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Nebraska Construction Prompt Pay Act and Healthcare Reform

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1 Nebraska Construction Prompt Pay Act and Healthcare Reform
Nebraska Building Chapter Nebraska Construction Prompt Pay Act and Healthcare Reform Presented by Ed Tricker and Keith Prettyman

2 Healthcare Reform Six Months Later What do We Know? 2

3 3 What Do We Know? We now have regulations and answers to many (ok – SOME) questions. Extension of dependent “child” coverage to age 26 What services are “preventive” and exempt from deductibles and co-pays How to lose “grandfather” status and why it doesn’t really make much difference

4 What does healthcare reform mean to you?
Do you have 25 or fewer full time equivalent employees whose average annual wages are $25,000 or less? Small Employer Health Insurance Credit 35% of the employer-paid premium for tax years 50% of the employer-paid premium for 2 consecutive tax years starting after 2013 if the coverage is through an exchange Cannot use a cafeteria plan as “employer contribution” Employer must pay 50% or more of employee premium

5 What does healthcare reform mean to you?
Do you have more than 50 full time equivalent employees? Starting January 1, 2014 you are subject to a “pay or play” penalty $2,000 per employee over 30 employees if you provide no plan $3,000 per employee who opts for subsidized coverage through an exchange if you provide a plan

6 What does healthcare reform mean to you?
Do you have between 26 and 50 full time equivalent employees? CONGRATULATIONS! (actually, if you provide a plan, for employees’ whose household income is below 400% of the federal poverty level and the coverage costs more than 8% of household income, you will need to provide a voucher to use to buy less costly coverage through the exchange)

7 What Should You Do? Option One – Nothing – Wait and see if Healthcare Reform goes away Option Two – Stop providing coverage – could benefit you and your employees Example: Kaiser Family Foundation, 40 year-old head of household with household income of $55,000, spouse and 2 children Premium - $12,130/year Government Subsidy - $7,995/year Employee pays $4,135/year; $345/month Employer pays $2,000/year penalty Option Three – Revise your current plan to reduce costs and meet rules Wellness incentives High Deductible Health Plan and a Health Reimbursement Arrangement

8 Nebraska’s Prompt Pay Act

9 Overview of LB 552 Applies to contracts or subcontracts entered into on or after October 1, 2010 Prompt pay provisions Claims to political subdivisions Voids certain contract provisions Does not apply to residential projects of no more than four residential units

10 Prompt Payment Timing of Payment
Owner must pay contractor within 30 days after the owner or the owner’s rep (e.g. architect, construction manager) receipt of a pay request pursuant to the contract Contractor must pay subcontractor or supplier within 10 days after receipt by contractor of amount received for the subcontractor’s work or supplier’s materials Subcontractor must pay its suppliers and the sub-subcontractors within 10 days after receipt by the subcontractor of amount received for supplier’s materials or sub-subcontractor’s work Owner does not include State of Nebraska, including Department of Roads

11 Prompt Payment Interest
Untimely payment results in 1% per month interest obligation BUT: Party responsible for payment must be notified of interest provisions of LB552 by party entitled to payment Acceptance of progress payment or a final payment releases all interest claims If higher rate allowed in contract or subcontract which was in existence prior to October 1, 2010 then LB552 does not modify LB552 does not modify remedies provided by other statutes

12 Prompt Payment Withholding Monies
Retainage until substantial completion If contract or subcontract allows: Late completion due to unsatisfactory job progress Third party claims actually filed or reasonably likely to be filed Contractor fails to make timely payments to subs or suppliers After Substantial Completion An amount not to exceed 125% of estimated cost to complete remaining work No express provisions re withholding monies for Defective/faulty work For excessive costs (e.g. GMP)

13 Claims to Political Subdivisions
No specific definition of “claim” Includes City, County, Village, State, University of Nebraska and the Nebraska State College Standardizes claims process against political subdivisions under construction contracts Claims must be filed within 180 days of date of substantial completion of the construction project Political Subdivision must issue decision within 90 days and if not, entire claim deemed denied If all or part of claim denied, claimant can file original civil action in district court in county where project located within 2 years after date of denial Either party can appeal decision of the District Court

14 Void Contract Clauses Applies only to construction work performed within Nebraska Applies to contracts and subcontracts Clauses which are unenforceable: Provisions that waive or release rights to file claims against payment or performance bonds, except for partial waivers conditioned upon receipt of payment Provisions making the law of another state applicable to or governing Provisions requiring the location of a court or arbitration proceeding to be held outside of Nebraska

15 Questions?

16 Denver ▪ Lincoln ▪ Omaha ▪ Washington D.C. Keith Prettyman Ed Tricker

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