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What does leadership mean to you?

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Presentation on theme: "What does leadership mean to you?"— Presentation transcript:

0 Are you the leader volunteers (and your organization) need you to be
Who Me? Are you the leader volunteers (and your organization) need you to be

1 What does leadership mean to you?
Take a moment to write your personal description of leadership – what actions, behaviors or attributes does a leader have?

2 Welcome! What makes a good leader?
Leading without positional authority The 4 Is of Transformational Leaders The 5 practices of Exemplary Leadership Transformational Leadership Skills

3 What does leadership mean to you?
How would you describe a good leader? What actions or qualities have you encountered in unsuccessful leaders?

4 You don’t have to be born a leader!

5 Low High Traits of Good Leaders Extravert Openness Agreeable Neurotic
Conscientious Agreeable Openness Extravert Neurotic

6 Transac-tional Leader-ship

7 Transformational Leaders
Lead by example and inspiration not by positional authority Dependent on a vision that is exciting and beliveable Leaders and followers both advance and work toward a common goal Followers believe that there is more than self-gain in following

8 Idealized Influence Inspirational Motivation Individual Consideration
Serve as a role model Leaders ‘walk the talk’ Idealized Influence Inspire and motivate followers Leaders have charisma Inspirational Motivation Personal attention = best efforts Leaders show genuine concern Individual Consideration Encourage innovation & creativity Leaders are open & able to fail Intellectual Stimulation

9 Applying Transformational Leadership
5 practices of Exemplary Leaders Based on The Leadership Challenge by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner Evidence and research based Well-aligned for leading volunteers

10 Shared Vision

11 Enable Others to Act

12 Challenge the Process

13 Model the Way

14 Encourage the Heart

15 Share examples of good leaders using these practices:
Shared Vision Enable Others to Act Challenge the Process Model the Way Inspire the Heart

16 Which of these are effective in your organiza-tion?
Shared Vision Enable Others to Act Challenge the Process Model the Way Inspire the Heart

17 Assess your skills – Shared Vision
Envision the future Create a compelling vision Speak with conviction Understands future trends Paints the big picture Enlists others Invite others to dream Include how all benefit Solicit feedback Based on The Leadership Challenge Leadership Practices Inventory by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner

18 Assess your skills – Enable Others
Trust & collaboration Dignity & respect Cooperative relationships Involves others in decisions Strengthen others Learning opportunities Understand skills gap Freedom in doing work Based on The Leadership Challenge Leadership Practices Inventory by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner

19 Assess your skills – Challenge the Process
Look to improve Test & build your skills Identify milestones Take initiative Experiment & take risks Innovate & try new ways Respond to changes Ask ‘what can we learn’ Based on The Leadership Challenge Leadership Practices Inventory by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner

20 Assess your skills - Model the Way
Clarify values & vision Standards are followed Identify milestones Clear philosophy Set the example Sets a personal example Follow through on promises Ask for feedback on actions Based on The Leadership Challenge Leadership Practices Inventory by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner

21 Assess your skills - Encourage the Heart
Recognize contributions Praise good work Share confidence in work Creative recognition Celebrate victories Public recognition of values Tell encouragement stories Personally celebrate Based on The Leadership Challenge Leadership Practices Inventory by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner

22 Where do you have skills?
Where do you need to build skills? Shared Vision Enable Others to Act Challenge the Process Model the Way Inspire the Heart

23 Be mindful of actions & behaviors
Build New Skills Be mindful of actions & behaviors Identify strengths Address skills gap Fall forward Solicit feedback

24 What can you do to build transformational leadership skills?
Small, immediate actions Longer-term goals Align with the needs of your organization

25 Resources Transformational Leadership
leadership html 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership Approach.aspx Applying Transformational Leadership leadership/200903/are-you-transformational-leader

26 Thank You! Jennifer Bennett, CVA Senior Manager, Education & Training
VolunteerMatch @JenBennettCVA

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