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Welcome Families! Back to School Night

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1 Welcome Families! Back to School Night
EC 4B Mrs. Albert SJB

2 Alison Albert
Saint Francis College- Elementary Education Bowie State University- Masters in Reading Early Learning Center- 2 and 3 year olds Thomas Pullen for the Performing Arts- 3rd Grade Mills-Parole Elementary- 2nd Grade and Reading Specialist Mother of three boys- Christopher (6th), Sean (3rd) and Brenden (K)

3 Schedule and Importance of being on Time:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:20-8:45 Arrive/ Morning Circle/Math 8:45-9:10 Bathroom/Snack 9:10-9:55 Music In class Science/ Language Arts Art Computer Language Arts/ Cooking/ Experiment 9:55-10:40 10:40-12:10 Shelf Work Lunch/Recess Gym 12:10-12:55 Whole Group/ Handwriting Library Religion Special Person 12:55-2:25 Rest/ Closing Circle 2:35 Dismissal

4 Classroom Rules and Discipline
Five Star Listeners: - Eyes - Ears - Lips -Hands -Feet If a student has difficulty for the 5 Star Listener Steps: - nonverbal cues - redirect and relocate -removed from the group -continued disruption will lead to a note or a call home to parents

5 Handwriting Without Tears
Curriculum Math Science Language Arts Shelf Work Centers Handwriting Without Tears Religion Specials Assessments

6 Shelf Work There are 3 components for our daily shelf work. These include language skills (red trays), math skills (black trays), and fine motor skills (blue trays). Red Tray: Letter recognition and phonemic awareness Black Tray: Numbers recognition, counting, sorting, shapes and patterning Blue Tray: Using various tools to create art projects that correlate with the daily story and weekly themes. These activities are must-do's that are observed and directed by the teacher. Upon completion of all three components, the children are free to choose an activity within our classroom centers.

7 Centers Centers are theme based that will change throughout the school year. These centers are designed to enhance social skills and cooperative learning. Puzzles Science Library/Books/Listening Sensory Table Writing (scrap paper is always needed) Building Dramatic Play Art Prayer Table Computers

8 Handwriting Without Tears
This program is designed to create a foundation of fine motors skills necessary to develop the correct formation when writing capital letters. The program uses music to engage children and help them develop good learning habits for holding writing tools, making letters and practicing pre-reading skills.

9 Religion School Wide Theme:​ Come, Holy Spirit
Each month we will focus on one of the nine fruits of the Holy  Spirit.  These fruits are: love, joy,  peace, patience, kindness,  generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self­-control.  Franciscan Values: ​Each month SJB models a different Franciscan values which can be found  in the school newsletter.  For example, in  the month of October, the Franciscan Value will be  "Covenant with Earth".   Prayers:​ Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Bless us, oh Lord, and the Angel of God.  We will learn about God, Jesus, and Mary.  Stories of God ​: This program includes 22 story leaflets derived from  stories in the Bible and  e ight seasonal leaflets to help instill Christian values in preschool children.

10 Specials Monday Music 9:10-9:55
Tuesday Library 12:10-12:55 (volunteers are always welcomed) Wednesday Art 9:10-9:55 Thursday Computer 9:10-9:55 Gym 9:55-10:40 Friday Spanish 9:55-10:40 For information regarding Physical Education, please  visit Mrs. Schock's  website, under the Teacher Pages  "Specials" link on the school's website.   Mrs. Schock can be 

11 Assessments Students will be assessed at various times during the school year. Assessments may be informal observations of children's understanding of various skills, as well as formal assessments conducted one-on-one by the teacher. Areas include: Religion Literacy/ Language Development Mathematics Science Work and Play Habits Social/Emotional Development

12 Communication Teacher web page will be updated Monday thru Thursday
Conferences will be held one on one in October to discuss student progress Additional conferences can be set up if needed Three progress reports will be sent home throughout the year (Remember they Are 4! They will get it!)

13 Events to expect throughout the year:
VIP (Very Important Person) *This program will be held on Fridays beginning in October. Each week, a selected student will complete a poster about themselves. The student will also bring in 3 special items (that fit into the VIP bag) that the child wishes to share with their class.

14 Birthdays *Please send in a treat that will distribute as a dessert at lunchtime. 100 Club *Our goal is to have our students join our "100 Club" by counting to 100 with little assistance from the teacher. (This program will start after the Christmas break) Field Trips We will be going on two field trips. A note about chaperones will be posted. More information to follow.

15 Snack/Lunch/Eagles Club *Please put a sticker/label snack
*Please pack Eagles Club snack in a separate bag (a brown bag would be best), and separated from their lunch. Jackets *Please be advised that we walk outside on our campus on a daily basis. *A jacket with a hood is needed for rainy days. (no umbrellas please) Holiday Parties *We will have 5 holiday parties throughout the school year. Please be on the lookout for a sign up genius to organize these parties.

16 Parent Involvement Lunch Help 10:45-11:20 Recess Help 11:20-12:10
Special Talent/Profession to Share with the Class Monthly Playdoh: thank you for all who volunteered! Field Trip Chaperones Party Help- sign up genius Home and School, Education Committee

17 YEAR AT A GLANCE *My Teacher Page will keep everyone abreast  of our weekly  themes/goals, calendar of  events and important messages.   *Over the course of our school year, we will  cover all of the letters of the alphabet,  numbers, shapes, colors and a variety of  themes related to the letter of  the week.   *Here is a snapshot: 

18 Week 1 No Letter this week­ Theme: Welcome to SJB 
Week 3 No letter this week – Theme:  All About Me  Week 4 Letter “C”­ Creation  Week 5 Letter “A”­ Apples   Week 6 Letter “F” – Fire Prevention  Week 7 Letter “P”­ Pumpkins  Week 8 Letter “P”­ Pumpkins  Week 9 No Letter this week­ Theme: Halloween  Week 10 Letter “L”­  Leaves/Fall  Week 11 No Letter this week­ Theme: Family  Week 12 Letter “T” ­ Thanksgiving  Week 13 No Letter this week­ continuing theme: Thanksgiving  Week 14 Letter “G”­ Giving/Gingerbread (start of Advent)  Week 15 Letter “B”­ Baby Jesus  Week 16 Letter “M”­ Merry Christmas  Week 17 Letter “M”­ Merry Christmas 

19 Week 18 Letter “J” ­ January 
Week 19 Letters “W”­ Winter and all things chilly  Week 20 Letter “K” and “Q”­ Kings and Queens/ Martin Luther King, Jr.   Week 21 Letter “N”­ Nursery Rhymes    Week 22 No Letter this Week­ Numbers  Week 23 Letter “E”­ Eric Carle week   Week 24 Letter “X” and “V”­ Valentine’s Day (XOXOXO)  Week 25 No Letter this Week­ President’s Day  Week 26 No Letter this week­ Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday  

20 In Closing: Thank you for sharing your child with us. We are excited to work with you and watch your child grow this year. We are looking forward to provide your child with a safe and successful school year. Please remember it takes a village to raise a child, support and encourage one another. I believe as adults we are the models that the children are looking up to and relying on. Let’s be the best we can be! If you ever have a question or concerns please contact me at:

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