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Haubein Herald The Book Fair is Coming!

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1 Haubein Herald The Book Fair is Coming!
Martin Luther School November 2, 2012 Haubein Herald Volume Issue 9 A Preview of Next Week Reading-Tale of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Peter Hatcher thinks of himself as a fourth grade nothing. His biggest problem is his little brother Fudge. He is always into something. Peter learns many valuable lessons in this delightful book by Judy Blume. Math-decade, century, millennium, time zones, multiples of 10 ,100, 1,000 and 10,000, linear measurement, and pie graphs Religion-Exodus, Songs of Moses and Miriam, God Appears on Mount Sinai Spelling-Words with /ur/ Shurley English-prepositions, prepositional phrases, pronouns, and conjunctions Social Studies-Three branches of government Science-Characteristics of a plant, parts of a plant Spelling Words curve learned curly pearl purse further turtle urgent burning hurried earth earned purpose surface overhead rehearse current disturb furniture research Mark Your Calendars! Grandparents Day will be celebrated on Friday, November 9 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. We will start with Chapel at 11:30, have lunch, time for shopping in the book fair, picture portraits, talent show, refreshments, and a craft project. Please let me know how many grandparents/friends to expect and if they will be joining us for lunch. If grandparents are not available, please me know. We have church members who love to come and spend the day with our students. Food Drive Our second quarter chapel project is a food drive. We encourage the children and their families to help us with this most worthy cause. Next week we will still be collecting canned vegetables. As the quarter proceeds we will encourage the children to bring other non-perishable food items to share. We are still collecting offerings as well to buy hams, turkeys, cheese, etc. for the food baskets. Books of the Bible The third and fourth grade students are memorizing, or relearning, the books of the Bible. We are starting with the Old Testament, then moving to the New Testament, and finally, reciting the books of the entire Bible. We will be working all quarter on this project, but some of the children have already memorized the Old Testaments books. Each child has a sheet with all the books of the Bible to help them with their memory work. Helping your child with their memory work at home would be greatly appreciated. Memory Verse For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21 The Book Fair is Coming! MLS will be having a book fair on Thursday and Friday, November 8 and 9. The children will have many opportunities to purchase books during the two day period. If you have any questions please let me know.

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