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Chapter 20 and 21 1920’s.

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1 Chapter 20 and 21 1920’s

2 Demobilization Transition from wartime to peacetime production levels.
Soldiers returning caused high unemployment and wages to fall. Female workers were asked to give up jobs to men. Skyrocketing cost of living. A factor behind the recession. 12% of labor force was unemployed by 1921.

3 The Red Scare Anticommunist hysteria in 1920’s.
Worried a Bolshevik Revolution might take place in U.S. Secret plans to kill many leading Americans. Led to a mistrust of foreigners and the Palmer Raids.

4 Palmer Raids Started by A. Mitchell Palmer after his house was bombed.
These were a series of mass arrests and deportations of immigrants who were suspected of being leftists or radicals.

5 Sacco and Vanzetti Shoemaker and fish peddler charged with 2 murders and robbery. Eyewitnesses that offered alibis were dismissed. Faulty material evidence was used. Were executed in 1927.

6 Africans American Move North
Searching for economic opportunities. Tension with move from farms to cities. Racial riots began to break out.

7 KKK Stone Mtn, GA by Simmons.
Carried out kidnappings, beatings, and lynchings to terrorize Afr Am and others they disliked. (Jews, immigrants, Catholics) Surged during Red Scare and then declined in late 1920’s.

8 Immigration Restrictions
By 1920 – 25% of population was foreign born. Started because people felt immigrants were taking jobs and immigrants radical views. Immigration Act of 1924 – 2% of each nationality already in country, 1890 figures.

9 Presidents of 1920’s 1920: Harding (Rep) elected President.
1923 – 1928: Coolidge (Rep) is President. 1928: Hoover (Rep) elected President. What led to economic growth? Their pro-business policies, tax cuts, and business leaders’ confidence that encouraged investments.

10 Warren Harding Wanted a return to normalcy.
Some good appoint-ments, but also Ohio Gang. Isolationist foreign policy, and disarma-ment. Raised tariffs to highest levels ever. Set up a quota system.

11 Teapot Dome Scandal Summer of 1923 – Sec of Interior, Albert Fall, secretly gave oil drilling rights on government oil fields for more than $300,000 in payments and gifts. Harding dies of heart attack from the stress.

12 Calvin Coolidge Wins reelection even after scandals.
Laissez-faire with business. Wanted a smaller federal gov’t. Continued isolationism. His political genius was doing nothing.

13 Prosperity and Boom Became common for homes to have electricity.
Gave rise to electrical appliances – mixers, food grinders, sewing machines, washing machines, dishwashers, vacuums Wages increased. Business Boom with switch to consumer economy.

14 Scientific Management
Based on idea that every kind of work could be broken down into a series of smaller tasks. Increased efficiency.

15 Growth of Automobile Cost lowered by Henry Ford and his Model T.
Developed assembly line – workers stood in one place as partially assembled products passed by them on an conveyor belt. Reduced the price of cars. Auto industry was the nation’s biggest business in 1920’s.

16 Automobile

17 How autos changed life - 3
Develop new industries. People moved to suburbs. Status symbol. 1000’s of miles of roads. Auto-tourism. Teenagers gained greater social opportunities.

18 Creating Consumers Alfred Sloan comes up with installment plans – allowed for consumers to pay for items (cars) over time. Planned obsolescence – making products specifically designed to go out of style and then replaced them with an up-to-date model. Advertising through slogans, jingles, and celebrity testimony. Targeted women. Chain style grocery stores like A&P – result of quick-freezing techniques and cellophane.

19 Ads of the 1920’s

20 Prohibition One of most disruptive issues of 1920’s.
Bootlegging – illegally smuggling alcohol became a profitable business, NOT high school students selling illegal copies of movies. Positives – decline in alcoholism and alcohol related deaths. Negatives – widespread breakdown of law and order. 21st Amendment – repealed 18th Amendment.

21 Capone Most popular gangsta of 1920’s.
Controlled all liquor sales in Chicago. Arrested for evading taxes.

22 Flappers The “new woman” of the 1920’s that enjoyed defying traditional stan-dards of female be-havior. Sought economic independence. Became “loose”.

23 Mass Entertainment Radio became most popular medium.
Made money by selling advertisement spots. First talking movie was “The Jazz Singer” with Al Jolson. Audiences 2x with talking movies.

24 Celebrities and Heroes
Babe Ruth - most famous athlete. Charles Lindbergh – biggest celebrity of 20’s. Completed the first solo transatlantic flight from NY to Paris in 33.5 hours in the Spirit of St. Louis. Amelia Earhart – First woman to fly across the Atlantic.

25 Celebrity Pictures

26 Fundamentalism Protestant movement that believed that every word of the Bible should be regarded as literally true. Against teaching of evolution , and believed “modernism” weakened Christianity.

27 Scopes Trial John Scopes, Science teacher in TN, taught Darwin’s theory of evolution which was outlawed. He was defended by Charles Darrow, and was found guilty and fined $100. Had no chance, even the Judge started court with a prayer.

28 Jazz Age Coined by Fitzgerald, period from end of WWI til the Great Depression. Jazz music gained a large following. Jazz was centered in New Orleans.

29 Jazz Music Bessie Smith - Brought blues music to a broader audience.
Louis Armstrong – famous trumpet player; used personal expression. Duke Ellington – con-sidered greatest band-leader, composer, and arranger of jazz music. Cotton Club was place to be.

30 Harlem Renaissance Flourishing of artistic development in the 1920’s because of so many black writers, musicians, and artists that lived in Harlem.

31 Harlem Writers Langston Hughes – most studied writer of time; de-scribed the difficult everyday lives of working class Afr Am. James Weldon Johnson – supported arts b/c he believed that the artistic advances of the Harlem Renaissance would help further the cause of equal rights.

32 Lost Generation A group of writers whose work reflected the horrors of death and destruction of WWI, and criticized consumerism and superficiality. Term coined by Gertrude Stein.

33 Ernest Hemingway Introduced a tough, simplified style of writing.
A leading writer of time period that did most of his writing in Europe. Killed himself.

34 F. Scott Fitzgerald Was known as spokes-man for the Jazz Age.
He revealed the negative side of the 20’s. Dies at a very young age also.

35 Sinclair Lewis First American to gain Nobel Prize for Lit.
Focused his criticism on the emptiness and conformity of middle-class life.

36 Building and Architecture
Wright – dev “Praire style” of architecture. New type of building was the skyscraper. Empire State building was World’s Tallest building until 1954.

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