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PI: Lin Wei Co-PIs: K. Muthukumarappan, James Julson, Jimmy Gu

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1 Oil Extraction from non-food Oilseeds for Renewable Aviation Fuel Production
PI: Lin Wei Co-PIs: K. Muthukumarappan, James Julson, Jimmy Gu Department of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering South Dakota State University March 2015

2 Background Funded by DOT and SD Oilseeds Council through NC Sun Grant Initiative in Aug The goal is to economically produce military specific aviation fuels from non-food oil seeds using proven processes. Non-food oilseed crops including brown mustard, carinata, sunflower, rape, cranbe, camalina, field pennycress, and flax seeds. Evaluate the best oilseed species and cost-effective oil extraction technologies.

3 Objectives Investigate solvent extraction , cold press, and novel continuous extraction to develop cost effective technologies for oil extraction from non-food oilseeds Examine the effects of oilseed crops growth and oil extraction processes on fat acid profile (FAP) of the oils produced Upgrade the vegetable oils into aviation fuels

4 Methods Solvent (Hexane) extraction Cold press
determine the upper limit of available oil from the oilseeds screen the best oilseed species Cold press To determine optimal conditions for oil extraction Evaluate economic feasibility of cold press Novel continuous extrusion extraction combine high shear extrusion and high efficient solvents Evaluate economic feasibility of extrusion method

5 Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) Separates Oil and solvent mixture
Run with 10 g of sample About 15 min oil extraction time 16 ml. solvent consumption Oil+Hexane mixture Hexane recovered Oil ASE System For oil extraction RotoVap System Separates Oil and solvent mixture

6 Carinata oil yield rates by hexane extraction
Treat. Cond. Time (min) Temp (°C) Oil yield rate (%) 1 40 80 31.50±0.04 2 100 31.67±0.13 3 120 33.10±0.14 4 65 32.70±0.01 5 33.02±0.17 6 33.29±0.13 7 90 32.82±0.31 8 34.40±0.32 9 33.89±0.13

7 Characterization of carinata oils
Time (min) Temp (°C) Heating value (MJ/kg) Density (kg/m3) Viscosity (cp) Acid value 40 80 40.01±0.21 923.57±2.12 61.27±1.61 5.58±0.21 100 40.15±0.03 924.73±1.41 65.51±1.12 4.54±0.08 120 40.04±0.20 913.24±1.54 58.45±0.71 5.01±0.38 65 40.29±0.02 930.43±1.36 71.50±0.71 5.04±0.07 40.20±0.41 928.27±1.83 72.75±0.35 4.65±0.17 40.21±0.05 926.58±1.95 66.85±1.98 4.50±0.08 90 40.37±0.13 924.21±1.41 64.15±1.41 4.47±0.04 40.49±0.14 924.51±1.95 72.50±0.71 4.67±0.11 40.42±0.36 922.12±1.41 67.15±1.83 4.49±0.03

8 Cold press for oil extraction
Sunflower Safflower Mustard Flax Canola Feeding cone Motor Extraction meal Oil press Oil VFD

9 Brassica carinata oil and meal yield
Nozzle dia. (inch) Speed (Hz) Seed quantity (kg) Meal (kg) Oil (kg) Oil yield rate, % 0.2 15 2 1.3 0.7 34 20 35 25 0.3 1.4 33 0.6 32 0.5 27 28

10 Brassica carinata oil characterization Calorific value (MJ kg-1)
Nozzle (in) Speed (Hz) Calorific value (MJ kg-1) Density (kg m-3) Viscosity 20°C Acid value Oil water content (%) 0.22 15 40.40 ± 0.2 872.7 ±8.5 70.0 ± 0.8 1.76 ± 0.2 0.06 20 40.32 ± 0.2 870.7 ±2.8 70.4 ± 1.2 1.78 ± 0.1 0.05 25 40.57 ±0.3 874.6 ±10.4 70.5 ± 1.3 1.73 ± 0.1 0.25 40.19 ± 0.7 878.3 ±6.2 70.3 ± 0.8 1.74 ± 0.1 40.51 ±0.1 874.7 ± 4.9 71.5 ± 1.1 1.80 ± 0.2 0.07 40.47 ±0.1 871.4 ±10.5 71.4 ± 0.9 1.73 ± 0.2 0.28 40.44 ±0.1 875.1 ± 6.3 69.9 ± 0.9 40.36 ±0.3 876.9 ± 11.2 70.5 ± 1.1 40.48 ±0.1 879.5 ± 2.6 69.5 ± 0.7 1.77 ± 0.1

