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Percent Word Problems.

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1 Percent Word Problems

2 A baseball pitcher won 80% of the games he pitched
A baseball pitcher won 80% of the games he pitched. If he won 35 ball games, how many games did he pitch? % is (part) 80 35 = x 100 of (whole) 100 80x = 35 x 100 80x = 3500 x = 43.75

3 x Part (is) = % • Whole (of) • = 35 = 0.8x 0.8 0.8 35 0.80 43.75 = x
A baseball pitcher won 80% of the games he pitched. If he won 35 ball games, how many games did he pitch? Part (is) = % • Whole (of) x 35 = 0.80 35 = 0.8x 0.8 0.8 43.75 = x

4 x 7 = 12 100 12x = 7 x 100 12x = 700 x = 58.3% % is (part) of (whole)
Jerry, an electrician, worked 7 months out of the year. What percent of the year did he work? (round answer to the nearest tenth % is (part) x 7 = 12 100 of (whole) 100 12x = 7 x 100 12x = 700 x = 58.3%

5 Part (is) = % • Whole (of) = • 7 = 12x 12 12
Jerry, an electrician, worked 7 months out of the year. What percent of the year did he work? (round answer to the nearest tenth Part (is) = % • Whole (of) 7 = x 12 7 = 12x 12 12 0.583 = x 58.3% = x

6 There are 28 students in a class. Sixteen of those students are boys
There are 28 students in a class. Sixteen of those students are boys. What percent of the class are boys? (Round to the nearest tenth) % is (part) x 16 = 28 100 of (whole) 100 28x = 16 x 100 28x = 1600 x = 57.1%

7 Part (is) = % • Whole (of) = • 16 = 28x 28 28
There are 28 students in a class. Sixteen of those students are boys. What percent of the class are boys? (Round to the nearest tenth) Part (is) = % • Whole (of) 16 = x 28 16 = 28x 28 28 0.571 = x 57.1% = x

8 Donovan took a math test and got 35 correct and 10 incorrect answers
Donovan took a math test and got 35 correct and 10 incorrect answers. What was the percentage of the answers were correct? (Round to the nearest hundredth is (part) % x 35 = 45 100 of (whole) 100 45x = 35 x 100 45x = 3500 x = 77.8%

9 Part (is) = % • Whole (of) = • 35 = 45x 45 45
Donovan took a math test and got 35 correct and 10 incorrect answers. What was the percentage of the answers were correct? (Round to the nearest hundredth Part (is) = % • Whole (of) 35 = x 45 35 = 45x 45 45 0.777 = x 77.8% = x

10 25 50 = 100 x 25x = 50 x 100 25x = 5000 x = 200 is (part) % of (whole)
In a school, 25 % of the teachers teach basic math. If there are 50 basic math teachers, how many teachers are there in the school? is (part) % 25 50 = x 100 of (whole) 100 25x = 50 x 100 25x = 5000 x = 200

11 Part (is) = % • Whole (of) = • 50 = 0.25x 0.25 0.25
In a school, 25 % of the teachers teach basic math. If there are 50 basic math teachers, how many teachers are there in the school? Part (is) = % • Whole (of) 50 = 0.25 x 50 = 0.25x 0.25 0.25 200 = x

12 You hired a new employee to work in your bakeshop
You hired a new employee to work in your bakeshop. In one hour the employee burned 625 chocolate chip cookies. If this represented 25% of the day’s production, how many cookies did you plan on producing that day? is (part) % 625 25 = x 100 of (whole) 100 25x = 625 x 100 25x = 62500 x = 2500

13 Part (is) = % • Whole (of) = • 625 = 0.25x 0.25 0.25
You hired a new employee to work in your bakeshop. In one hour the employee burned 625 chocolate chip cookies. If this represented 25% of the day’s production, how many cookies did you plan on producing that day? Part (is) = % • Whole (of) 625 = 0.25 x 625 = 0.25x 0.25 0.25 2500 = x

14 80 x = 20 100 100x = 80 x 20 100x = 1600 x = 16 He missed 4 questions
A test has 20 questions. If Paul gets 80% correct, how many questions did he miss? Note: 80% is percent correct, we are looking for number missed % is (part) 80 x = x will be the number correct, we will need to subtract at the end…. 20 100 of (whole) 100 100x = 80 x 20 100x = 1600 x = 16 He missed 4 questions

15 Note: 80% is percent correct, we are looking for number missed
A test has 20 questions. If Paul gets 80% correct, how many questions did he miss? Note: 80% is percent correct, we are looking for number missed 100% - 80% % % is (part) is (part) 80 20 x x = = 20 100 20 100 of (whole) 100 of (whole) 100 100x = 80 x 20 100x = 20 x 20 100x = 1600 100x = 400 x = 16 x = 4 He missed 4 questions He missed 4 questions

16 Part (is) = % • Whole (of) = • x = 16
A test has 20 questions. If Paul gets 80% correct, how many questions did he miss? Part (is) = % • Whole (of) x = 0.80 20 Again, 80% is percent correct, we are looking for number missed x = 16 x will be the number correct, we will need to subtract at the end…. He missed 4 questions

17 x 18 = 24 100 24x = 18 x 100 24x = 1800 x = 75% 25% did not pass %
24 students in a class took an algebra test. If 18 students passed the test, what percent do not pass? % is (part) 18 students passed, we are looking for the % that did not pass x 18 = 24 100 X will be the percent that passes, we will need to subtract at the end… of (whole) 100 24x = 18 x 100 24x = 1800 x = 75% … 100% - 75% 25% did not pass

18 Part (is) = % • Whole (of) = • 18 = 24x 24 24
24 students in a class took an algebra test. If 18 students passed the test, what percent do not pass? Part (is) = % • Whole (of) 18 = x 24 18 students passed, we are looking for the % that did not pass 18 = 24x 24 X will be the percent that passes, we will need to subtract at the end… 24 75% = x 25% did not pass

19 30 x = 60 100 100x = 60 x 30 100x = 1800 x = 18 42 are red % is (part)
Jennifer made a fruit juice using red and green grapes. Thirty percent of the grapes are green. If she used a total of 60 grapes, how many red grapes should she use? % is (part) 30 30% are green, we are looking for how many red should be used x = 60 100 of (whole) 100 x will be number of green, we will have to subtract at the end…. 100x = 60 x 30 100x = 1800 x = 18 42 are red

20 Part (is) = % • Whole (of) = • x = 18
Jennifer made a fruit juice using red and green grapes. Thirty percent of the grapes are green. If she used a total of 60 grapes, how many red grapes should she use? Part (is) = % • Whole (of) 30% are green, we are looking for how many red should be used x = 0.30 60 x = 18 x will be number of green, we will have to subtract at the end…. 42 are red

21 A serving of ice cream contains 1200 calories.
One hundred forty-four calories come from fat. What percent of the total calories do not come from fat? % is (part) 144 comes from fat, we are looking for the % that does not come from fat 144 x = 1200 100 X will be the percent that comes from fat, we will need to subtract at the end of (whole) 100 1200x = 144 x 100 1200x = 14400 x = 12% 100% - 12% 88% does not come from fat

22 Part (is) = % • Whole (of) = • 144 = 1200x 1200 1200
A serving of ice cream contains 1200 calories. One hundred forty-four calories come from fat. What percent of the total calories do not come from fat? 144 comes from fat, we are looking for the % that does not come from fat Part (is) = % • Whole (of) = 144 x 1200 X will be the percent that comes from fat, we will need to subtract at the end 144 = 1200x 1200 1200 12% = x 88% does not come from fat

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