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MATH10001 Project 3 Difference Equations 2

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1 MATH10001 Project 3 Difference Equations 2
ugstudies/units/ /level1/MATH10001/

2 Non-Linear Difference Equations
yn+1 = yn 2 yn+2 = yn+1yn yn+2 = sin(yn ) There is no standard method for solving non-linear difference equations. Instead, we investigate properties of the difference equation.

3 Fixed points and linear stability
A fixed point Y of a difference equation is such that yn = Y for all n  N for some N. A fixed point Y is linearly stable if the sequence moves back to Y after it is slightly perturbed. A fixed point Y is linearly unstable if the sequence moves away from Y after it is slightly perturbed. e.g. a pendulum unstable stable

4 Let yn = Y + ŷn where ŷn is a small perturbation.
We consider what happens to the sequence as n . In a linear stability analysis we neglect terms in (ŷn)m, for m  2, assuming ŷn is small. Example yn+1 = yn2.

5 Other methods for analysing non-linear difference equations
Other properties that can be considered are (1) Boundedness – for which values of y0 does the sequence (yn)n0 remain within a certain range for all n. (2) Periodicity – for which values of y0 does the sequence cycle through a finite set of values? Example The Tent Map yn+1 = { r yn if yn < ½ { r(1 - yn) if yn  ½ where r > 0 is a constant.

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