and/or Concepts in Advanced Science “Physics has an application for everything; that’s why it’s amazing!” Other “tidbits”: “IB Physics will introduce you thoroughly to concepts you’ll see again in college” “Physics can be applied to many jobs in the future.” “…plus, Silverwood will be great!” Memorable Labs: Create a radioactive isotope Wave machines Collisions and Roller Coasters And so many more!!

18 IB BIOLOGY (HL) Lab based science.
Deepen your understanding of the science of life while having fun. Recommend B or better in general biology. Test to earn college credit.

19 Engineer glowing bacteria!!!
IB BIOLOGY I TOPICS Biochemistry Cell structure and function DNA and biotechnology Biology of Cancer Human reproduction Genetics Evolution IB BIOLOGY II TOPICS Diversity of Life Ecology Botany Cell respiration Photosynthesis Human anatomy & physiology COOL LABS! DNA electrophoresis!!! Engineer glowing bacteria!!! Grow fast plants!!! Use microscopes!!!

20 IB Chemistry (SL/HL) Topics Covered: Learning Recommendations:
Quantitative Chemistry Atomic Structure Periodicity Bonding Energetics Kinetics Equilibrium Acids & Bases Redox Reactions Organic Chemistry Learning Recommendations: Familiarity with basic chemistry principles, such as those taught in the Chemistry Lab Methods courses Concurrent enrollment, or successful completion of, Algebra 2

21 From Past & Current Students
“I love the labs” “It’s math-based. Some people don’t realize that.” “Since it’s an IB class, it’ll look good on college apps.” “I really like this class. I like how we get lots of practice with all the worksheets.” “It’s like Swiftney knows what he’s doing…it’s CRAZY.” From alumni: “Hansen and I are consistently the fastest people in our chem. class at doing labs, thanks to you.” “I just wanted to let you know how much your class has been helping me out in intro chemistry. I have an understanding of most of the topics and it’s helping me transition better! Just wanted to say thank you for your teaching last year.” IB Chemistry Highlights: Thermite Demonstration Alkali Metals Demonstration Cheeto Lab M&M (Chromatography ) Lab Being prepared for College Chemistry Classes This is a “High Expectations” course: -You are expected to work hard -You will learn college level chemistry

22 IB Environmental Systems and Society (SL)
What will you learn? Environmental Ethics Ecology Ecosystems populations biodiversity Human Impact Pollution of air, water, soil Includes climate change Includes both indoor and outdoor data collection (we collect data in our outdoor classroom behind the Skyline fence).

23 Tidbits Recognized as a lab science.
Standard Level only which means you can take the test as a junior or senior. Group 4 project is not a requirement. For IB Diploma Candidates you can get dual credit—one for a lab science and one for social science, thus freeing up your schedule to take an additional course.

24 IB Exercise Science What We Will Study Basic Info
Muscular & Skeletal Human Anatomy Exercise Physiology Energetics/Metabolism Body Motion and Analysis Psychology of Sport and Competition Basic Info One year course (SL) Students should have previously taken and passed Biology 2 years of previous science recommended Recognized as a lab based science

25 IB Exercise Science Very unique opportunity, the course is not offered at many high schools Great intro to the world of Anatomy and Physiology Early experience if you are interested in a medical profession or athletics Learn very practical information that you can use and see all the time in the real world

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