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Chapter 19 World War II.

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1 Chapter 19 World War II

2 The actions of Japan and Germany paved the way for WWII.
Main Idea Hitler’s theory of Aryan racial domination laid the foundation for aggressive expansion. The actions of Japan and Germany paved the way for WWII.

3 I. German Path to War Hitler proposed that Germany be able to revise the unfair provisions of the Treaty of Versailles. By 1935, he had created a new air force and began a military draft. Because of the Great Depression, leaders of other nations were not prepared to take him on.

4 March 1936, Hitler sends troops into the Rhineland. NO RESPONSE
This was the beginning of appeasement, or giving in to certain demands in order to keep peace. Germany also gained new allies; Germany & Italy (Rome-Berlin Axis) Germany & Japan (Anti-Comintern Pact) Germany, Italy, and Spain


6 By 1937, Germany was a very powerful nation.
One of Hitler’s goals was to annex Austria. By 1938, Hitler does so with the help of Austrian Nazis. NO RESPONSE

7 In 1938, Hitler demanded the Sudetenland. G. B
In 1938, Hitler demanded the Sudetenland. G.B., France, and Italy give in to all of Hitler’s demands at the Munich Conference. NO RESPONSE After the Munich Conference, G.B.’s prime minister (Neville Chamberlain) believed that Hitler wouldn’t want anymore land.

8 Believing that France & G. B
Believing that France & G.B. would not fight, Hitler then invades Czech. This act begin to get countries thinking about stopping Hitler. G.B. said that it would protect Poland if Hitler invaded it. G.B. and France start negotiations with who? Joseph Stalin (U.S.S.R.)

9 Hitler was afraid of an alliance with the West and U. S. S. R. In Aug
Hitler was afraid of an alliance with the West and U.S.S.R. In Aug. 1939, Germany and USSR sign the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact which promised not to attack each other. Sept. 1, Germany invades Poland. Two days later, G.B. and France declare war on Germany.

10 II. Japanese Path to War Sept. 1931, Japanese soldiers seized Manchuria. When League of Nations investigated and condemned the attack, Japan w/drew from the league. Japan renamed Manchuria, Manchukuo.


12 Chiang Kai-shek (Chinese leader) tried to appease Japan by allowing Japanese to occupy parts of northern China. This did not stop Japan from advancing further south. Reasons for Japanese invasion of Manchuria; 1. wanted its natural resources 2. wanted to est. a new world order

13 By the 1930’s, Japan had begin to cooperate with Germany
By the 1930’s, Japan had begin to cooperate with Germany. The Japanese thought that they and Germany could defeat the USSR and divide its vast resources. The Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact forced Japan to rethink their goals. In 1940, Japanese demanded the right to take economic resources from French Indochina. U.S. responded by imposing economic sanctions (restrict on trade) on them.

14 The Japanese needed oil and scrap iron from the U. S
The Japanese needed oil and scrap iron from the U.S. These sanctions were a real threat to them. Japan and its military leaders (Tojo)decided to take a chance and launch a surprise attack on the U.S.

15 Ch.19 Sec.2 Course of WWII

16 Main Ideas The bombing of Pearl Harbor created a global war bet. the Allied and Axis forces. Allied perseverance and effective military operations brought an end to WWII. Terms Blitzkrieg, Partisan

17 I. Europe at War The 1939 invasion of Poland by Germany just took four weeks. They did so by a technique called blitzkrieg (lightning war). What did Germany promise USSR? half of Poland Sept 28, 1939, Germany & USSR divided Poland

18 Spring of 1940, Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, and France.
France had fortified its border with Germany along the Maginot Line, but German forces went around it. Germans trapped the entire British army and French forces on the beaches of Dunkirk. 338,000 Allied troops were evacuated.


20 June 22, French sign an armistice with the Germans (Marshal Henri Petain) Germany now controlled western & central Europe. Who is the only undefeated country left? Who do they ask for help?

21 U.S. had a strict policy of isolationism.
FDR sent food, ships, planes, and weapons to G.B. Hitler’s air force (Luftwaffe) began a major bombing offensive against target in G.B. Because of a good radar system, the British fought back the Germans.

22 Having lost the Battle of Britain, Hitler postponed the invasion of Britain.
Hitler now thinks the best way to defeat G.B. is to first defeat USSR. WHY? Hitler wanted to invade USSR in spring of 1941, but was delayed because Italians had failed to capture Greece. Hitler aids the Italians and seizes Greece and Yugo. in Apr. 1941

23 Hitler invaded USSR in June 1941
Hitler invaded USSR in June The Germans were 25 miles from Moscow, but something came early? This was the first time the Germans had been stopped. The Germans were not equipped for the bitter Russian winter.

24 II. Japan at War What happened Dec. 7, 1941?
By spring 1942, Japanese controlled all of SE Asia and much of the Pacific

25 The Japanese thought their attacks on the U. S
The Japanese thought their attacks on the U.S. would lead them to accept Japanese domination in the Pacific. DID IT? Hitler thought that Americans would be too involved in the Pacific to fight in Europe, so he declared war on the U.S. four days later.


27 III. The Allies Advance G.B. , USSR, USA = Great Alliance
Germany, Italy, Japan = Axis Powers By 1942, British had stopped the German troops in N. Africa at El Alamein. THE WAR HAD TURNED AGAINST THE GERMANS

28 On the Eastern Front, Hitler decided to attack Stalingard, but the Soviets counterattacked and surrounded the Germans. May 1943 the Germans were forced to surrender. The Allies (American navy) stopped the Japanese from invading Australia at the Battle of Coral Sea

29 TURNING POINT June 1942, Battle of Midway Island was the turning point in the Pacific war. U.S. planes destroyed four Japanese aircraft carriers. Douglas MacArthur was an American commander in the Pacific that led missions in Philippines, Indonesia, and other Japanese islands.

30 IV. Last Years of the War After the Allies captured Sicily, Mussolini was removed from office, but later was put in charge of a puppet state in northern Italy by the Germans.

31 Allied plan? 1. Open a second front in western Europe. 2. Invade France from G.B. June6, 1944 (D-Day), the Allies landed on the beaches in Normandy under the command of Dwight Eisenhower. The Germans were slow to respond, but put up heavy resistance. The Allies landed 2 million men and half-million vehicles at Normandy.

32 By Jan. 1945, Hitler had moved into an underground bunker in Berlin.
Who did he blame for the war? April 28, Mussolini was killed (partisians) April 30, Hitler committed suicide May 7, 1945 War in Europe was over

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