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FIFTH GRADE 101 I believe the children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them.

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Presentation on theme: "FIFTH GRADE 101 I believe the children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIFTH GRADE 101 I believe the children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be… Deji Dugger, Tami King and Janet Krause Fifth Grade Fisher Elementary School

2 Introductions Deji Dugger – Science and Social Studies
Tami King – Reading and Language Arts Janet Krause – Math Kerri Groves – Resource Lab Teresa Potter – SEARCH Ruth Elassal – Speech Language Pathology Michelle Sisson – Speech Language Pathology Elvina Peak – English Language Learning Amy Chase – Media Specialist Heather Burns – Counselor Kathy Massey - Principal

3 Back to School Packet What You Signed in the Mass Chaos that was Back to School Week… Classroom Expectations and Consequences Permission to Display Work Parent Letter Information

4 Classroom Expectations
We will value one another as unique and special individuals. We will not laugh at or make fun of a person’s mistakes, nor use sarcasm or put-downs. We will use good manners, saying “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me,” and allow others to go first. We will cheer each other to success. We will help one another whenever possible. We will recognize every effort and applaud it. We will encourage each other to do our best. We will practice virtuous living using the Life Principles. Great Expectations Education Foundation

5 Permission to Display Work
Proud Papers Child’s choice Thursday folder or portfolio at the end of the year

6 Parent Letter Highlights
Assignments are due the following day unless otherwise noted. 20% deduction on late assignments. Assignments not turned in after two days will be recorded as missing. Math, social studies and science textbooks may be taken home at any time. Novels and reading textbooks may not leave the classroom. Graded papers will be sent home in Thursday Folders. Students may sometimes rework daily assignments receiving a grade of 69 or below; the average of the two grades will be recorded. Homeroom teachers will collect work for absent students; children will have one day for each day absent to complete missed work. Because of schedule changes, classroom assignments will not be given in advance.

7 Parent Letter Highlights
Students are required to log daily assignments/tests in an agenda book. Parents are expected to review and sign the agenda book every day. Consequences will be given for lack of consistency in obtaining parent signatures. Progress reports will be sent home in Thursday Folders approximately the fifth week of school. Please review, sign and return them promptly. Please monitor your child’s grades on Parent Portal; the grade books will be updated weekly.

8 Reading Expectations 2016-2017
Each student’s quarterly AR point goals are individualized based on his/her reading level. Point goals are figured on each student reading 45 minutes each day (20-30 minutes each evening and 15 minutes throughout the day). Two AR grades will be given each nine weeks: one for the percentage of points earned and one for the comprehension percentage. Students should score 85% correct or higher on quizzes. Fifth grade does not have scheduled media center times; students must take the initiative to return/re-check/find books. Four book reports – one each quarter

9 Ugly Bugs and RISE Projects
Ugly Bug Contest due date – September 8 (Thursday after Labor Day) Please send an individual bag of Model Magic Robotics, Invention, Science Fair, Engineering Information will be sent home this month

10 Technology STAR Math/Reading – quarterly assessments
Study Island – math and reading; kids CAN work on this at home #extrapractice  Google Classroom – accessible at home for assignments/projects iPads

11 OCCT Oklahoma Academic Standards
Fifth Grade Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests in THREE subjects: Math, ELA, and Science Testing in April Writing component in the reading assessment

12 Random Bits & Pieces Arrival Time – 8:45am
Falcon Landing – before/after school care, DHS-approved Absences/Tardies/Early Check-out 2 tardies = 1 absence 2 early dismissals = 1 absence Visitors’ Procedures – be sure to check in at the office and get a visitor’s badge!

13 Random Bits & Pieces /Phone Calls – correspondence is easiest and quickest; we’ll return phone calls as soon as we are able. Cell Phones – kids’ cell phones should remain in their backpacks throughout the day; they cannot have them at recess or lunch per district policy Extra Credit – parent signatures on study guides, early bird points on projects, additional opportunities at teachers’ discretion Field Trip! “Hairspray” presented by the Meyers Theatre at the Kirkpatrick Auditorium on OCU’s campus on September 30… permission slips in Thursday folders

14 Questions? Clarifications? Anything Else?

15 If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
~African Proverb

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