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The Days of Military Honour of the Great Patriotic War

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1 The Days of Military Honour of the Great Patriotic War
Author: Nenyuk V. V.

2 The Days of Military Honour are the days of Russian troops won great victories, which influenced on the history of Russia. I`d like to tell about triumphant days of the Great Patriotic War, because in my opinion this war greatly affected the future of my motherland. It costed my nation dear, and each victory during the war was very important.

3 Battle of Moscow The Battle of Moscow began on September 30, 1941 and ended on April 20, It was one of the first huge successes of Soviet Army. Our military forces retreated and suffered defeats before it, but in the end of two-months heroic defense of Moscow the general offensive of Nazi troops was stopped. Hitler`s plan of capturing Moscow was ruined.

4 Thereafter Soviet troops assumed a counter-offensive and threw enemy back from the capital. It was the first major defeat of the Nazis in the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War, which meant a complete collapse of the plan for a quick war.

5 Battle of Stalingrad The Battle of Stalingrad lasted from 17 July 1942 to 2 February It is considered the largest ground battle between Soviet troops and the forces of the Axis countries. Soviet troops exhausted bursting to the Volga German-fascist groups and forced them to go on the defensive.

6 Then Soviet Army launched the counter-offensive and smashed the enemy forces North-West and South of Stalingrad, surrounded and eliminated the 300-strong group of Nazi troops. This victory was a cause of the radical change in the course of the Patriotic war. The enemy lost the initiative, Soviet troops began exile him from the Soviet Union.

7 Battle of Kursk The Battle of Kursk lasted from 5 July to 23 August It was one of the most large-scaled and significant battles of the Second World War and the greatest tank battle in history.

8 As the result of attack of Soviet army several groups of Nazis were defeated and their strategic bases were liquidated. This battle led to a radical change in the war, the Red army carried out mainly offensive and liberated the country from Nazi invaders after it.

9 Lifting of Siege of Leningrad
The siege of Leningrad started on 8 September 1941 and was lifted on 27 January It was the one of the most tragic and destructive event of the Great Patriotic War. Hundreds of thousands city dwellers died because of hunger, cold and enemy attacks during siege. The city was defending 872 terrible and torture days despite the efforts of the enemy.

10 Leningrad didn`t give up, it held up the great amount of Nazi`s troops and thus helped Soviet troops to carry out operations in all other areas of the vast front. The siege ring was broken on 18 January The enemy was routed and fled on 27 January. So blockade was lifted and city got the long-awaited liberation.

11 Victory Day The Victory Day in Russia is celebrated on May 9 in honour of Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. The German Instrument of Surrender, meant the end of the Great Patriotic War and the end of the Second World War in Europe, was signed on this day in 1945.

12 That happy day was celebrated as the most important in the history of Russia and Soviet Union. People congratulated each other, embraced, kissed and cried on the streets.

13 In conclusion I want to say, that the Victory in the Great Patriotic War is the most important holiday of the last century. Only with this victory we can live in the world that surrounds us. We can live in peace. We can live... So we shouldn`t forget the heroic deeds of our ancestors, we must hold the memory of the Days of Military Honour sacred and celebrate this holidays.

14 Thank you for attention!

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