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18 Oncology.

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1 18 Oncology

2 Classroom Response System

3 Does the study of oncology concern all the body systems?
18-1 Yes No

4 Does the study of oncology concern all the body systems?
18-1 Yes No

5 Chromosomes in the human cell come in 21 pairs.
18-1 True False

6 Chromosomes in the human cell come in 21 pairs.
18-1 True False

7 Cellular division is by mitosis.
18-2 True False

8 Cellular division is by mitosis.
18-2 True False

9 Suppressor genes promote mitosis of cells.
18-2 True False

10 Suppressor genes promote mitosis of cells.
18-2 True False

11 Programmed cellular death is known as:
18-2 apoptosis. mutation. translocation. necrosis.

12 Programmed cellular death is known as:
18-2 apoptosis. mutation. translocation. necrosis.

13 Environmental substances such as radiation, chemicals, and fumes may be:
18-2 pathogens. oncogenes. carcinogens. all of the above.

14 Environmental substances such as radiation, chemicals, and fumes may be:
18-2 pathogens. oncogenes. carcinogens. all of the above.

15 Loss of normal differentiated cell structure is known as:
18-4 angiogenesis. metastasis. anaplasia. encapsulation.

16 Loss of normal differentiated cell structure is known as:
18-4 angiogenesis. metastasis. anaplasia. encapsulation.

17 Does the word carcinomatosis refer to multiple sites of cancer in the body?
18-4 Yes No

18 Does the word carcinomatosis refer to multiple sites of cancer in the body?
18-4 Yes No

19 Are neoplasms always malignant?
18-4 Yes No

20 Are neoplasms always malignant?
18-4 Yes No

21 In situ means: a site to which the cancerous tumor spreads.
18-5 a site to which the cancerous tumor spreads. a tumor that has not spread. a site where the benign tumor originates. a location where the benign tumor spreads.

22 In situ means: a site to which the cancerous tumor spreads.
18-5 a site to which the cancerous tumor spreads. a tumor that has not spread. a site where the benign tumor originates. a location where the benign tumor spreads.

23 CAUTION is the acronym for warning signs of some common cancers.
18-4 True False

24 CAUTION is the acronym for warning signs of some common cancers.
18-4 True False

25 The skin or mucous membrane are sites where an adenoma can form.
18-4 Yes No

26 The skin or mucous membrane are sites where an adenoma can form.
18-4 Yes No

27 A basal cell carcinoma is found:
18-4 on the uppermost layer of skin. on the deepest layer of the epidermis of the skin. in the mucous membrane lining of the lungs. in the pigment cells of the skin.

28 A basal cell carcinoma is found:
18-4 on the uppermost layer of skin. on the deepest layer of the epidermis of the skin. in the mucous membrane lining of the lungs. in the pigment cells of the skin.

29 Cancer of connective tissue is known as:
18-4 carcinoma. sarcoma. leukemia. lymphoma.

30 Cancer of connective tissue is known as:
18-4 carcinoma. sarcoma. leukemia. lymphoma.

31 Cancer of an embryonal cell in the ovary is called dysgerminoma.
18-4 True False

32 Cancer of an embryonal cell in the ovary is called dysgerminoma.
18-4 True False

33 A benign dermoid cyst of the ovary that contains hair and teeth is a:
18-4 teratoma. Wilms' tumor. neuroblastoma. seminoma.

34 A benign dermoid cyst of the ovary that contains hair and teeth is a:
18-4 teratoma. Wilms' tumor. neuroblastoma. seminoma.

35 The use of cells from secretions scraped or washed from the tissue is:
18-4 frozen section. bone marrow aspiration. exfoliative cytology. receptor assays.

36 The use of cells from secretions scraped or washed from the tissue is:
18-4 frozen section. bone marrow aspiration. exfoliative cytology. receptor assays.

