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Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method

2 What is science? The study of some body of knowledge that can be tested by repeatable experiment

3 What is the scientific method?
Observation Prediction Measurement Predict again Try again

4 What is the scientific method?
Prediction usually takes the form of a mathematical expression Which usually ends up being protrayed in a graph

5 What is the scientific method?
Prediction usually takes the form of a mathematical expression Which usually ends up being protrayed in a graph


7 What is the x axis? When would this graph be expected to be valid? When would you expect it to be invalid? (Hypothesis) How would you test this?

8 What is an Optical Illusion?
Any illusion that deceives the human visual system into perceiving something that is not present to exist. In science, we need to keep from getting fooled by illusions

9 Who’s the Tallest?


11 Scintillating grid






17 How Many Horses do you See?



20 How Many People do you See?

21 Face or Liar?

22 What do you see?

23 How Many Faces do you See?









32 Scott Toilet Tissue advertises 1,000 sheets per roll & while it's true that there are still 1,000 sheets, the sheets shrunk! They used to be 4 inches and have now been reduced to 3.7 inches.



35 How do you determine if an optical illusion is real?
How do you determine if a product is a good purchase? How do you determine if a physical measurement is correct?

36 How do you determine if an optical illusion is real?
- Measure it! How do you determine if a product is a good purchase? - Measure it! How do you determine if a physical measurement is correct? - Measure it again!

37 Food Net Weight Price Unit Price Comments Oatmeal 12 oz $2.49 24 oz $4.89 40 oz $8.20 Bananas 5 pounds $1.50 10 pounds $2.50 50 pounds $12.00 Choose the best food choice and explain why

38 What do optical illusions have in common with science?
Scientists resort to the power of observation to make sense of data acquired through experimental investigations.

39 Why are accurate observations important?
Over 80% of the information you receive is obtained visually. Scientists rely on the powers of experimentation involving measurements to separate illusion from reality.

40 How do we determine if a perception is accurate?
Measure the right thing. Repeatedly.

41 Further Interest

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