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Fostering Excellence Through Knowledge and Innovation

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1 Fostering Excellence Through Knowledge and Innovation
18 April 2016 Fostering Excellence Through Knowledge and Innovation

2 Presentation Outline Introduction National RST Programme
Achievements and Planned Projects for NPRSTI Implementation Conclusion

3 Introduction RST Act of 2004 (Act no. 23 of 2004)
Section 4 establishes as a juristic person known as National Commission on Research, Science and Technology (NCRST) Objectives Ensure co-ordination, monitoring and supervision of RST in Namibia Promote and develop RST in Namibia Promote common ground in RST thinking across all disciplines Encourage and promote innovative and independent thinking and optimum development of intellectual capacity of people in RST Ensure dedicated, prioritised and systematic funding for RST Promote linkages between Namibia and international institutions and bodies on development of RST

4 National RST Programme
In terms of Section 18 of RST Act, 2004 National RST Programme Focus on NPRSTI 3 year programme (aligned with NDP cycle) Developed through Stakeholder consultations Approved by Cabinet (2015) 15 Thematic Priority Research Areas

5 RSTI Targets – how are we doing
National Research, Science, Technology and Innovation Programme (NRSTIP) 2014 to 2017 Toward a knowledge based society

Toward a knowledge based society Enabling policy and regulatory environment Building research capacities Promoting cooperation in R&I Disseminating scientific and technological knowledge Innovation in the economic and social sectors Social and Economic Enablers Health , Agriculture, Fisheries , Water, Energy, Indigenous knowledge, Social Sciences and Humanities Logistics, Environment and Tourism, Mining and Geosciences Technology Enablers ICT, Manufacturing technologies, Biotechnology, Space Science

7 Priority 1: Enabling policy and regulatory environment
Achievements and Planned Projects for NPRSTI Implementation Commenced in December 2015 with the Review of current RST Policy 1999 to formulate new STI Policy R&D and Innovation surveys in collaboration with NSA completed, report to be finalised in May 2016 National RSTI Priority set and NPRSTI Implementation plan of research activities for 15 priorities Priority 1: Enabling policy and regulatory environment Achieved Launch of the fist National R&D and Innovation Census Report; Biosafety Regulations Gazzetted and implemented; Development of the new STI Policy and Bill; Formulation of the of a 5 year NPRSTI for 2017/18 to 2022/2023 Planned

8 Achievements and Planned Projects for NPRSTI Implementation
NPRSTI 15 Priority Research Areas Research Activities for 15 Priorities Developed an Implementation Plan and Monitoring and Evaluation -Identified detailed annual work plans and with annual budget -Financing of Research activities through private and Public institutions Achieved Agricultures Identified 78 research activities to be undertaken over 3 years Budget of N$ 45 million Lead institutions – NGO, GRN and HEI Funding full committed

9 Achievements and Planned Projects for NPRSTI Implementation
In terms of Section 23 of RST Act, 2004 Achievements and Planned Projects for NPRSTI Implementation Funding Programmes PhD & Master’s research Research Projects calls and Bilateral Research Projects Funding Innovation 28 Master’s research supported at N$ 1.9 million invested and 30 PhD research at N$ 1,9 million invested 396 Applications Processed 136 projects valued at N$ 27.0 million funded 32 Innovators supported at N$5.5 million invested in 11 Projects

10 Achievements and Planned Projects for NPRSTI Implementation
Priority 2: Building research capacities Achieved

11 Agricultural related research projects funded (2013 to 2016)
Target Beneficiaries Expected Outcomes Total Agriculture projects Funded Female PI's Male PI"s Approved 2 year funding Collaborating Researchers 8 4 Individual Researchers & Students 11 7 Research Groups & Students - PhD Researchers 3 2 1 Youth Innovators Master's Researchers Total 25 14 PhD Master's Undergraduates Publications Patents Product / Service 2 5 3 4 18 9 1 7 11 21 14

12 Achievements and Planned Projects for NPRSTI Implementation
DISSEMINATION OF RESEARCH OUTPUTS National Research Symposium The NCRST successfully hosted the National Research Symposium (NRS) from 23 to 25 Septembers 2015. Funded National ICT Conference, UNAM Research Conference, and NUST Research Conference Priority 4: Disseminating scientific and technological knowledge Achieved Planned National Science Fair - September 2016 National Research Symposium - September 2016 Establishing the Namibia Women in Science, Engineering and Technology Chapter – by November 2016 Establishing the Academy of Sciences - by November 2016

13 Achievements and Planned Projects for NPRSTI Implementation
DISSEMINATION OF RESEARCH OUTPUTS Priority 4: Disseminating scientific and technological knowledge National STI Information Portal National repository and management centre for national STI information and related activities Conducted an stakeholders Information needs assessment Contributed financially to the publication of research articles in national Journals Published book of Abstract for papers presented at Symposium Achieved Planned Publish a book of abstracts for research supported by NCRST

14 Conclusion With the establishment of the NCRST we would expect:
improved coordination & funding of RSTI; and development policy and legislative instruments to support growth of the RSTI for national development. Need to bring industry and academia closer. Continue to deepen the commercialization efforts of research results . Enhance social innovation Improve system monitoring and evaluation

15 Thank You

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