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Stewart’s Stew December 7th – 11th A Peek at Our Week: Important Dates

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1 Stewart’s Stew December 7th – 11th A Peek at Our Week: Important Dates
We are Learning: Math-Continue multiplication practice with lesson 9.5 on multiplication of 7 factors; Lesson 9.6 on comparing different strategies to solve problems; Introduce area with lessons 22.2 and 22.3 on Estimating and measuring area of plane figures and exploring the relationship of area of a figure. ****Multiplication flashcards should be done nightly with your child. Social Studies - Chapter 2, Lesson 4 on pages 78-83; Quiz on Wednesday Grammar-Future-Tense Verbs Reading- Weekly Story “What Do Illustrators Do?” on pages Vocabulary words: instance-an example of something illustrate-draw a picture to explain written text or decorate it style- a particular way of doing something texture—how something looks or feels sketches—rough drawings that are done quickly suggestions—to offer ideas or plans Spelling-Words with oi, oy coy 7. noise 13. choice misread soil 8. loyal soybean noisy foil 9. boiled joyful checkpoint toil 10. spoiled 16. unhappy coins 11. enjoys retold A Peek at Our Week: Important Dates Monday- Day 5—Music and Recorder Class Tuesday- Day 6 -- Computer Wednesday-Day 1– Art; Social Studies Quiz Thursday-Day 2—Book Exchange Friday—Day 3—Gym; Spelling and weekly Reading test; Wear Christmas Socks! Santa Shop—Thursday, December 10th Wear Christmas Socks-Friday, Dec. 11th December 15th –Music Program 2:30 December 18th –Santa Hat Day! December 21st —Christmas Centers! Wear your PJs to school! December 23rd – Christmas Parties! Early Dismissal 12:25 *We are collecting Macaroni and Cheese for Baskets of Love NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION  The Punxsutawney Area School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability in its admission procedures, educational programs, activities, or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX and Section For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact Gerald G. Gigliotti (Title IX Coordinator) at Punxsutawney Area High School, 500 North Findley Street, Punxsutawney, PA Telephone: (814) , ext or Kate Shaffer (Section 504 Coordinator) at Punxsutawney Area High School, 500 North Findley Street, Punxsutawney, PA Telephone: (814) , ext

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