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Plant Structure and function

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1 Plant Structure and function

2 Parts of a Plant

3 Roots The “mouth” of the plant most important part of a plant
How water and mineral get into the plant Anchor the plant in place Store sugars and carbohydrates that plant uses to carry out other functions

4 http://plantsinmotion. bio. indiana. edu/plantmotion/vegetative/veg
Watch roots growth Watch roots growth

5 Stem Takes over after root sends water and minerals into the plant
Special cells called phloem and xylem that move water and nutrients Xylem moves water and minerals up to the leaves After leaves do their job, the phloem moved the food (sugar) down to feed the plant.

6 Stem Stems also provide support for the plant allowing the leaves to reach the sunlight that they need to produce food Where the leaves join the stem is called the node The space in between the leaves and stem is called the internode

7 http://plantsinmotion. bio. indiana. edu/plantmotion/vegetative/veg
Watch a plant wilt

8 Leaves The food factory Come in many different shapes and sizes
Simple Leaves Blade connected by a petiole to the stem Ex: Maple or Oak Leaf Complex Leaves Made up of separate leaflets attached by a pertiole to the stem Ex: Ash or Locust

9 Leaves Leaves are made to catch light and have openings to allow water and air to come and go Outer layer has waxy coating called a cuticle which protects the leaves. Veins carry water and nutrients within the leaf

10 Leaves Where water and minerals are converted into food for the plant
Done by photosynthesis Process where carbon dixoide and water in the presence of cholorphyll (green pigment) and light energy are changed into glucose (sugar) Sugar is the source of food used by most plants

11 Photosynthesis Rap

12 Flowers Important in making seeds
Fertilization is the process to make seeds Petals attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and bats.

13 Flowers

14 Why do Plants Adapt? Protection Reproduction Climate and Location

15 Protection Thorns

16 Protection Spikes

17 Protection Poisonous Leaves

18 Reproduction Flowers are colorful to attract insects and birds to their plants to get seeds. They then carry the seeds where they will grow new plants

19 Reproduction They will also have brightly colored fruits that attract animals. Seeds are in the fruit that the animals eat causing them to leave The seeds in animal droppings. This leads to new plants.

20 Reproduction Plants with pollen is easily attached to insects or carried by the wind

21 Climate and Location Plants will grow bigger leaves to gather more sunlight in colder climates

22 Climate and Location In colder winters, many plants will become dormant (like hibernation but for plants) Plants live shorter lives and die off by winter time

23 Climate and Location In Dry climates
Spines to discourage animals from eating plants for water. Waxy coating on stems and leaves help reduce water loss. Long root systems spread out wide or go deep into the ground to absorb water

24 Climate and Location In Dry climates
Some plants, called succulents, store water in their stems or leaves; Some plants have no leaves or small seasonal leaves that only grow after it rains. The lack of leaves helps reduce water loss during photosynthesis. Leafless plants conduct photosynthesis in their green stems.

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