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Center for Independent Living Serbia

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1 Center for Independent Living Serbia
TEMPUS SHESPSS Strengthening Higher Education for Social Policy making and Social Services delivery Curricular Reform TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-JPCR Center for Independent Living Serbia Gordana Rajkov Nis,

2 Mission and objectives
The Center for Independent Living Serbia was founded in by persons with disabilities (PWD) on a cross-disability base. The mission is to promote the philosophy of independent living of PWD and advocate for the creation of conditions and frameworks for its implementation in Serbia The main objectives are:  Advocacy for achievement of basic civil and human rights of PWD Promotion of social and human rights approach to disability in all segments of social life, Affirmation of the abilities of PWD and the development of their potentials and personality, Testing and promoting new social support services for PWD, particularly Personal Assistance Service as precondition for their social inclusion Awareness raising on the need for creation the accessible environment

3 CIL LOCAL NETWORK CIL has a network of nine local Centers in different cities in Serbia all local organizations were established and are managed by persons with disability. CIL CIL Serbia is member organization of European Network of Independent Living - ENIL

4 CIL ACTIVITIES CIL has implemented its activities through number of projects, funded by international and national donors Education on disability awareness raising, philosophy of independent living, lobbying and advocacy Development and provision of Personal Assistance, development and implementation of quality standards and education for users and PA. service providers and other professionals in social welfare Publishing of relevant literature from disability area Research in different areas including social policy, employment, policy implementation, gaps in legislative frame related to PWD, etc. Cooperation with different actors at national and International level and experience exchanges Follow up and work on improvement of legislation related to PWDs, in accordance with UN Convention on rights of persons with disabilities

5 Some of the most important research related to social policy
PA Service as alternative way of support for PWD, 2001 Cost benefit analysis of PA Service 2005 Experience of independence – research on changes of life qualities for users of PA Service, 2005 Social support services for PWD – the gap between policy and practice, 2008 Analysis of implementation of new Law on Social Welfare, regarding PWD, 2013

work package 1; the analysis and determination of educational needs of social workers and other providers' of social service deliveries, work packages 2 giving guidance and feed back to curriculum development at B.A. and M.A. level at all 3 Serbian university partners. contribution to the relevant educational policies at the university level in accordance with the requirements of social work practice in conjunction with the disabled persons needs for social service. Involvement in conferences, round tables, workshops, trainings and meetings organized during project implementation bring experience from the practice to the discussions.

Further information CIL web site: THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION

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