11 Continuous Extrusion-Solvent Extraction
Combine high shear extrusion and high efficient solvents to efficiently extracting oils from different oilseeds for further conversion into aviation fuels. Using a single screw extruder to determine the upper limit of available oil from the oilseeds Combine with solvent extraction Quality analysis of the extracted oils Equipment: Single-screw extruder (Brabender, Plasti-Corder (PL 2000)

12 Extrusion conditions Evaluating of the effect of extrusion temperature and rotating speed on oil extraction yield & quality SAE extracted Canola oils and meals T (˚C) SS (rpm) 40 80 120

13 Characterization of canola oil and meal
Parameter Viscosity (mPa.s) Density (g/cm3) Water content (%) Heating value (MJ/kg) Oil content of meal (%) Temperature  (°C) 60 0.070 a 0.908 a 0.07 a 39.21 b 10.6 a (0.00) (0.01) (0.20) (0.54) 80 0.071 a 0.904 a 39.56ab 8.8 b (0.33) (1.34) 100 0.901 a 39.64 a 8.6 b (0.02) (0.55) (1.07) Screw-Speed (RPM) 40 0.912 a 39.74 a 10.3 a (0.57) (0.67) 0.900 a 39.37 ab 8.9 b (0.14) (1.42) 120 0.902 a 0.068 a 39.31 b 8.74 b (0.32) (1.45)

14 Catalytic cracking of vegetable oils for hydrocarbons
Reaction conditions Preheat at 450°C Catalytic cracking at 500°C ~ 1.5 bar (23 psi) Vegetable oil Pump Furnace 1 Preheat Furnace 2 Catalytic upgrading Hydrocarbon fuels Non-condensable gases Fixed-bed Tubular Reactor Catalysts used No catalyst ZSM-5 ZSM-5-Zn-10 ZSM-5-Zn-20 ZSM-5-Zn-30

15 Converting Camelina oils into hydrocarbon fuels
upgraded oil Hydrocarbon fuel

16 Product yield rates of oil cracking
The product yields of camelina oil cracking at different conditions

17 Characterization of upgraded oils
Catalyst Viscosity (cP) Moisture (%) Density (g/mL) HHV (MJ/Kg) No catalyst 9.50±0.53 0.73±0.04 0.85±0 40.9±0.17 ZSM-5 1.88±0.04 0.16±0.01 0.88±0 41.9±0.08 ZSM-5-Zn-10 1.73±0.01 0.13±0.01 0.86±0.01 42.2±0 ZSM-5-Zn-20 6.14±0.21 0.60±0.08 0.85±0.01 42.7±0.07 ZSM-5-Zn-30 4.20±0.16 0.39±0 0.84±0 43.0±0.12 Zn loading levels affected biofuel properties. The viscosity, moisture content and density decreased but higher heating value increased.

18 GC-MS analysis of oils and biofuels
Fatty Acids of Camelina oil were broken into hydrocarbons b) upgraded oil a) Camelina oil Fatty acids (camelina) Palmitic acid Linoleic acid Linolenic acid Oleic acid Stearic acid Relative contents (Area %) of various compounds in upgraded oil Compounds No catalyst ZSM-5 ZSM-5-Zn-10 ZSM-5-Zn-20 ZSM-5-Zn-30 Fatty acids 36.73 3.44 21.31 22.53 51.53 Hydrocarbons 29.02 40.09 64.15 77.48 45.19 Ketones - - 1.34

19 Analysis of non-condensable gases
The relative content of non-condensable gases produced from camelina oil cracking over different catalysts

20 Summary Completed oil extractions from Carinata seeds using cold press and solvent extraction methods. Characterization of the oils produced. Upgraded Camelina oil to hydrocarbon fuels that can be used for aviation fuel production Developed Zn/ZSM-5 catalysts for Camelina oil upgrading.

21 Future plans… We will use the single screw extruder and green solvents (Terpenes) simultaneously to extract the oils from more oilseeds. Oil qualities of extracted oil will also be evaluated. Optimize catalytic cracking for vegetable oil upgrading into hydrocarbon fuels

22 Funding supported by DOT:
Acknowledgements Team members: Bishnu Karki (postdoc) Xianhui Zhao (PhD student) Umesh Lohani (PhD student) Sample analyses helped by: Dr. Douglas Raynie Ms. Changling Qiu and Ms. Shanmugapriya Dharmarajan in the Chemistry Dept. at SDSU Funding supported by DOT:

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