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The Roaring Twenties.

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1 The Roaring Twenties

2 The 1920s earned its nickname “The Roaring Twenties” because of the decade’s great prosperity. For many, this was the time to be rich. America’s total wealth more than doubled and there was a major economic boom.

3 A common term for a woman in this time period is a “flapper”
A common term for a woman in this time period is a “flapper”. Flappers were free thinking and embraced the new fashions and attitudes of the 20s. Their style was wearing short dresses and cutting their hair into boyish bobs.

4 In January of 1920, the Eighteenth Amendment was passed
In January of 1920, the Eighteenth Amendment was passed. This Amendment banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol (a term known as prohibition). Many people did not react well to this.

5 The automobile has a large impact on American life
The automobile has a large impact on American life. Some effects include paved roads, gas stations, repair shops, and public garages. The Model T was the most popular automobile during the 20s.

6 The radio was the most powerful communication medium to emerge in the 1920s. Families would gather around their radio during their free time, and experience hearing news as it happened.

7 Movies were a major form of entertainment during this decade
Movies were a major form of entertainment during this decade. The first major movie with sound was The Jazz Singer, which was released in 1927.

8 During the 1920s, many people had the free time to enjoy it
During the 1920s, many people had the free time to enjoy it. Baseball was one of the main sports played. A famous baseball player from this time period was Babe Ruth, who played for the New York Yankees.

9 Harlem Renaissance

10 Born in Missouri, Langston Hughes was Harlem Renaissance’s best-known poet. Many of his poems described the difficult lives of working African Americans. Some of his poems resembled the rhythm of blues and jazz.

11 Louis Armstrong was a talented man with impressive trumpet skills
Louis Armstrong was a talented man with impressive trumpet skills. He went on to become the most important and influential musician in the history of jazz.

12 The Harlem Renaissance was a literary and artistic movement celebrating African-American culture. It was led by well-educated, middle-class African Americans who expressed a new pride in the African American experience. They celebrated their heritage through writing and music.


14 The period following the Roaring Twenties was a period known as the Great Depression. This period was caused by the crash of the stock market, which crushed the hopes and dreams of millions of people living in America. The increasing prosperity of the 1920s was over.

15 https://thegreatdepression2013. wikispaces
Investors During October 1929 began to panic. Stocks they had bought at high prices began to drop rapidly, which meant a huge loss of money. Investors began selling their stocks at any price they could. People who has bought stocks observed helplessly as the price of stocks dropped.

16 Shantytowns, also known as Hoovervilles, were small towns consisting of shacks. These makeshift shacks were made out of scrap materials. Many of these towns sprang up during the Great Depression.

17 The poor often dug through garbage cans or begged for food
The poor often dug through garbage cans or begged for food. Soup kitchens became very common during this time. These places offered free or low-priced food.

18 In the early 1930s, the drought in the Great Plains caused many farmers to leave their land behind. The overproduction of crops resulted in unsuitable farmland.

19 Herbert Hoover was the 31st president of the United States. He became president right before the crash of the stock market. He was not a successful president, and many people were disappointed with his leadership.

20 The Bonus Army were a group of WW1 veterans who marched on Washington, DC in 1932 with their families to demand immediate pay of a bonus they were told they would receive from serving the military.

21 The New Deal

22 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, also known as FDR, was a distant cousin of former president Theodore Roosevelt and the 32nd president of the United States. FDR proved to be an effective, reform-minded leader who knew how to deal with economic problems such as unemployment and poverty.

23 FDR’s fireside chats were radio talks about issues concerning the public. In these talks, he explained in clear, simple terms his New Deal program. He wanted to get the public’s opinion and thoughts towards this, which made Americans feel as if FDR was talking directly to them.

24 In this political cartoon, it shows the different programs of FDR’s New Deal. These programs include the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act), the WPA (Works Progress Administration), and the PWA (Public Works Administration). These programs aimed to help workers and stimulate economic recovery.

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