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PHED 1111: Physical Education Ms Christina Sagawe Spring 2012

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1 PHED 1111: Physical Education Ms Christina Sagawe Spring 2012
Section: 206 Name: Zainab Shafeeq AL-Mubarak ID: Major: Finance Assignment: Nutrition Analysis (30%)

2 Assessment Rubric Criteria Assessment Rubric For Nutrition Analysis
Scores Daily Diet Record – day 1 Include food types, amounts, calories, food servings, and estimated meal calorie %. Include a Word document page showing your calculations for % proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for each meal (worth 6/14%) 14% Chart 1 Use your answers from your Daily Diet Records to answer the 19 questions 3% Chart 2 Use your answers from Chart 1 to complete this chart 1% Conclusions and Implications Answer typed. Using your results from this lab discuss your diet. Mention the % of food types you eat from the 4 main food groups. Compare your % values with the recommended % values. What diet changes should you make? Are you eating enough calories? (completely fill in the box – use 10 font, 1 line spacing) 12% TOTAL 30% Criteria Assessment Rubric for Selecting Nutritious Foods SCORES Favorite versus Nutritious Food Choices Include food names (not food numbers), calories, protein calories, carbohydrate calories, fat calories, and total calories 16% Food Selection Results Use your answers from the Favorite Versus Nutritious Food Choices Table to calculate the various calories % 4% Conclusions and Implications Discuss the differences between your nutritious diet and your favorite diet (mention food servings and % values). Discuss how you designed your nutritious diet (mention your ideal calorie number, food servings, % values). (completely fill in the box – use 10 font, 1 line spacing) 10% TOTAL 30%

3 100 White toast Peanut butter Coffee Cornflakes Apple 1 slice 1 T
1 Cup 8 oz. Medium 68 94 97 96 9.29 24.23 66.48 = 100% 355 2 1 1 - 100 Small Salad Mexican Rice Fried chicken breast Yogurt Apple juice 8 oz. FF 37 213 436 227 117 31.55 22.14 46.31 = 100% 1030 1 2 2 2 100 Cooked cabbage Small Salad Macaroni and Cheese Whole milk Mustard 8 oz. 1 cup 1 T 47 37 230 159 4 18.45 36.06 45.49 =100% 477 1 2 1 2 100 Ice-cream Apple Chocolate chip cookie Diet drink Popped Corn 8 oz. Medium 1 piece 1 cup 257 96 60 40 5.74 42.17 52.09 =100% 100 453 1 1 - 2 20.39 29.37 50.24 2,315 5 6 4 6

4 Carbohydrate Calories
Calculations Breakfast Lunch Food Total Calories Protein Calories Carbohydrate Calories Fat Calories White toast 68 9 52 7 Peanut butter 94 15 11 Coffee Cornflakes 97 8 87 2 Apple 96 1 86 Total 355 33 236 % 100% (33/355)= 9.29% (236/355) = 66.84% (86/355)= 24.23% Food Total Calories Protein Calories Carbohydrate Calories Fat Small salad 37 6 27 4 Mexican Rice 213 17 160 36 Fried chicken breast 436 262 13 161 Yogurt 227 39 Apple juice 117 1 116 Total 1030 325 477 228 % 100% (325/1030)= 31.55% (477/1030) = 46.31% (228/103)= 22.14%

5 Carbohydrate Calories Carbohydrate Calories
Dinner Snack Food Total Calories Protein Calories Carbohydrate Calories Fat Calories Cooked Cabbage 47 12 35 Small salad 37 6 27 4 Macaroni & cheese 230 103 90 Whole milk 159 33 48 70 Mustard Total 477 88 217 172 % 100% (88/477)= 1.45% (217/477)= 45.49% (172/477)= 36.06% Food Total Calories Protein Calories Carbohydrate Calories Fat Calories Ice cream 257 15 108 134 Apple 96 1 86 9 Chocolate chip cookie 60 3 48 Diet drink Popped Corn 40 7 33 Total 453 26 236 191 % 100% (26/453)= 5.74% (236/453)= 52.09% (191/543)= 42.17%

6 Carbohydrate Calories
Daily Total Calories Protein Calories Carbohydrate Calories Fat Calories Breakfast 355 33 236 86 Lunch 1030 325 477 228 Dinner 88 217 172 Snack 453 26 191 Total 2,315 472 1,166 677 % 100% (472/2315)= 20.39% (1166/2315)= 50.37% (677/2315)= 29.24%

