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Child Sexual Exploitation Master Class

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1 Child Sexual Exploitation Master Class
Birmingham Safeguarding Children’s Board National Working Group Leon Bonas Child Sexual Exploitation Coordinator Birmingham Safeguarding Children’s Board

2 Domestics: Fire Alarms Toilets Smoking Timings of the day
Refreshments / Lunch

3 Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
Birmingham Children’s Hospital Brook Sexual Health Service School Nurses Lifeline Birmingham LAC Nurse Team Heart of England NHS SIFA Fireside Birmingham Women’s Hospital West Midlands Sexual Assault Referral Centre NHS: SAFE Project NHS: Healthy Gay Life Broadway Academy Birmingham City University Holy Trinity Catholic Media Arts College Heartlands Academy

4 Stockland Green School Swanshurst School Yardleys School
Queensbridge School ARK Kings Academy Stockland Green School Swanshurst School Yardleys School Lindsworth School Hillcrest School and Sixth Form Centre Holyhead School Selly Oak Trust School Holte School Shenley Academy Fairfax School Bournville College Hamstead Hall Academy St Edmund Campion RC School The International School

5 Barnardos Birmingham Social Care Education Welfare Service Sexually Harmful Behaviour Team Birmingham City Council Residential Children’s Service West Midlands Police Schools Admission and Pupil Placement Away Forward Foundation Birmingham Youth Offending Service NSPCC Gangs Task Force Spurgeons / Phoenix Project Bromford Housing St Basils YMCA Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid Birmingham City Council Housing Department

6 Youth Service West Midlands Fire Service Queen Elizabeth II Hospital – Selly Oak Moseley and District Housing Association Sandwell Women’s Aid Birmingham Youth Court Coventry Children’s Services Birmingham City Council – Children’s Commissioning Team CRASAC Extended Schools Service Local Services Elected Members Regional CSE Coordinators

7 Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation
Directs local agencies to: develop local prevention strategies identify those at risk of being sexually exploited take action to safeguard and promote the welfare of particular children and young people who are being, or may be, sexually exploited and take action against those intent on abusing and exploiting children and young people in this way

8 Train the Trainer Event – CSE Master class
To start building the Birmingham CSE response network for advice and escalation; Identified CSE Champions within each organisation to drive forward CSE expertise – to assess and identify CSE in the knowledge that waiting for “concrete evidence” of exploitation is not feasible and leaves the young person at ongoing risk of rape; To start a clear programme of awareness raising across partners to disseminate research, messages, practice, procedures, response and resources from this and ongoing events; Demonstration within each partner inspection and performance framework of being compliant with the Birmingham Safeguarding Children’s Board CSE Strategy; Feedback requested by the Birmingham Safeguarding Children’s Board at 3 and 6 months; To use as a base for workshops around CSE;

9 CSE Case Audits Professionals were clear about associated CSE risk when the risk is medium to high. More work is needed to identify those needing early help; Young people not previously “believed” by professionals who were later assessed at high risk of CSE; Some effective use of the voluntary sector; Disruption planning appeared to focus on disrupting the behaviour of the victim as opposed to disrupting perpetrator behaviour; Some missed opportunities when prosecutions cannot be secured, such as use of licensing and civil legislation; Lack of effective intervention to tackle peer on peer grooming.

10 CSE Independent Review
Recommendation of a strategy based on the principles of: Shared responsibility; Integrated approach; Pro-active approach; Child-Centred approach; Recognising Criminality;

11 Young people assume that sexual violence is “normal” and inevitable;
“It’s wrong… but you get used to it” University of Bedfordshire, Office of Children’s Commissioner (November 2013) A Study of Gang-associated Sexual Violence Young people are frequently blamed and / or not believed about the harm they experience; Young people assume that sexual violence is “normal” and inevitable; Incidents of CSE are not being reported or adequately identified; Deep suspicion of the Police and Local Authorities

12 Birmingham CSE Strategy and Action Plan 2013
To gain a commitment of ownership to this strategy from the highest level within all agencies, the chief executive, lead member and elected members. To raise awareness of the risks of child sexual exploitation amongst children and young people, their parents and carers, professionals and the community, businesses, faith groups, and to ensure that prevention services are in place and that early intervention is available for children, young people, parents and carers To ensure that a safe, responsive and effective multi-agency service is provided to children and young people who are at risk of grooming or victims of child sexual exploitation. The coordination of services for those children and young people who are recovering survivors of child sexual exploitation.

13 To ensure that perpetrators of child sexual exploitation are disrupted and prosecuted and to effectively support and safeguard victims throughout this traumatic process. To ensure the effective arrangements for transfer of information to safeguard children and young people both inside and outside of Birmingham. Any transfer protocol will prioritise the needs of the victim. To engage the child, young person at risk of grooming into child sexual exploitation, including family and carers, within planning, support and disruption. To ensure that the delivery of this strategy is effectively evaluated through the LSCB sub group.

14 Some Progress: CSE awareness raising training still ongoing – Barnardos, LSCB, Children’s Society, CSE Coordinator delivering training; Operation Sentinel – West Midlands Police, Say Something If you See Something – Hotel campaign Agreed screening and risk assessment available for partners to assist with early identification found at Structured CSE risk assessment has led to more robust CSE action plans; City wide CSE Strategy and Action Plan agreed by all partners at Birmingham Safeguarding Children’s Board in November 2013; CSE allocated specific resources within it’s own rights; CSE Steering Group to implement plan and review; CSE Operational Group to monitor and action plan Performance framework introduced to hold agencies accountable; Commitment from Regional West Midlands partners to develop preferred national model of multi-agency co-located CSE teams in conjunction with Stephen Rimmer, West Midlands Strategic Lead Preventing Violence against Vulnerable People Data set of those known victims in Birmingham kept in nationally recognised format as recommended by University of Bedfordshire;

15 CSE Operational Group (previously MSET)
Monthly multi-agency forum to ensure that information about young children at risk of CSE is shared, reviewed and actioned to support co-ordinated joint activity to prevent abuse occurring; disrupt perpetrator activity and secure evidence to support criminal prosecutions The referral form can be found at:

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