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Micro teaching: Stereotypes

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Presentation on theme: "Micro teaching: Stereotypes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Micro teaching: Stereotypes
3/12 Dr. Wen-Chi Hu, NTCU

2 Warm up exercise

3 Pair Discussion

4 Course objectives prejudice discrimination cultural awareness
stereotypes respect each other racism

5 Are stereotypes taught or learned?

6 We learned stereotypes
Your friends make good or bad comments about people and you either accept or reject those comments.

7 We learned stereotypes
Our parents have taught us how they feel about other people and cultures and we have certain ideas about people because of what we learned growing up.

8 We learned stereotypes
Most of us tend to go along with our friends, parents, and our attitudes are shaped in part by the norm.

9 Question 1 What will be your assumptions towards people who are different than you? Take one race/nationality/culture / background/skin color for example.

10 Volkswagen

11 Volkswagen terrorist

12 Small group roles

13 Reading activity





18 Reading Tasks Group 1: Retell important facts or story elements
Group 2: Predict the author’s purpose Group 3: Generate meaningful questions Group 4: Visualize concepts, words, and main ideas from the text

19 Small group roles

20 Assessment: quick writing
Synthesizing: Take the information in the text, add it to what you already know and come up with new information


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