7 13

8 1 day 2,315 1. Compare your food servings with the recommended servings for the 4 main food groups. The first group is the cereal& bread group. The recommended servings for this group are 6 to 11 servings. However, my result shows that my daily diet contains only 5 servings, which means that I am below the recommended servings. The second group is the fruit and vegetables group. The recommended servings for the fruit are 2 to 4 servings and for vegetables are 3 to 5 servings. My result stands at 6 , which shows that my diet does meet the recommend servings for this group. The third group is the milk and meat group. The recommended servings for this group are 2 to 3 servings. My result stands at 4 and indicates that my daily diet exceeds the recommended servings by 1 serve. The fourth group is the fat and sweet group. The recommended servings for this group are 2 to 3 servings. My result stands at 6 and indicates that my dial diet exceeds the recommended standard. 2. Compare your % values with the recommended % values for protein, carbohydrates, and fats. The recommended % of protein is between 10 to 35. My result stands at 20% of protein and indicates that my daily % is within the recommended standard. The recommended % of fat is between 20 to 35. My result stand at 29, which is within the recommended standard. The recommended % of carbohydrate is between 45 to 65. My result stands at 50, which is within the recommended rate. 3. What diet changes should you make? (Mention fiber, types of protein, drinks, types of fat, etc.) After exploring the recommended servings, I should make some changes in my diet to make it more health. For instance, I should select whole-grain foods and unsaturated fat whenever I can. Also, I may eat seafood twice a week to get the healthy amount of omega-3, as well as trying to drink about 8 glasses of water everyday . 4. Are you eating enough calories? How many calories should you be consuming daily? Yes, I am eating enough calories. Based on the recommendation of my nutrition specialist, I should consume between 1195 to 2000 calories.

9 Pancake(1-6) Syrup(1 T) Strawberries Orange juice 146 60 55 114 19 4 8 67 60 46 100 58 5 6 Wheat toast(2slice) Creamy cheese (T) Wheat flakes(2 oz.) Whole milk(3 oz.) 134 52 26.5 60 28 4 3 12 104 1 22.5 18 12 47 1 20 375 31 273 69 272.5 47 145.5 80 Cheeseburger(reg.FF) French fries(reg.FF) Small salad, Italian dressing Soft drink(12 oz.) 307 239 162 144 61 12 8 120 115 28 144 126 112 Vegetable soup(8 oz.) Small salad, plain Broiled fish Mexican rice(FF) 160 37 228 213 21 6 82 17 107 27 32 160 32 4 114 36 852 81 407 364 638 126 326 186 Onion rings(reg.FF) Potato salad(8 oz.) Macaroni and cheese Soft drink(12 oz.) 274 248 230 144 14 27 37 112 159 103 144 148 62 90 Cooked spinach(8 oz.) Cooked broccoli(8 oz.) Beef Taco Apple juice(8 oz.) 50 60 186 117 18 19 59 1 18 26 56 116 14 15 71 896 78 518 300 413 97 216 100 2123 190 1198 733 1323.5 270 687.5 366 8.94% 56.42 34.52 20.40 51.94 27.65

10 190 8.94% 270 20.40% 1198 56.42% 687.5 51.94% 733 34.52% 366 27.65% 2123 1323.5 1. Discuss the differences between your nutritious diet and your favorite diet. My favorite diet consists of large amount of carbohydrates and fat, while my nutrition diet have almost half the amount of carbohydrates and fat in my favorite diet. For the protein, the calories where almost the same amount with a little bit less in the nutrition. Generally, the carbohydrates occupies the largest amount of calories in my both diet. 2. Discuss how you designed your nutritious diet (mention your ideal calorie number). In my nutrition diet, I tried to focus more on the food that contains less amount of carbohydrates because I realized that my favorite diet consist of large amount of carbohydrates which is equal to 1198 from the whole amount of my favorite diet calories which is As a result, my nutrition diet have consisted a calories of carbohydrates, 270 calories of protein, and 366 calories of fat from the total calories which is Also, I tried to add more vegetables to my nutrition diet as I realized that I am not having enough of vitamins in my favorite diet.

11 Favorite diet: Favorite diet total calories= =2123 Protein total calories for my favorite diet= =190 carbohydrates total calories for my favorite diet= =1198 Fat total calories for my favorite diet= =733 Percentage of protein= (total protein calories for favorite diet/total calories for the favorite diet)*100 =(190/2123)*100 = 8.94% Percentage of fat=(total fat calories for favorite diet/total calories for the favorite diet)*100 =(733/2123)*100 =34.52 % Percentage of carbohydrates=(total carbohydrates calories for favorite diet/total calories for the favorite diet)*100 =(1198/2123)*100 =56.42% Nutrition diet: Nutrition diet total calories= =1323.5 Protein total calories for my nutrition diet= =270 carbohydrates total calories for my nutrition diet= =687.5 Fat total calories for my nutrition diet= =366 Percentage of protein= (total protein calories for nutrition diet/total calories for the nutrition diet)*100 =(270/1323.5)*100 = 20.40% Percentage of fat=(total fat calories for nutrition diet/total calories for the nutrition diet)*100 =(366/1323.5)*100 =27.65 % Percentage of carbohydrates=(total carbohydrates calories for nutrition diet/total calories for the nutrition diet)*100 =(687.5/1323.5)*100 =51.94%

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