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Secr gen Randi Talseth coordinator Gro Kristiansen Praha april 2014

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1 Secr gen Randi Talseth coordinator Gro Kristiansen Praha april 2014

2 Mental health for children in Norway

3 Mental health for children in Norway
1,2 million children in the country 10 year National Action Plan for mental health – community and specialist – 1999 – 2008 Mental health at schools – up to 2010 and still ongoing Mental health promotion to all children – communities Mental health prevention – risk groups – communities Mental health treatment – hospitals/clinics Our task here is to give a brief presentation of the state of the art about mental health for children in Norway and the organisation. All levels must be included in a whole population approach for mental health. It seems most difficult to have efficient preventive interventions early enough. We need to act also when parents have problems and not wait until the children get problems. Recently the communities are entitled by law to put health first when they plan development for the local society.

4 Mental health for children in Norway
20% need support or preventive interventions – short or long term 8-10% need treatment In 1999, only 1-2% received treatment 5% now get treatment from specialist services, mainly polyclinics Community services vary in capacity and service – need development Provision of treatment has improved but needs to be improved further. A lot of investment has been put into services and this is continuing. Services vary but one area which has greatly improved is the follow-up on care for new-born babies whose mothers are abusing drugs or are mentally ill or depressed. Mental health promotion at schools has been another success, and the aim is to build on all aspects of the National Action Plan.

5 Voksne for Barn (Adults for children)
Norwegian non-profit organisation Members and activities nationwide Established in 1960 Main aim: Promote positive mental health and well-being for children, youth and families and prevent mental illness. Target groups: children, parents/carers, professionals Voksne for Barn is a non profit nationwide membership organization promoting children and adolescents mental health in Norway. Voksne for Barn was established in 1960, as a support organization for "nervous" children. Behind the establishment was a group of dedicated mothers and professionals who wanted better psychiatric services for children. Today we work with both children themselves, parent support activities and professionals and improving services for children – i.e. mental health program in schools

6 Voksne for Barn Areas of work:
Participation by children and youth, user involvement - program Arena – 250 local ombudsmen for children’s mental health Parenting support – help line and service for parents, parent training programs 2 school programs – Zippy’s Friends - more than 600 schools and Dreamschool – under evaluation Voksne for Barn works with both mental health promotion – (Zippy) – prevention programs – risk groups as children of mentally ill or substance abuse parents and rehabilitation – violent youth groups Arena involves voluntary ombudsmen all around the country, overseeing children’s mental health issues. It also involves asking children about their experiences and taking their views into account, e.g. Children in children’s homes, or those who are involved in serious conflict between parents. After consultation with the children, Adults for Children produces a report or puts on an exhibition and presents their findings to the authorities such as politicians.

7 Voksne for Barn National program aimed at children of mentally ill or substance abuse parents is developed and provided (COPMI) Individual follow up/supervision towards individuals/families where an adolescent is involved in violent/extreme groups (Exit) Our work towards children of mentally ill – COPMI - is very broad and we have a range of interventions – working in this since 1996, training professionals working with adult (treatment) to have the child in perspecive, groups for children, family counselling program, tools for professionals in kindergartens etc The Exit program was developed in the nineties during the growth of neo-Nazi groups in Norway, and was developed with the help of the police, and researchers into extremism Exit helps families by preventing adolescents from joining these groups, supports families where adolescents do join, and also in splitting up groups where they form.

8 Voksne for Barn - voicing children’s interest
National network of volunteers (Spokespersons) Advocacy on behalf of children Help put children and their interests on the agenda Representing VfB in various forums when children and young adults interests should be safeguarded Contribute so children get invited to participate and influence matters of importance to them. Our org need to serve as advocates on behalf of young service-users, as well as inviting young people to share their thoughts and ideas directly to professionals and decisionsmakers Advocating on behalf of young service-users at a national and local level. Support them to find their way in the system Inviting young users to share their experiences and thoughts on how to improve and develop services

9 User participation Legislated right
Promotes mental health and well-being Important experience-based knowledge from young users, when developing and improving mental health services 1989 The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child ratified in Norway 1999 Norwegian National Action plan for Mental Health emphasising the users right to participate and influence Participation is a legal right in Norway. Participation can also contribute to MH and well-being. Many of the young service-users who have been involved in our work have reported that the feeling of being in control of what’s going on in your life, that you are able to express your wishes and make your voice heard to the effect that it has consequences for what’s happening in your life is a major source of positive mental health. They also talk about the empowering experience of being able to contribute to the improvement of services by sharing their - often painful – experiences and thoughts on how things can be done differently. ”To actually know that things from my history can teach professionals to do things in a different way, so that others don’t have to go through the same things as I had to, is really powerful. It makes me feel strong.”

10 Voksne for Barn Mental health at schools – the Zippy Friends program

11 Zippy’s Friends International program licensed from Partnership for Children More than 600 schools – run since 2005 Taught to 5 – 7 year-olds Teaches coping and social skills Feelings, communication, friendship, conflict, change and loss, making a new start

12 Now running in 27 countries around the world.
The program has been widely evaluated. The most recent published research showed that the program improved children coping skills, reduced bullying and improved the classroom climate.

13 Pyramid for whole approach of copmi mental health
Indicative interventions (FFI, treatment) Selective interventions (Copmi) Universell interventions (Zippy’s Friends, awarness campaigns)

14 Interventions – and support – Children of severly ill parents
Let’s talk Coping groups FFI Family council

15 Interventions and support – children of severly ill parents
¨Coping groups Services Youth network (peer support)

16 Information – materials etc
website training Who can help Jesper

17 Leeflets/booklets Special website for parents, children and professionals Conferences and training Helpline ofr parents Hearings and PLA acitivites for children

18 Situation in Norway today:
Research program going on for 2 -3 more years The law is not yet implemented – new guidelines for the «children responsible» staff will be developed and implemented The cooperation between hospitals and local community services must be increased Voksne for Barn will contribute in addition to statutory services Childrens’ voice is most important but we also support cooperation with parents

19 Contact us also on the net!

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