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Object Pronouns.

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1 Object Pronouns

2 -Object pronouns take the place of the noun that receives the action!
DO/IO DO IO OPP Me (me, to me) Te (you, to you) Nous (us, to us) Vous (you, to you) Le (him,it) La (her,it) Les (them) Lui (to him,her) Leur (to them) Y EN

3 Conjugate verb + infinitive
Simple Tense (Present) One verb place object pronoun in front of verb. You are speaking to me. Tu me parles. Compound Tense (Passé Composé) Aux.verb + participle form one verb in past. The object pronoun is placed in front of helping verb. She gave us a test. Elle nous a donné un test. Double Infinitive Verb Conjugate verb + infinitive Object pronoun is placed in front of infinitive. I am going to help you. Je vais t’aider.

4 Nous te parlons français. Elle nous a aidé avec les devoirs.
Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire en anglais? Traduisez! Nous te parlons français. Elle nous a aidé avec les devoirs. Il t’écoute toujours. Je vais te donner le travail d’aujourd’hui.

5 Direct Objects Direct objects are the people or things in a sentence which receive the action of the verb. To find the direct object in a sentence, ask the question Who? or What?    I see Pierre.    Je vois Pierre.    Who do I see? Pierre.    I'm eating the bread    Je mange le pain.    What am I eating? - Bread.

6 Direct object pronouns are the words that replace the direct object, so that we don't say things like "Marie was at the bank today. When I saw Marie I smiled." It's much more natural to say "Marie was at the bank today. When I saw her I smiled." The French direct object pronouns are    me / m'   me    te / t'   you    le / l'   him, it    la / l'   her, it    nous   us    vous   you    les   them Me and te change to m' and t', respectively, in front of a vowel or mute H. Le and la both change to l'.

7 I'm taking it. Je le prends. He wants to see her. Il veut la voir
I'm taking it.  Je le prends.    He wants to see her.    Il veut la voir.    I love you.    Je t'aime.     ****Note 1. When a direct object precedes a verb conjugated into a compound tense such as the passé composé, the past participle has to agree with the direct object. - J’ai vu la fille. Je l’ai vue.

Lets practice replacing direct objects with d.o. pronouns: Vous montrer la lettre. Vous __________________________________ Suzie n’emprunte pas les notes de sa copine. __________________________________________________________ Mon amie adore les bonbons. _________________________________ Ils ont prêté la voiture à leur fils. ________________________________ Nous avons donné le cadeau à mon père. __________________________________________________________ Vous envoyez le paquet en France. ______________________________ On sortons le cahier du sac. ___________________________________ Je vais dire la vérité à ma mère. ________________________________

9 L’OBJET INDIRECT (IO) LUI (to him, to her)
LEUR ( to them) -Is always a person and is usually interrupted by a preposition such as “à” -It is the indirect receiver of the action ……………..action is done “to someone” “ at someone” etc. Ex. Nous parlons à ta copine Nous lui parlons. Tu as donné un cadeau à ta mère? Non je ne lui ai pas donné un cadeau. Tu vas rendre visite à ton voisin? Oui, je vais lui rendre visite. Say the following using the direct object: I am speaking to her. I spoke to her. I’m going to speak to her.

10 Mini Guided Conversation (Rennes)
Did you see Paul today? No…I did not see him. (wondering).. He called me last night and he told me that there is a test today in science. (confused). Are you kidding. Did he tell you a lie? (Ignorance) I don’t have a clue! Well , I’m going to call him on my cell right now! Really? Absolutely! I want to know. ( You never know) maybe he told the truth I don’t care …give me his number! …..but maybe he is sick. (you see another friend) Hey ask Suzette she will know. (NO WAY!) I don’t like her! Don’t worry I will asker her then. GREAT! PERFECT! …. She said that he told us the truth and she lent me her notes. Hurry up… Let’s go study.

11 When creating the conversation, keep in mind the tenses of the actions in your sentences.
Enrich the tone with the Conversational Elements necessary to the conversation: Wondering = C’est drôle, C’est bizarre… Confused / Are you kidding? = Sans blagues? Tu plaisantes? Ignorance= Je n’ai aucune idée! Well = Eh bein! Right now = tout de suite Really = C’est vrai? Vraiment? Absolutely= absolument, précisément You never know = On ne sait jamais I don’t care= Ça m’est égal Maybe = peut-être NO WAY= Pas question! Don’t worry= Ne t’en fais pas!

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