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January 23, 2017.

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1 January 23, 2017

2 What is College Credit Plus (CCP)?
CCP is a program that gives students an opportunity to be enrolled in both high school and college coursework at the same time. Allows students to get a head start on their collegiate academic career.

3 WHO IS Eligible For CCP? Any student in grades 7-12 who meets the college admissions criteria and prerequisites for desired courses. Students who are motivated and academically ready for college level coursework. Students who want to explore academic areas that may not be available at LHS.

4 Enrollment Options Students may enroll in college courses at their high school buildings, at local college campuses, or online. Classes may be taught by college faculty or LHS faculty with proper credentials. CCP classes will count for high school credit and college credit. CCP courses, both those taken at the university and those taken at the high school, are included in your GPA at both the university and the high school. Maximum credits available under CCP, including a combination of high school and college credits, per year is 30, including summer term. Students seeking to take additional college courses must check with their college and counselor for any additional costs

5 Which COLLEGES Can I Attend?
In Ohio, all public secondary schools and all public colleges must provide an opportunity for academically eligible students in grades 7-12 to participate. You may take classes on any college campus if you are accepted into that college for the CCP program.

6 CCP Eligibility requirements at Public colleges/universities
Ohio University-Lancaster/Pickerington Completed application by May 1st, including transcript and high school form Summer session application deadline: April 1st ACT scores: 18 English, 20 Math, 22 Reading The Ohio State University-Newark Completed application by May 1st, including essay, transcript, and high school form Summer session application deadline: February 15th ACT scores: 18 English, 22 Math, 22 Reading Hocking College Completed application by May 1st, including transcript Demonstrate “college readiness” through ACT/SAT scores, Accuplacer or COMPASS scores.

7 Steps if planning to take class on a College Campus
Submit a Letter of Intent to the LHS Counseling Office before April 1, 2017. Research the college where you would like to take your classes on campus or online. Complete a College Credit Plus application for that college. Applications can be found on the prospective college website. Arrange with the college to get your ACT scores to them or arrange placement testing at their campus. Attend all required meetings for CCP students taking classes on their campus. Complete a College Credit Plus Contract with LHS by April 28, 2017.

8 Summer requirements CCP does cover summer courses
Summer term will apply as the first term of next school year A college’s summer term may begin in May and there may be multiple sessions within a summer term. If you want to participate in summer term, you must submit your letter of intent to participate early enough to apply and gain admission to the college and register for course(s) in the spring.

9 CCP Classes At LHS Credits earned through OU-L
Possibly Astronomy (ASTR 1000) 3 hrs Possibly Pre-Calculus (MATH 1300) 4 hrs Credits earned though Hocking College English (ENGL 1510) 4 hrs Speech (COMM 1130) 3 hrs Sociology (SOCI 1101) 3 hrs

10 Steps if planning to take a CCP class at LHS
Students taking CCP classes through LHS will register for high school classes as normal, but must also: Submit a Letter of Intent to the LHS Counseling office before April 1, 2017 Meet college enrollment requirements Have qualifying ACT scores or take alternative admission tests such as the Accuplacer or Compass Complete registration and enrollment for the course through the partner college (Ohio University Lancaster or Hocking College) Complete a College Credit Plus Contract with LHS April 28, 2017.

11 What Are Some Things to Consider?
Future plans High school graduation Scheduling College-level academic work Transportation (if taking courses away from the student’s home campus) Extra-curricular activities Personal strengths and needs – CCP adds options, it does not remove them

12 What are Some Possible Risks?
Impact on GPA and class rank at both the high school and the college. Courses will mirror those given at the host college, meaning fewer opportunities for extra credit or test retakes. College courses are more challenging and require additional time commitment. No guarantee that all course requests can be scheduled and calendars vary (high school and college will not have the same days off). Failure or withdrawal from a course after the deadline will require students to pay for those courses. High School students will be taking classes with college age and adult students. Credits may or may not transfer out of state or to private colleges or universities.

13 What are the risks of failing?
May become ineligible to participate in extra-curricular student activities and/or athletics. May fail to meet graduation requirements in a timely manner. Will incur financial obligations for the cost of the failed college course.

14 What are the Benefits? Expands curricular and educational opportunities available to students. Direct transcription of college credit No cost to the student or families. A college class which is 3 or more semester hours is equivalent to 1 high school credit. If we have an equivalent class at LHS which is weighted, the CCP credits will also be weighted on 5.0 scale.

15 Scheduling No graduation requirement may be waived for any student as a result of participating in the CCP program. Scheduling conflicts are not the responsibility of the school district. The time and location of CCP availability cannot be altered to accommodate individual requests. Students are responsible for making sure they can get to all classes on time if courses are offered at a location outside of the student’s home campus. Course schedules may not overlap. Student schedules must allow for full attendance to all scheduled classes. College decisions regarding admission and participation in the CCP program are final and not subject to LCS policies.

16 Student Responsibilities
Apply and be accepted from the college issuing dual-credit. Meet all requirements and standards for college courses/CCP program. Obtain travel arrangements to and from college courses. Meet with your LHS school counselor each semester before registering for college classes. Keep informed about high school graduation and other school activities – check your frequently. Follow guidelines for returning textbooks to LHS Counseling Office when college classes are completed.

17 Athletic Eligibility If you are a student athlete, you must remain eligible in accordance with the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OSHAA) bylaws. To be athletically eligible, students must be passing five, one credit courses or the equivalent per grading period with the high school and college courses combined. Be sure to check with your school counselor to ensure that the course work you are taking is compliant with OHSAA 5 semester credits = 1.0 high school credit 4 semester credits = 1.0 high school credit 3 semester credits = 1.0 high school credit 2 semester credits = 0.67 high school credit 1 semester credit = 0.33 high school credit

18 Athletic Eligibility Example
Semester One Semester Two College

19 Where do I find more information?
Additional Information and details available at

20 Contact information Jessica Reiber (A-D) Mary Jo Wooten (E-J) Melissa Roundhouse (K-P) Noah Kelley (Q-U) Sarah Collins (V-Z) Diane Gallagher, Secretary Website Click on Lancaster High School Click on Guidance and Counseling

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