37 Is prostate-specific antigen elevated with prostate cancer?
18-4 Yes No

38 Is prostate-specific antigen elevated with prostate cancer?
18-4 Yes No

39 A radiologic procedure in which a radiopaque dye is injected into a lymphatic vessel is called:
18-4 lymphangiogram. lymphangiography. MRI. mammography.

40 A radiologic procedure in which a radiopaque dye is injected into a lymphatic vessel is called:
18-4 lymphangiogram. lymphangiography. MRI. mammography.

41 A medical procedure in which liquid nitrogen is applied to a small, malignant lesion is:
18-4 scintigraphy. ultrasonography. chemotherapy. cryosurgery.

42 A medical procedure in which liquid nitrogen is applied to a small, malignant lesion is:
18-4 scintigraphy. ultrasonography. chemotherapy. cryosurgery.

43 An intrathecal catheter for delivering chemotherapy would be placed in the:
18-4 bladder. spinal cavity. veins. brain.

44 An intrathecal catheter for delivering chemotherapy would be placed in the:
18-4 bladder. spinal cavity. veins. brain.

45 cryosurgery. a punch biopsy. a core needle biopsy.
A surgical procedure to remove tissue from a lymph node that is the first to receive drainage from a primary tumor is called: 18-4 cryosurgery. a punch biopsy. a core needle biopsy. a sentinel node biopsy.

46 cryosurgery. a punch biopsy. a core needle biopsy.
A surgical procedure to remove tissue from a lymph node that is the first to receive drainage from a primary tumor is called: 18-4 cryosurgery. a punch biopsy. a core needle biopsy. a sentinel node biopsy.

47 endoscopy. exenteration. ablation. debulking.
A surgical procedure that uses a fiberoptic instrument to visualize a body cavity for signs of abnormal tissues or tumors is a/an: 18-4 endoscopy. exenteration. ablation. debulking.

48 endoscopy. exenteration. ablation. debulking.
A surgical procedure that uses a fiberoptic instrument to visualize a body cavity for signs of abnormal tissues or tumors is a/an: 18-4 endoscopy. exenteration. ablation. debulking.

49 Chemotherapy for malignancies might include:
18-4 alkylating drugs. tylenol. vitamin B12. gold.

50 Chemotherapy for malignancies might include:
18-4 alkylating drugs. tylenol. vitamin B12. gold.

51 The use of chemotherapy after another type of therapy for a malignancy is called:
18-4 protocol. adjuvant. biopsy. oncology.

52 The use of chemotherapy after another type of therapy for a malignancy is called:
18-4 protocol. adjuvant. biopsy. oncology.

53 Carcinomatosis means:
18-5 a state of cancer. abnormal cells that look like cancer. a condition of carcinoma in a specific site. cancerous tumors in multiple sites.

54 Carcinomatosis means:
18-5 a state of cancer. abnormal cells that look like cancer. a condition of carcinoma in a specific site. cancerous tumors in multiple sites.

55 Which of the following is NOT a blood test to detect cancer?
18-4 Pap PSA HCG CEA

56 Which of the following is NOT a blood test to detect cancer?
18-4 Pap PSA HCG CEA

57 Fractionation refers to the treatment of cancer using:
18-4 divided doses of radiation. implantable wafers of chemotherapy drugs. surgically implanted catheters. debulking to divide a large tumor.

58 Fractionation refers to the treatment of cancer using:
18-4 divided doses of radiation. implantable wafers of chemotherapy drugs. surgically implanted catheters. debulking to divide a large tumor.

59 The combining form remiss/o- means send back.
18-5 True False

60 The combining form remiss/o- means send back.
18-5 True False

61 The combining form cry/o- means:
18-5 hot. cold. warm. upset.

62 The combining form cry/o- means:
18-5 hot. cold. warm. upset.

63 The combining form necr/o- means:
18-5 dead cells. fear. life. poison.

64 The combining form necr/o- means:
18-5 dead cells. fear. life. poison.

65 The combining form kary/o- means:
18-5 foreign. death. nucleus. mind.

66 The combining form kary/o- means:
18-5 foreign. death. nucleus. mind.

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