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Let’s count! Friday 10th February 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s count! Friday 10th February 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s count! Friday 10th February 2017

2 Let’s Count! Purpose of today’s session
To explain what elements of Maths are taught in the Nursery To share strategies and activities used to teach Maths in the Nursery To know the expectations in Maths for your child by the end of the year To know how you can support your child with their Maths learning Add photo to the slide

3 Who liked Maths at school? What memories do you have of Maths at school? As Mathematicians we: Count, estimate, add and subtract, sequence and order, measure, find patterns and solve problems Maths is one subject that evokes many different emotions in people

4 What do we want for our children?
As Mathematicians Children who see themselves as Mathematicians Competent counters Confident to use and apply Mathematical language Confident to take risks with numbers Happy to try and solve problems themselves Ready to try again when something is hard

5 What is expected by the end of Nursery?

6 Show an interest in numerals in the environment

7 Uses some number names and number language accurately in play

8 Accurately count a set of objects

9 Recites numbers in order to 10

10 Matches numeral and quantity correctly (1-10)

11 Begins to represent numbers by marks, fingers or numerals

12 Separate a group of objects in different ways and recognise the total is the same

13 Find the total number of objects in 2 groups by counting all of them

14 What is expected by the end of Nursery?
Shape, Space and Measure

15 Show an interest in shapes in the environment Begin to talk about the shapes of everyday objects

16 Show an interest in shape through construction activities or making arrangements

17 Use shapes appropriately for tasks and begin to use some shape names

18 Use positional language

19 Begin to use some measurement vocabulary

20 How do we approach teaching Maths in Nursery?
Daily play-based Maths activities Indoor and outdoor learning opportunities Mathematical language and numerals displayed Adults model mathematical language used in all learning Weekly focus teaching activities Weekly focus group session purposefully in the environment Opportunities for daily counting

21 What can parents help their child to do?
1. Ensure your child can chant numbers confidently to at least Accurately count small groups of objects 3. Find the total of 2 groups of objects by counting all of them 4. Use some mathematical language accurately 5. Match, sort and name flat shapes 6. Know and use some positional language 7. Copy simple patterns

22 How can you support your child’s Mathematical development?
Take every opportunity to count, chanting and counting accurately – counting stairs to bed, fruit into the bowl, cups for the dinner table, counting skips or throws of a ball (0-10) Cook with your child and involve them in weighing, measuring, counting Use Mathematical language freely in everyday talk – big/small, longer/shorter, heavy/light Talk about numbers in the environment – bus numbers, door numbers, prices in shops Play simple dice games together or as a family – work on taking turns and sharing Share Number rhymes/stories together – 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive, 3 Little Pigs Involve children in real Maths when out and about - paying for something in the shops Name shapes of cookie cutters, cut sandwiches into different shapes Make fruit kebabs using colours to create a pattern Use routines and household jobs to practise mathematical skills – filling & emptying containers in the bath, sort washing into piles

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